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Understanding SSL: Secure Socket Layer Explained

Learn about SSL, a security package for secure Internet communication, including encryption, authentication, data integrity, and more.

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Understanding SSL: Secure Socket Layer Explained

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  1. EEC 693/793Special Topics in Electrical EngineeringSecure and Dependable Computing Lecture 9 Wenbing Zhao Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cleveland State University wenbing@ieee.org

  2. Outline • Announcement • Midterm#1: March 20th, 4-6pm (moved from March 27th) • Secure Socket Layer • Pretty Good Privacy EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  3. SSL: The Secure Sockets Layer • SSL (Secure Sockets Layer): a security package for secure communication over Internet • Introduced in 1995, Netscape Communications Corp • SSL builds a secure connection between two sockets, including • Parameter negotiation between client and server • Mutual authentication of client and server • Secret communication • Data integrity protection EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  4. Secure Sockets Layer Documentation • The SSL Protocol version 3.0 Internet Draft:http://home.netscape.com/eng/ssl3/ssl-toc.html • The TLS Protocol version 1.0 Internet Draft: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2246.txt • "HTTP Over TLS" Information RFC: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt • SSL and TLS: Designing and Building Secure Systems by Eric Rescorla. Addison Wesley Professional, 2000 • Analysis of the SSL 3.0 Protocol, by David Wagner and Bruce Schneier, http://www.schneier.com/paper-ssl-revised.pdf EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  5. SSL: The Secure Sockets Layer • HTTPS (Secure HTTP): HTTP over SSL • Sometimes it is available at a new port (443) instead of the standard port (80) • Layers (and protocols) for home user using HTTPS EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  6. SSL: The Secure Sockets Layer • SSL consists of two main subprotocols: • handshake protocol • record protocol • SSL supports multiple cryptographic algorithms • The strongest one uses triple DES with three separate keys for encryption and SHA-1 for message integrity • For ordinary e-commerce applications, RC4 is used with a 128-bit key for encryption and MD5 is used for message authentication EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  7. SSL: The Secure Sockets Layer Application software SSL Change Cipher Spec Protocol Application Data SSL Handshake Protocol SSL Alert Protocol SSL Record Layer Protocol TCP EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  8. SSL HandshakeProtocol ClientKeyEx EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  9. SSL HandshakeProtocol • Message #1: Client hello • SSL version; Random structure (timestamp and nonce); Session id; CipherSuites; Compression methods • Message #2: Server hello • SSL version*; Random structure (timestamp and nonce); Session id; CipherSuite*; Compression method* * selection based on client’s preference by the server EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  10. SSL HandshakeProtocol • Message #3: Server certificate (server key exchange message would be sent if there is no certificate) • Message #4: Server hello done • To indicate the end of the server hello and associated messages EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  11. SSL HandshakeProtocol • Message #5: ClientKeyExchange - RSA encrypted premaster secret message • 48-byte long (version number and random bytes), encrypted using server’s public key EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  12. SSL HandshakeProtocol • Message #6&8: Change cipher spec • Sent by both client and server to notify receiving party that subsequent records will be protected under the new CipherSpec and keys • The client sends a change cipher spec message following handshake key exchange and certificate verifymessages (if any) • The server sends one after successfully processing the key exchange message it received from the client EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  13. SSL HandshakeProtocol • The Change cipher spec message is an independent SSL Protocol content type, and is not actually an SSL handshake message • This is designed as a performance improvement • This message cannot be combined with the finished message (change cipher spec is unencrypted [or encrypted using the previous session key] and the finished message is encrypted using the new session key) EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  14. SSL HandshakeProtocol • Message #7&9: Finished • Sent immediately after a change cipher specsmsg • The finished message is the first protected with the just-negotiated algorithms, keys, and secrets • No acknowledgment of the finished message is required; parties may begin