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To give a glimpse of what it would be like to enjoy life at IISM, IISM has created 'Life@IISM.' <br><br>The following are the contents of the May edition of Life@IISM:<br><br>IISM Students working at Tata IPL 2023<br> <br>Proud Winner of IISM- Ms. Devanshi Mali <br><br>Y20 India Summit at the IISM Campus CricViz India Launch at IISM Campus<br><br>Blog on- Top 10 Most Inspiring TEDx Talks for Every Sports Lover<br><br>Blog on- Become a Certified Sports Marketer in Just 6 Months<br><br>Blog on- Specialized UG Degree in Sports Management or General BBA u2013 Which is Right for You?
IISM STUDENTS WORKINGATTATA IPL 2023 Working at the IPL and watching his/her favourite idols up close is a dream for every sports lover. ButforourstudentsstudyingatIISM,itisnolongeradream. Over120ofourstudentswereselectedforinternshipsduringtheTataIPL2023inmultiplecities. Thesestudentshonedtheirexpertiseinvariousareassuchaseventsandoperations,accreditation management,hospitality,campaignsetup,stadiummanagement,andmore. Their dedication and hard work were applauded by the authorities. We are extremely proud of their accomplishments, as they serve as a prime example of what can be achieved with the right educationandopportunities.
W ee x t e n do u rh e a r tf e l t congratulationstoMs.DevanshiMali for her remarkable win at the Khelo IndiaUniversityGames2023in Lucknow! Devanshi wonaGold Medal in Mallakhamb byshowcasingher exceptional talent,dedication,and love for the sport. Her remarkable performance has made us all proud andhasbroughtgreathonourtoour institution. Devanshi's win is an example of the relentlessspiritthatdefinesour students. Their commitment to excellencecontinuestoinspireusall. PROUDWINNEROFIISM Ms.DEVANSHIMALI
Y20INDIASUMMIT@IISMCAMPUS TheIISMcampuswasbuzzingwithexcitementasweproudlyhostedtheSportsAuthorityofIndia- organisedY20-PanelDiscussionon29thMay2023.Theeventprovedtobeanabsolutetriumph! Theatmospherewaselectricasathletesattendedthesessionanddelvedintothefutureofsports educationanditsimpact. Thepanellists,Mr.AmolMuzumdar,Mr.GauravNatekar,andMs.MeghaliKorgaonkar,collectively discussed the topic "Barriers to Pursuing Sports as a Mainstream Career," shedding light on the challengesathletesfaceandprovidinginsightsonovercomingthem. Mr. Nilesh Kulkarni and Ms. Mugadha Bavare, panellists with rich experience, shared anecdotes and revealed how the sports industry has evolved since their time. They addressed the second topic,"ChallengesintheSportsIndustryasaCareer." ThepaneldiscussionwasexpertlymoderatedbyMr.PankajAthawale.
CRICVIZINDIALAUNCH@IISMCampus IISM had the honor of being the proud Venue Partner for the 'CricViz India Launch Event,' held at our campus. It was an incredible event as it brought together sports fanatics, and being a sports managementinstitute,itwasathrillingexperiencetobeapartofit. The event was graced by Mr. Daren Ganga, a former Trinidadian cricketer, and the entire CricViz staff.Theeventwasagrandsuccess,andwetookprideinourcontributiontoitsexecution. TheCricVizteamdidaphenomenaljoborganizingtheevent,showcasingtheirexpertiseincricket dataandanalytics.Attendeeshadtheprivilegeoflearningfromsomeoftheindustry'sfinest,andit wasevidentthateveryonegainedadeeperunderstandingofthegameanditsintricacies.
BLOG Inourlatestblog,wehavejotteddownthe'Top10MostInspiringTEDxTalksforEverySportsLover.' Thesetalksfeaturedspeakersfromdifferentbackgroundsandfieldswhosharedtheirinsightsand storiesabout sportsandlife.Itincludestalksbyathletes,coaches,psychologists,and entrepreneurs. The top four talks onthe list were:- 1."Wereathletesreallygettingfaster,better,stronger?"byDavidEpstein 2."Journey of anAthlete"byHima Das 3."SportsManagement- AGoldmineofOpportunities"byNileshKulkarni 4."Making India aGlobal Sports Powerhouse"byMustafaGhouse To know more about the remaining five, you can check out our Blog https://www.iismworld.com/sports-tedx-talk/ Thesetalksareguaranteedtomotivate,captivate,andencourageyoutoimproveyour performance, boostyourconfidence,and tellyouhow to become a CHAMPION.
BLOG • The CertificateProgramme inAdvanced SportsMarketingwas acomprehensiveand practicalcourse thattaught aspiring sports lovers everythingtherewastoknow about the worldof Sports Marketing. • Thecoursedetailswere asfollows:- • Duration-25Saturdays' • Delivery-OnCampus • Eligibility-Graduationfrom a recognizedUniversity inanydiscipline and a minimum oftwoyears • ofworkexperience • Certificateconferred by-IISM • This coursewas mentoredbyMr.Vinit Karnik, Business Head- Sports, ESportsandEntertainmentGroup • M. The faculty members included Mr.Vishnu Govind,FormerHead-Marketingfor Colorplus and founder of Add Valorem andMr.PankajAthawale,an entrepreneur & founder of eWasteHub and TrimurtiSportz. Tolearnmore aboutthe course details,curriculum,fees, andenrollmentprocessclick the linkbelow https://iismworld1.viewpage.co/ADVANCED-SPORTS-MARKETING
BLOG • This is a must-read for every student who is still confused about whether pursuing a degree in sports management is the right choice for them. This blog covers in-depth reasons why, for sports lovers, sports managementis the ultimate degree. • The blog post compares an UGdegree in sportsmanagement witha general BBAdegree. It highlights the benefits of choosing a sportsmanagement degree over a general BBAdegree. • However, some of the main reasons why a UG degree in sports management is better than a general managementdegree are listed below: - • It helps students develop specialised skills and knowledge in sports-related fields, such as marketing, finance, event management, law,and ethics. • Itopensupmorecareeropportunitiesfor studentsinthe sports industry, whichisoneofthe • fastest-growingsectorsintheworld. • Itallows students topursue their passionfor sports and work with sportsorganisations, athletes, • andfans. • Theblogpostalsogives someexamplesofthecoursesandcareerpathsthata sportsmanagement degree can lead to, such as sports journalism, sports analytics, sports coaching, and sports administration. • Tolearnmore aboutthe course details,curriculum,fees, andenrollmentprocessclick the linkbelow https://www.iismworld.com/ug-degree-in-sports-management-or-general-bba/
LIFEATIISM Gamdevi, Marol, Andheri East, Maharashtra400059,Maharashtra,India. Email: info@iismworld.com | Website : www.iismworld.com T.:+918976018871/72