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Are you a professional marketer who wants to use your skills and expertise to establish a profitable career in sports?<br><br>Are you already working in sports but wondering how to advance your career in the marketing side of it?<br><br>Are you someone who has some amazing marketing ideas but doesnu2019t know how to get a head start and make a career in sports marketing?<br><br>Then we have the ideal course for you, which will teach you how to become a professional sports marketer in only six months.<br><br>Read more on: https://www.iismworld.com/become-a-certified-sports-marketer/
BecomeaCertifiedSportsMarketerinJust6 Months Areyouaprofessionalmarketerwhowantstouseyourskillsandexpertisetoestablisha profitable career in sports? Are youalreadyworkinginsportsbutwonderinghowtoadvanceyourcareerinthemarketing sideof it? Are you someone who has some amazing marketing ideas but doesn’t know how to get a head start and makea career in sportsmarketing? Thenwehavetheidealcourseforyou,whichwillteachyouhowtobecomeaprofessional sports marketerin onlysixmonths. Soundstoo goodtobetrue,right? Well,thatisthebeautyof our‘CertificateProgrammeinAdvancedSportsMarketing.’ Thisisacomprehensiveandpracticalcoursethatwillteachaspiringsportsloverseverything there is to know about the world ofSportsMarketing. Areyou curioustofindoutmore? Keep readingthisblog and discover howyou canenrol in this amazingcoursetoday!
Sports marketing is one of the fastest-growing and most competitive sectors in the marketing industry. It involves creating and delivering value to sports fans, athletes, teams, leagues, sponsors, and the media. It also requires a deep understanding of sports culture, consumer behaviour, andmarket trends. • That’s why we have designed this course to help you master the fundamentals and advanced concepts of sports marketing, from the basics of sports branding and sponsorship to the latest trendsandstrategies in digital and socialmedia. • CertificateProgrammeinAdvancedSports Marketing • The course details areas follows:– Duration-25 Saturday • Delivery-OnCampus • Eligibility-Graduation from a Recognised University (UGC/AICTE/DEC/AIU/State • Government)inanydisciplinealongwithMinimum2YearsofWorkExperienceinany Industry • Certificateconferred by- IISM. • ThiscoursewillbementoredbyMrVinitKarnik,BusinessHead-Entertainment,Sports • & Live Events Group M. He is a highly accomplished professional with over two decades of experience inthemedia,sports,and entertainmentbusiness inIndia.Facultymembers include Mr Vishnu Govind, Former Head-Marketing for Colorplus and Founder – Add Valorem and Mr. Pankaj Athawale, Entrepreneur, Founder – ewaste Hub and Trimurti Sportz. • Aftercompletion of thiscourse,youwillbeableto:– • Designandimplementfanengagementandactivationstrategies. • Analyse consumerBehaviourandmarketSegmentationintheContextofSportsmarketing. • Applyemergingtrendsinsportsmarketing,includinge-sportsmarketing,sportstourism,and sports analytics. • Identifyandimplementeffectivesponsorshipactivationstrategies. • Understand athletebranding andendorsement deals,and how to negotiate thesedeals. • Understand the basics of sports marketing, the evolution of the industry, and how to apply the marketingmixin sports.
Analyse sports analytics and big data to improve sports marketing campaigns Understand emergingtechnologies insportsmarketing, suchasARandVR,and howtouse them effectively. • Developleadershipandmanagementskillsinsportsmarketing. • Developadvanceddigitalmarketing andsocialmedia strategiesforsports. • ThebestpartisthatthecertificateofcompletionthatyoureceivefromIISMwillenhance your resume and portfolio. • So, what are you waiting for? If you are ready to take your sports marketing skills to the next level, then don’t miss this opportunity to enrol in our new ‘Certificate Programme in Sports Marketing.’ • Tolearnmoreaboutthecourse details,curriculum,fees,andenrolmentprocess,clickhere. Welook forward to seeingyou on ourcampus!