sending confidential data immediately after sending the finished message EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  15. SSL HandshakeProtocol Output Server Random Pre-master Secret Client Random Master Secret Key Block Server Write Client Write Server IV Clint MAC Server MAC Client IV EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  16. SSL HandshakeProtocol Output • Master secret: computed based on the premaster secret and the nonces proposed by the client and the servermaster_secret = MD5(pre_master_secret + SHA('A' + pre_master_secret + ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)) + MD5(pre_master_secret + SHA('BB' + pre_master_secret + ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)) + MD5(pre_master_secret + SHA('CCC' + pre_master_secret + ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)); • Session keys, MAC secrets, and IVs: the master secret is used as an entropy source, and the random values provide unencrypted salt material and IVs for exportable ciphers EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  17. SSL HandshakeProtocol Output • To generate the key material, computekey_block = MD5(master_secret + SHA('A' + master_secret + ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) + MD5(master_secret + SHA('BB' + master_secret + ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) + MD5(master_secret + SHA('CCC' + master_secret + ServerHello.random + ClientHello.random)) + [...];until enough output has been generated EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  18. SSL HandshakeProtocol Output • Then the key_block is partitioned as follows:client_write_MAC_secret[CipherSpec.hash_size] server_write_MAC_secret[CipherSpec.hash_size] client_write_key[CipherSpec.key_material] server_write_key[CipherSPec.key_material] client_write_IV[CipherSpec.IV_size] /* non-export ciphers */server_write_IV[CipherSpec.IV_size]/* non-export ciphers */ EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  19. SSL Record Protocol • MAC = hash(MAC_write_secret + pad_2 + hash(MAC_write_secret + pad_1 + seq_num + length + content)); <= 16 KB each Why? EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  20. SSL and TLS • In 1996, Netscape Communications Corp. turned SSL over to IETF for standardization. The result was TLS (Transport Layer Security) • It is described in RFC 2246 • The changes made to SSL were relatively small, but just enough that SSL version 3 and TLS cannot interoperate • The TLS version is also known as SSL version 3.1 EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  21. E-Mail Security • PGP– Pretty Good Privacy • PEM – Privacy Enhanced Mail • S/MIME EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  22. PGP – Pretty Good Privacy • PGP (Pretty Good Privacy): e-mail security package that provides privacy, authentication, digital signatures, and compression, all in an easy-to-use form • Created by Zimmermann, released in 1991 • Zimmermann is a privacy advocate whose motto is: If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy • The complete package, including all the source code, is distributed free of charge via the Internet • Due to its quality, price (zero), and easy availability on UNIX, Linux, Windows, and Mac OS platforms, it is widely used today EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  23. PGP – Pretty Good Privacy • PGP encrypts data by using a block cipher called IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) • It has been patented and OpenPGP has stopped using it • Key management uses RSA • Data integrity uses MD5 • Compression uses the ZIP program, which uses the Ziv-Lempel algorithm (Ziv and Lempel, 1977) • Compression saves bandwidth • It also wipes out the frequency information contained in the plaintext. In effect, it converts the plaintext into junk EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  24. PGP – Pretty Good Privacy • PGP in operation for sending a message EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  25. PGP – Pretty Good Privacy • Alice sends an email P to Bob using PGP: • Both Alice and Bob have private (DX) and public (EX) RSA keys. Assume that each one knows the other's public key • PGP first hashes Alice’s message, P, using MD5, and then encrypts the resulting hash using her private RSA key, DA • The encrypted hash and the original message are concatenated into a single message, P1, and compressed using the ZIP program, the output of this step is P1.Z EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

  26. PGP – Pretty Good Privacy • Next, PGP prompts Alice for some random input. Both the content and the typing speed are used to generate a 128-bit IDEA message key, KM • KMis now used to encrypt P1.Z with IDEA in cipher feedback mode • In addition, KMis encrypted with Bob's public key, EB. These two components are then concatenated and converted to base64 EEC693: Secure & Dependable Computing

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