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Sports Courses After 12th in India

A sheer passion and dedication for sports is needed to make a career in Sports Management. This field welcomes every sports lover with open hands. <br><br>Sports Science is that domain which identifies factors that impact sports performance and suggests strategies that will improve the game of the athletes. <br><br>Blog link: https://www.iismworld.com/sports-courses-after-12th-in-india/

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Sports Courses After 12th in India

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  1. SportsCoursesafter12thinIndia MelRobbinssaidonce,“Ambitionis thefirststeptosuccess.Thesecondisaction,” IISM is here to help you take both the step. The first step is always crucial. Everyone remembers thetoddler’sfirststep,andyourwill alsoberememberedin thesport’s history. Weknowthatafterthe12thresult,manyquestionswillbethrownat youbyyourfamily,relatives, and siblings. Themost frequentand repeated question will be,“Abkya? (what after 12th Science?) The love for sports & passion you have within get lost due to reasons like opportunities, peer pressure,uncertainty,etc.Becauseofthat,studentsfinditarduoustochoosesportsastheir profession.IISM isproudtobreakthatstereotype. We hope you find all the answers when you scroll down. If you love sports then this article is for you. Let’stake awalkinto IISM- InternationalInstitute ofSportsManagement(IISM) isaSportsManagement Education Institute established in 2010 to provide excellent education to sports enthusiast students interested inpursuinganeducationin Sports Management.

  2. Webelieve inprovidinganaspirant withtheessentialskillsrequiredbythesportsindustrytomake them job-ready. Our specialized academic programs in sports management aim at developing young professionals who would contribute to making India a sporting superpower. We believe in adaptingto theindustrialneeds & striverigorouslytowards buildingroadmapsforsports enthusiasts tobuildasuccessfulcareerin sports management. • Sports CoursesAfter12th • A sheer passion and dedication for sports is needed to make a career in Sports Management. This fieldwelcomes everysportsloverwithopenhands. • Sports Management is a contemporary career option for sports lovers that gives them chance to look after business, management, and entrepreneurship of sports. People who have studies Sports Management can make different careers in Sports Industry. Fields like Sports Marketing, Media, Sports Operations,PR,SportsLaw,SportsEventManagement,andmuchmore. • Sports ManagementCoursesafter12th • School of Managementwas established in the year 2010 with a Post Graduate Program in Sports Management. The School today offers 3 programs in Sports Management all of them in collaborationwiththeUniversityofMumbai&GICED. • School of Management believes in theory & practical approach to blend program delivery. It comprises classroom training with the application of it on the field while working in a sporting event. • Bachelor’s Degreein SportsManagement(BSM) • Most ofthetimes,peopleforgethowworkingbehindthescenesinsportsareofequalimportance as theplayersonthecourts,pitches,andfields. • IISM’sBachelor’sDegreeinSportsManagementcourseisspeciallymadeanddesignedto providewithspecializationinto: • Management • Coaching • Everthoughtofmanaginganorganizationthatholdsmajorsportingleaguesandevents?How aboutworking inprogramsthatmotivatesparticipationinsports?Fromnationalleveltostate-level • organizationstosportinggoodsmanufacturers, fromfacilitydesignerstoplayeragentsand beyond,theBSMdegreeisaptforanyonewho wouldlovetoworkinanexciting&ever-emerging • worldofsports.

  3. The program aims to develop top-class human resources for the sports industry with essential industryknowledgeandleadership skillsandputsaspecialfocusontheunderstandingrequiredto pursue asuccessfulcareerin this sector. • Careeroptions aftercompletingthiscourse: • Some oftheSportsManagementareas,wherestudentscanmaketheircareersareasfollows: • League/Athlete/TeamManagement • Venue/StadiumManagement • ManagingAssociations /Federations • HandlingOperations/ Logisticsof TeamorLeague • GrassrootsDevelopmentinSports–Identifying& NurturingTalent • HandlingCommunicationsandMedia Outfitofa Team • SportsEvent Management–fromConceptiontoPlanning toCoordinationtoExecution • BusinessDevelopment, Sales &ClientServicing • DigitalMarketing • Electronic&DigitalMedia -Programming • SportsDataAnalytics • SportsTourism • SportsPsychology • SportsRetail • Nutrition • SportsLaw • Coaching • Alsoread:-CareerOpportunitiesinSportsManagement • SportsCoursesafter12thScience • SportsScience analysesphysiology,biomechanics,biochemistry,psychology,andstrength conditioning that enhances the overall performance of the athletes. It improves results, enhance performances, reduce any kinds of on-field injuries, rehab, prehab, and assist in winning events andchampionships. • SportsScience isthatdomainwhichidentifiesfactorsthatimpact sportsperformanceandsuggests strategies thatwill improvethegameoftheathletes.

