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Life at IISM July 2022

Life@IISM showcases the events that took place on & off the campus, along with the achievements of our students.<br><br>This July edition of Life@IISM has in store for you: -<br>Guru Purnima Celebrations at IISM campus organised by the students<br>IISM's Got Talent- an evening where IISM students showcased their talents apart from their sporting skills<br>IISM students who got placed at a reputed sports company<br>Rising Sports Stars of India<br>Blog on career opportunities in Sports Science<br>Blog on sports courses after 12th in India

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Life at IISM July 2022

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  2. GURUPURNIMACELEBRATIONS On the occasion of Guru Purnima, IISM students organized a grand event at the campus. The entireteamofIISMwerecalledinforthecelebrationandeveryoneweretouchedbythisgesture ofthestudents. The students presented our Founder Director, Mr.Nilesh Kulkarni & Co-founder Ms. Rasika Kulkarniwithhand-madeportraitstocommemoratetheirvaluablecontributioninenrichingthe studentslives.TheportraitsweremadebySYBSMstudentMs.AgnesJeena. Theeffortstakenbythemonorganizingtheeventsrepresenttheirmanagementandorganization skills.Thestudentsaddedseveralelementsofentertainmenttocreateasenseofnoveltyforthe faculty members. The entire team is proud of the fact that students organized everything right from the conceptualization to the execution of the event. Everyone was thrilled to witness the effortstakenbythestudents.

  3. IISM'SGOTTALENT Onaccountof'WorldYouthSkillsDay,'thestudentsofIISMorganizedIISM'sGotTalent,ashow where the students got a chance to showcase their skills apart from their excellent skills in sports.Theeventwascompletelyconceptualisedandexecutedbythestudents. We had 19 students performing various art forms like dancing, singing, gymnastics, stand-up comedy,andlastbutnottheleastshayari.Thepurposeofsucheventsistoencouragestudents tobethebestatculturalactivities.IISMdoesnotjustplanongroomingthestudentstoexcelin thefieldofsports,buttoalsoexcelinotherdomainsaswell.



  6. OURSTUDENTATWORK IISM congratulates TYBSM student Mr. Rahul Mutha for gettingappointedas'SeniorExecutive-SalesOperations' atFanaticSports. FanaticSportsisagloballeaderinSportsTicketing, Hospitality & ExperientialTravel.Theyhaveofficesin India, Singapore, Dubai and North America. Mr. Mutha's job is to handle the bookings for the forthcoming FIFA WorldCup2022Qatar,whilealso managingsome backendwork. IISM always believes that the students must seize every opportunitytogainexperienceandunderstandingofthe realworldofsports.Theseopportunitiesandlearningswillhelpthembecometheidealsporting professionalrequiredbytheindustry. WishingMr.Muthaallthebestforhisfutureprojects,andhopehesucceeds

  7. RISINGSPORTSSTARSOFINDIA IISM students breathe sports and are staunch sports enthusiasts. Our students come from various fields of expertise as well as are active sports players from club, state, nationalandinternationallevel.Herearesomeofourstudentswhoarenolessbutrising starsofIndia. SanikaSawant |Shooter IshanSengupta |Rower YoucanreadaboutjourneyofourstudentsonIISM'ssocialmediaplatforms.Morestoriestocome. @iismworld @IISMWorld

  8. Sports science is an upcoming field that offers the perfect opportunities for science buffs and sports lovers to pursue a career path that is less opted and more rewarding. The objective of a sportsscienceexpertistoanalysethestrengthandweaknessofanathleteandtherebyworkon methodstoimprovetheoverallfitnessoftheathlete,leadingtothebettermentinthegame. • Theprominentcareerchoicesonecanpursueafteradegreeprograminsportsscienceareas follows:– • Outdooractivitiesmanager • Sportscoach • Sportsperformanceanalyst • Sportsmassagetherapist • Sportspsychologist • Sportstherapist • Nutritionist • Fitnesscentremanager • The career paths you get to explore after pursuing a degree in sports science are vast. To know more about it, read our blog, 'What are the Career Opportunities in the Vast Field of Sports Science?' • Toknowmoreaboutthese courses andSchoolofSportsScience,clickthelinkbelow: • https://bit.ly/3OuISys

  9. Time after time, the love for sports gets lost after 12th due to several reasons like lack of opportunities to pursue an education in sports, peer pressure to take up a conventional career, etc.Becauseofthis,studentsfinditarduoustochoosesportsastheirprofession. However,IISMhasalwaysworkedhardtobreakthatstereotypeandgivepassionatesportslovers achancetopursueaformaleducationinsports.IISMprovidestwoundergraduateprogramsthat asportslovercanpursueafter12thandtheyare;BachelorofSportsManagement&Bachelorof SportsScience Any student with an aggregate of 50% for Open Category & 45% for reserved category in all the subjects can enrol in the Bachelor of Sports Management degree program. However to enrol in Bachelor of Sports Science degree program the student must have scored a minimum of 50% PassedwithPhysics,Chemistry,BiologyofanyStateBoard/CBSE/orotherequivalentboard. Ifyouhavethedesireandpassiontoworkinthesortsindustrythefieldwelcomesyouwithopen arms.Toknowmoreabouttheseexcitingcareerchoices,clickthelinkbelowandreadtheentire blog. Toknowmoreaboutthese courses andSchoolofSportsScience,clickthelinkbelow: https://bit.ly/3omDXW3

