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Anchor City Championship is pushing new boundaries. This season we’re bringing the Cricketing action to Navi Mumbai and Thane to give you an opportunity to be a part of the original ACC cricket community. NAVI MUMBAI & THANE
Concept SCC is a cricket club for passionate amateur cricketers. It brings together like-minded cricket enthusiasts from all facets of life. A player can register himself with SCC and be part of the below mentioned tournaments, which feature close to 150+ matches, spread over the course of the year. SCC facilitates 3 exciting tournaments a year for registered club members. The format is based on a unique points system, wherein each team will win points in every match of every tournament, including the Anchor Champions Trophy, held at an International venue. The team with the maximum points at the end of all 3 tournaments, will be declared the winner of the much coveted Anchor City Championship. The top two teams will qualify to battle it out at the Anchor Champions Trophy, while another two teams can be accommodated at a subsidised fee, subject to their tally of points.
The 3tournaments 2 3 1 Super sixes played with Test T20 rules. (March, 2019) Topteamscompeteataninternationalvenue.(May,2019) T20 matches played with the ‘Anchor Over’ twist. (January, 2019) Prize: INR1,00,000/ This will be in kind, players will earn thisfortheirwives. Prize: INR1,00,000/ Thiswillbeinkind,playerswill earnthisfortheirchildren. Prize: INR2,00,000/ Thiswillbeinkind for all the players THANE LEAGUE December, 2018 February, 2019 May, 2019 NAVI MUMBAI LEAGUE January, 2019 March, 2019 May, 2019
Merchandise T-shirt with the player's name 2 Customized track pants 1 Customized team Cap 1 Customized individual cricket kit bag 1 Note: Any additional orders will have to be placed 15 days prior tothetournamentandwillneedtobepurchased.
EligibilityCriteria • Participantsmustbeaged29yearsorabove. • Every team must have a roster of between 16-20players. • Onlyan16playerrosterwillbeallowedtoparticipatein theAnchor International ChampionsTrophy. • To participateintheAnchor InternationalChampionsTrophy, • aplayermusthaveplayed in the 2 prior tournaments of ACC 2018-2019 • Teams must have a Captain, Vice Captain and TeamManager. Only those with no prior professional cricket experience may contest (NA - NotAllowed) Ranji Trophy- NA Irani Trophy- NA NKP Salve Trophy -NA BCC I Corporate Trophy - NA Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy - NA IndianPremierLeague(IPL)-NA Kanga League (EFGH) - (gap of 5seasons) Duleep Trophy - NA Deodhar Trophy - NA Vijay Hazare Trophy -NA Kanga League (ABCD) -NA Times Shield (ABCD) -NA Inter State T20 Champioship, etc. -NA Times Shield (EF) - (gap of 5seasons)
Exceptions Allowed Two players allowed/ Team (By auction) Two players allowed/ Team (Byauction) Two players allowed/ Team - gap 7 seasons (By auction) Two players allowed / Team - gap 7 seasons (Byauction) KangaKnockouts Kanga (EFG) Times(EF) Kanga(ABCD) Times(ABCD) • Teams with any objections to other squads will have to communicate the same 10 days prior to the commencement of the tournament. • Player replacement is allowed only 4 times in the whole season. Only 1 player can be enrolled/replaced once before every tournament. • A player who has been part of the squad but not played any games in the NA category will not be allowed to play the tournament. • Captains are responsible to pick the team as per player eligibility. Any player found ineligible will not be allowed to play and the team will face a penalty as per the rules.
Features • APL,MFMAandACTwillbeplayedonsinglewicketgrounds. • Groundselectionisbasedpurelyonavailability. • White leather ball forAPL, MFMA andACT. • Professionalumpiresandscorersforallthegames. • Food,bottledwater,electrolyteandlemonadewillbeprovidedduring all thematches. • Professional onlinescorers. • Special customized merchandise & accessories will be made available overthecourseoftheseason. • Promotiononalloursocialmediahandles,websiteandapps. • Player engagements and activations on and off thepitch.
Live features on the Sportobuddyapp • Ongoing matchscoring • Livematchvideowithscoreoverlaysin3differentangles • Post matchsummary • Playersummary • Pitchreport • Draws andfixtures • Players and teampoints • Teamstatistics-preandpost-matchdata • Player details and statistics forviewing • Professionally clicked photographs available postgame
Community Building proposition • Our objective is to create a sense of community among amateur cricketers by showcasing the community building proposition. • This will involve using the player board to explain how players from Trawelltag Lions (Thane) will be a part of the Trawelltag Lions (Navi Mumbai). This will facilitate a sense of fraternity among the teams. • We could also further add value to the community angle by allowing members of the community to support their respective additional teams by either acquiring players for them or choosing their captain.