  4. Our main objectiveinintroducing Sports Sciences isto assistthe current sports industry to eradicate any gap between the demand and supply of scientists, and experts in India and overseas. The knowledgeimpartedin thisfieldisnotrestricted toathletesbutisalsobeneficialfor professionals whowanttocontributetotheoverallsuccessofthesports industry. • BachelorofSportsScience (BSS) • BachelorofSportsScience (BSS)isathree-yearfull-time Bachelor’sDegree curatedin collaboration with the University of Mumbai and GICED. IISM provide this course, the perfect combination of classroom learning and on-field exposure. IISM believes that theory and practical exposureshouldgohandinhand. • AThoroughGuideExplainingEverythingaboutBachelorofSportsScience (BSS) Careeroptions aftercompletingthis course: • Thegraduates cantake partinthesportsindustry in thefollowingways:– • Fitness centremanager • Nutritionist • Performanceanalyst • Sportscoach • Personaltrainer • Sportsdevelopmentofficer • Eventmanager • Sportstherapist • Outdooractivities manager. • AlsoRead:-CareerOpportunitiesin SportsScience • TheGrowthofSportsinIndia • ThearcofsportsinIndiahastakenaserendipitousturn,fromahobbytoprofession, fromwatchers toperformers,andfromcoachingaschoolteamtoanationalteam. • In India, 2008was a watershedyear for Sports.Abhinav Bindra’sGold was thefirst-ever ‘individual’GoldbyanIndianattheBeijingOlympics,hadaninspirationaleffectonsportslovers throughoutthecountry.

  5. IPL became the reason for starting of many sporting leagues. This boosted the concept of Sports Management. The rapidly evolving Sports industry called for professionals who could handle and manage backend operations of events or tournaments like finance, marketing, hospitality, facility management,eventmanagement,contentcreation,etc. Did you know that the backend team, like managers working behind the scenes in the Indian Premier League, adds up to nearly 22,000 professionals? In today’s day, India hosts around 15 multiple sporting properties, and more than 1100 marathons, annually. Imagine the manpower requiredbythis sector! Then another evolution camein 2018 when the governmentdecided to promote sports in ways like Khelo India Youth Games,Khelo India University Games, and Target Podium Scheme. Theydidthattoinvest intheyoungupcomingtalentsatthegrassrootsleveltogetthemintheright direction to pursue sports as a career and represent India at an international level by getting proper trainingandfacilities. Ourathletes,amazingperformancesin the 2020 Tokyogamesandtheir achievements have inspiredmanyyoungsportspersonstoenterthefieldofsports and taketheirdreamsforward. ThishasincreasedtherequirementofSportsManagementprofessionalsinthesportsindustry. After the COVID-19 restrictions, it was stated that the Indian sports industry will be growing at an estimatedCAGRof 9.6%between2021-2024.$150billionwas theexpectedrevenueduringthis period. YouMayAlsoliketoRead:-India’sHighestEverSportsBudgetInFinancialYear2022-2023 LIFE AFTERIISM Our proud students have had an opportunity to work with sports organizations such as BCCI; MCA; Star Sports; Aditya Birla Sports; IMG Reliance; Tata Trusts; Total Sports and Fitness; Sportz Interactive; Rajasthan Royals, Tamil Thalaivas ITW, Decathlon, Dream11, EduSports;Curefit (Cultfit), UMumba, Sports Village XP, PUMA, DNA Entertainment, GlobalEsports,YouTooCanRun,etc. Wehopethatyourquestionswereanswered.Ifyouhaveanymorequeries,feelfreetoaskus (admissions@iismworld.in). Wehopethatwhatyoudecidewillbebestforyou.Wewishyouthebestforyourfuture.

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