  10. STUDENTGOVERNINGBODY Congratulations to the Newly Elected President, Mr. Krishnakant Pawar, Vice President Mr. Aashay Thakur, andSecretaryMr.NitishDevadigaofthe'SportsCell.' Sports cell is established with an aim to ensure the studentsremainphysically&mentallyfit,enhancethe sportsman-spirit andapplytheprinciples of managementbyactivelyparticipatinginsports. Thesenewlyelectedmembersarethetorch-bearersof IISM. Everyone are extremely proud of them and we are sure they will fulfil the responsibilities that they haveundertakenwithperfection. Happy to announce the Newly Elected President, Mr. Ishaan Ranadive, Vice President Ms. Asmi Patel, and SecretaryMs.AgnesJeenaofthe'StudentLifeCell.' The members of the Student Life Cell will conceptualize,coordinate,andmanagetheevents conducted at the institute. These activities will assist theminlearning crucial skills likeleadership, managerialskills,time management,teambuilding skills and prepare them to take better decisions. They will be the point of connection between the students andthemanagement. Wishingthenewlyelectedmembersallthebestandmaytheyworkon waystomake theirsand otherslifeatIISMmemorable.

  11. Pleased to announce that, Mr. Atharva Loya, is the president, Mr. Sagar Shah, is the vice president and Mr. Prateek Jha is the newly elected secretary of the 'EntrepreneurshipCell.' The ideabehindestablishinganEntrepreneurship Cell was to identify and nurture talent entrepreneurialsportbygivingthemopportunitiesto excelandbuildfinancialsecurity.Thiswillintimegive themachancetoenhancethevalueoftheself, communityandthenation. Thesenewlyelectedmembersaretherayofshinefor the students of IISM who will help them get grant money to start their work on the initiative proposed by thestudent.Wearesure they willfulfiltheresponsibilitiesthattheyhave undertakenwithperfection. HereareIISM'snewlyelectedPresident,Ms.Anwesha Chandra,VicePresidentMs.Adhira Albert,and SecretaryMs.NeeyaSachdevof the'Corporate StudentRelationsCommittee'(CSRC). Thepurpose ofaCSRCcellistohaveone representativefrom each classwho willwork simultaneously with the IISM’s Corporate Relations team. They will help the students develop excellent softskills andbe thehelpinghandformanaging corporateeventsofIISM. Wewishthem allthebestandhopetheylearn valuable lessonsfrom ourCRteamthat willmouldthemintobecomingthebest sports managementprofessionalstheyaspiretobecome.

  12. Meet the newly elected President, Mr. Hrishi Sinkar, Vice President Mr.Noel Chikodi, and Secretary Ms. Asmi Gundrekar of the 'Institute Social Responsibility Cell.' The intent of founding a Institute Social Responsibility Cell is to take on the challenges of creating socially responsibleglobalcitizens.The cellwillactasa platform that will help the students bring about the much-neededpositiveimpactonsociety. Wearelooking forward tothese members implementingthechangethatwillhelpourstudents createtheirownidentity,andmakeIISMproudinalltheirfutureworkplaces. Best wishestothenewlyelectedPresident,Mr. JayendraKenekar,VicePresidentMs.Khushi Raghuvanshi, andSecretary Mr.Sabareenath Namboodiriofthe'ResearchCell.' The intent of Research Cell is to enhance the research skills of the students by giving them opportunities to publish research papers in leading journals. The cell willalsoconductwriting workshopstosharpen students'writingskillsandencouragestudentstotake up research projects at local, national & international levels. Best wishes to all the Research Cell members and may they work hard to publish more sports- relatedresearchpapersandreportsasthereisascarcityofsports-relateddata.

  13. GUESTSESSION MilindWagle SeniorSportsBroadcaster IISMstudentshadtheprivilegeto hearsome incrediblebehindthe scenesstoriesof thecommentary worldbythe legendhimselfMr. MilindWagle.Mr.Wagledidlive commentary on the sports matches on Doordarshan since the 70's and alsodidcommentaryofvarious sporting events.Mr.Wagle took studentsthrough hisexperiencein theworldofcricketandhowthe worldofcommentaryhaschangedovertime. He also shared with the students one crucial advice to never stop exploring the verticals in the sportsindustry.Hesharedsomeanecdotesabouthiscommentarycareer,howhisexperiencein commentaryincrickethelpedhimgrowhisnetworkandgavehimnumerousopportunitiestodo commentarywithhisrolemodels.Thesessionwasmuch-neededforthestudentsastheygotto learn important life lessons from the experts themselves about the changing landscape of the sportsindustry. RidhimaPathak Sports Presenter,LiveBroadcaster, Anchor,PublicSpeaker Ms.RidhimaPathakisafamous model, actress, voice artist,TV presenterandananchorandMs. Pathak visited the campus to tell our studentstheresponsibilitiesofbeinga sportsTV anchor. Sheiswell-knownforpresenting numeroussportingeventsatStar Sports&TenSports,andhasmet prominentsportsplayersandathletes overtheyears.Duringthesessionsheexplainedtheresponsibilitiesofbeingananchorandhow tobehaveprofessionallywhiletakingtheinterviewsandhowtoalwaysmaintainthecoolevenif sheisinterviewingherrolemodeloridol.

  14. LIFEATIISM Curatedby: Mr.AmitGupte,COO Mr.KaranMange,Head- Marketing Mr.SandeepDalvi,Manager-Design Mr.AbijithNair-Content InternationalInstituteofSports&Management(IISM) GroundFloor,Smartworks,FleetHouse, Gamdevi,Marol, Andheri East, Maharashtra400059,Maharashtra,India. Email:info@iismworld.com|Website:www.iismworld.com T.:+918976018871/72

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