Registeryourself Register yourself A player can register himself and be a part of all tournaments for the year. Minimum Matches/ Tournament: - Anchor Premier League 3 - My Father My Anchor 3 - International Anchor Champions Trophy 2 Total 8 Payment / Player • Annual Registration: INR 22,000 per player (GST as applicable) • Above rate is applicable for playing all 2+1 tournaments • The top 2 teams, will battle it out at Anchor Champions Trophy held at an international venue. • Another 2 teams will be accommodated at a subsidised fee, subject to their tally of points.
Standard offerings for all partners • Banner & landing page on www.sportobuddycricketclub.com, www.sportobuddycricketclub.com/navimumbai, www.sportobuddycricketclub.com/thane • Social media promotions. • Email & SMS activities. • Brand logo display on the photo backdrop/ prize distribution backdrop during the events. • Sponsor’s brand logo on Sportobuddy & Sportobuddy Cricket Club website.
Social Media Promotions • Sportobuddy Facebook – 35,000 + 1.5 million impression • CTC Cyber – 1.2 million reach • Other mediums include – Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & Emailers. • Anchor City Championship Facebook – 866 + 1,50,000 impression • CTC Cyber – 80,000 • Other mediums include – Instagram, LinkedIn, Emailers
MainSponsor: • One dedicated digital hoarding at Hughes Road in Mumbai. (One month floating during match days). • Sponsor’s sports events will be executed by the Sportobuddy team at a subsidized fee. • Right of first refusal on the ACC sponsorship for the subsequent year. • Opportunity to get empaneled with the Anchor group for the supply to the corporate (Products/Services). • Sponsor’s brand logo will be placed above the league name. • Sponsor’s brand logo on Sportobuddy & Sportobuddy Cricket Club’s website. • Name on all merchandise including jerseys, caps, track pants, jackets and awards. • Logo on all marketing communications and collaterals. • Logo on all the backdrops including the pre/post event party. • Rights to use Sportobuddy and Sportobuddy Cricket Club logo for pre & post publicity. • Social media promotions (Facebook and Instagram with 35K followers). • Potential benefits from PR activities. • Three customised jackets for the team of title sponsor. • Innovative branding opportunities being made available at the ground based on mutual understanding. • Opportunities to promote exclusive offers via e-mail to the database of the league. • Opportunity to network with all players on the ground and at the pre-event party. • Dugout branding opportunity on the ground.
Co-Sponsor: • One dedicated digital hoarding at Hughes Road in Mumbai. (15 days floating during match days). • Sponsor’s brand logo below the league name shared with other Co-Sponsor. • Sponsor’s brand logo on Sportobuddy & Sportobuddy Cricket Club's website. • Name on all merchandise including jerseys, caps, track pants and jackets. • Logo on all marketing communications and collaterals. • Logo on all the backdrops including the pre/post event party backdrop. • Rights to use Sportobuddy and Sportobuddy Cricket Club logo for pre & • post-tournament publicity. • On ground branding opportunity during the match. • Social Media Promotions (Facebook and Instagram with 35K followers). • Innovative branding opportunities being made available at the ground based on mutual understanding. • Opportunities to promote exclusive offers via e-mail to the database of the league. • Opportunity to get empaneled with Anchor group for the supply to the corporate. (Products/Services). • Opportunity to network with all the players on the ground and at the pre-event party.
Team-Sponsor: • One dedicated digital hoarding at Hughes Road in Mumbai. (7 days floating during match days). • Teams will be allocated a location as per the captain’s residential / office area. • Brand display with the team name (e.g. Michelin Rhinos, Juhu). • Branding on player’s jerseys, track pants, caps and kit bags (As per the merchandise page). • Team composition rights shared with the captain. • Co-sponsorship rights for your respective team under revenue sharing. • Barter rights towards the team under revenue sharing with Sportobuddy. • Associate sponsorship rights for the team under revenue sharing with Sportobuddy. • Social Media Promotions (Facebook and Instagram with 35K followers). • Benefits from common PR activities. • Opportunities to promote exclusive offers via e-mail to the database of the league. • Customized jersey designs for the team sponsors. • On-ground branding (standees/ banners) offering special sales offer. • Brand logo display on the photo backdrop/ prize distribution backdrop during all events. VASHI Logo picked by the sponsor Sponsor's companyname Captain'sresidential/officeareaname