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NOde-JS Online Training in Naresh IT

Node.js is a powerful, open-source, cross- platform runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and enables server-side scripting, which means you can use JavaScript to write server-side applications.<br>

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NOde-JS Online Training in Naresh IT

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  1. NODE-JSONLINE TRAINING https://nareshit.com/courses/node-js-online-training

  2. Node.js is a powerful, open-source, cross- platform runtime environment that allows developers to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser. It is built on Chrome'sV8JavaScriptengineandenables server-sidescripting,whichmeansyoucan use JavaScript to write server-side applications. whatisNode-JS

  3. AsynchronousandEvent-Driven Single-ThreadedbutHighly Scalable FastPerformance NPM(NodePackageManager) Cross-PlatformCompatibility KeyFeaturesofNode.js

  4. Node.js is designed to handle asynchronous I/O operations, makingitsuitableforbuildingscalablenetworkapplications.It usesanevent-driven,non-blockingI/Omodelthatallowsitto handlemultipleoperationssimultaneouslywithoutwaitingfor oneoperationtocompletebeforestartinganother. 2.Single-ThreadedbutHighlyScalable Despite being single-threaded, Node.js can handle thousandsofconcurrentconnectionswithhighthroughput. . 1.AsynchronousandEvent-Driven

  5. 3.FastPerformance Node.jsisbuiltontheV8JavaScriptengine,whichisknownforits high performance and fast execution of JavaScript code. This makesNode.jsparticularlysuitableforreal-timeapplicationsand high-performanceserver-sidesolutions. 4.NPM(NodePackageManager) NPMisthedefaultpackagemanagerforNode.jsandprovidesa vast repository of libraries and modules that can be easily integratedintoNode.jsapplications.Itsimplifiestheprocessof managingprojectdependenciesandsharingcode.

  6. TypicalUseCases Real-TimeApplications Applications that require real-timeinteraction,such as chat applications, gaming servers, and collaborativetools,benefit from Node.js’s event- drivenarchitecture. WebServersandAPIs Node.js is often used to build web servers and RESTful APIs due to its efficiency and scalability. Frameworks like Express.js further simplify the processofcreatingrobustweb applications.

  7. Microservices Node.jsiswell-suitedfor buildingmicroservices, allowingdeveloperstocreate small, modular services that can be developed, deployed, andscaledindependently. IoTApplications The non-blocking nature of Node.js makes it ideal for IoT applications, where it can handle numerous device connectionsandprocesslarge amountsofdatainreal-time. TypicalUseCases https://nareshit.com/courses/node-js-online-training

  8. Thank'sForWatching +918179191999 support@nareshit.com https://nareshit.com/courses/node-js- online-training 2ndFloor,DurgaBhavaniPlaza,Ameerpet, Hyderabad

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