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www.opticalimaging.org. Lectures. Computational ImagingGeometric Optics and TomographyFresnel DiffractionHolographyLenses, Imaging and MTFWavefront Coding and the impulse responseInterferometry and the van Cittert Zernike TheoremOptical coherence tomography and modal analysisSpectra, coheren
1. www.opticalimaging.org Tutorial on Computational Optical Imaging University of Minnesota
19-23 September
David J. Brady
Duke University
2. www.opticalimaging.org Lectures Computational Imaging
Geometric Optics and Tomography
Fresnel Diffraction
Lenses, Imaging and MTF
Wavefront Coding and the impulse response
Interferometry and the van Cittert Zernike Theorem
Optical coherence tomography and modal analysis
Spectra, coherence and polarization
Computational spectroscopy and imaging
3. www.opticalimaging.org Lecture 6. Wavefront CodingOutline The Ambiguity Function
Wavefront coding for extended depth of field
Discrete sampling and MTF
4. www.opticalimaging.org The Ambiguity Function: See Cheney
5. www.opticalimaging.org Ambiguity Function:See Cathey and Dowski
6. www.opticalimaging.org Defocus Transfer Function
7. www.opticalimaging.org Defocus Transfer Function
8. www.opticalimaging.org Ambiguity and MTF Focal system
9. www.opticalimaging.org Structure of the Ambiguity Function
10. www.opticalimaging.org Cubic Phase Distortion
11. www.opticalimaging.org Cubic Phase Ambiguity Function
12. www.opticalimaging.org Focus and defocus PSF
13. www.opticalimaging.org MTF
14. www.opticalimaging.org Image Comparisons
15. www.opticalimaging.org
16. www.opticalimaging.org Is Wave front coding a good idea? SNR
Why not stop the aperture?
Why not multiple apertures?
17. www.opticalimaging.org Discrete Sampling and Optical Imaging
18. www.opticalimaging.org CCD vs. CMOS
19. www.opticalimaging.org Discrete sampling on Focal planes
20. www.opticalimaging.org Discrete sampling on Focal planes
21. www.opticalimaging.org
22. www.opticalimaging.org Periods Fourier Space
23. www.opticalimaging.org Optical and pixel transfer functions
24. www.opticalimaging.org
25. www.opticalimaging.org Digital PSF characterization
26. www.opticalimaging.org
27. www.opticalimaging.org
28. www.opticalimaging.org
29. www.opticalimaging.org
30. www.opticalimaging.org
31. www.opticalimaging.org
32. www.opticalimaging.org Interesting Mathematical Issues What are appropriate performance metrics for imaging system comparison?
What are mathematical costs of multiple aperture vs. single aperture image synthesis?
How could physical sampling be modified to improve image synthesis?