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KLASIFIKASI BAKTERI. CLASSIFICATION. OBSERVATION: Many kinds of organisms: Some similar to each other. wood frog, leopard frog, bull frog. 08 June 2009. Classification.ppt. 2. CLASSIFICATION. Others less similar fish, frogs, snakes. 08 June 2009. Classification.ppt. 3.

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  2. CLASSIFICATION OBSERVATION: Many kinds of organisms: Some similar to each other. wood frog, leopard frog, bull frog 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 2

  3. CLASSIFICATION Others less similar fish, frogs, snakes 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 3

  4. CLASSIFICATION Others very dissimilar people, pine trees, protozoans 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 4

  5. CLASSIFICATION Why are some kinds similar and others NOT similar? Question to be answered later? How can we make sense of (explain) this diversity? How can we organize what we know about these organisms? 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 5

  6. Answer: CLASSIFY Similar “types” (species) grouped together, separated from other species. Then, group similar groups together, etc. 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 6

  7. CLASSIFICATION Species = kind of organism fundamental unit in evolution and ecology more precise definition soon 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 7

  8. CLASSIFICATION Necessary? YES !! ~ 1 million species of plants, 5-10 million species of animals + fungi, protists, bacteria no good estimates of numbers of species Human mind needs to organize information. 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 8

  9. CLASSIFICATION Classification system organizes biological knowledge. Classification itself is HYPOTHESIS about relationships, similarity because of common ancestry. 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 9

  10. HYPOTHESIS of relationship 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 10

  11. CLASSIFICATION = Sequence of levels.Linnaean system, from Carolus Linnaeus, 1740's Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species King Phil called old fat George stupid. 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 11

  12. CLASSIFICATION = Linnaean system 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 12

  13. CLASSIFICATIONWhittaker’s Five Kingdoms, 1965 Kingdom Monera (Bacteria) Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 13

  14. CLASSIFICATIONWoese, 1985 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously. Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms) 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 14

  15. CLASSIFICATIONWoese, 1985 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously. Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Kingdom Gram-positive bacteria Kingdom Gram-negative bacteria Kingdom Mycoplasmas Kingdom Rickettsias Kingdom purple-sulfur bacteria and more Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms) 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 15

  16. CLASSIFICATIONWoese, 1985 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously. Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Kingdom Thermophiles Kingdom Halophiles Kingdom Methanogens Kingdom ARMANS (“Archeal Richmond Mine Acidophilic Nanoorganism” Science vol 314, 22 Dec. 2006.) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms) 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 16

  17. CLASSIFICATIONWoese, 1985 Prokaryotic organisms are far more diverse than thought previously. Domain Eubacteria (prokaryotic “true bacteria”) Domain Archaea (prokaryotic “archaeans”) Domain Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms) Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 17

  18. CLASSIFICATIONWoese, 1985 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 18

  19. CLASSIFICATIONWoese, 1985 Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Did King Phil call old fat George stupid ? 08 June 2009 Classification.ppt 19

  20. Tree of Life

  21. Eukaryote origins:

  22. Scientific Nomenclature: • Binomial nomenclature • Genus species • Bacteria- • Journal of Systematic Bacteriology • ____________ Manual • Latinized names commemorate microbiologists or describe features of the organism

  23. Scientific nomenclature: a hierarchical system

  24. Classification of Bacteria: • Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology, 2nd edition is being published (What’s in our lab????????) • Bacterial species are defined as a population of cells with similar characteristics • Strains exist within species

  25. Classification of Bacteria: Fig. 10-6

  26. Methods of Classification and Identification of Microorganisms: • Necessary to identify microorganism • Bacteria are small and many are similar in shapes so must • Test metabolic reactions • Identify specific characters to identify

  27. Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology • Not evolutionary relatedness, but provides identification (determinative) schemes based upon • Cell wall composition • Differential staining • Oxygen requirements • Biochemical testing

  28. Morphological Characteristics: • Cocci, bacilli, spirilla, spirochetes • Position of any flagella • Position of developing endospores with in the cell

  29. Differential Staining: • Gram Stain • Acid Fast Stain • Quick and may allow a physician to begin appropriate treatment

  30. Biochemical tests: • Enzymatic activities • ex.: ability of bacteria to ferment a variety of carbohydrates • Ecological roles: nitrogen fixation for example • Enteric Bacteria: some are pathogens • Escherichia, Enterobacter, Citrobacter ferment glucosa • Shigella and Salmonella (PATHOGENS)

  31. Bacteria are identified using a series of physiological, immunological or molecular characteristic

  32. Gram-Negative Rods • Enteric Bacteria • E. coli • Salmonella • Shigella • Yersinia • Pseudomonas • Proteus • Vibrio cholerae • Klebsiella pneumoniae

  33. Gram-Negative Rods • Fastidious GNRs • Bordetella pertussis • Haemophilus influenzae • Campylobacter jejuni • Helicobacter pylori • Legionella pneumophila • Anaerobic GNRs • Bacteroides fragilis • Fusobacterium

  34. Gram-Positive Rods • Clostridia • Anaerobes • C.perfringens • C. tetani • C. botulinum • C. difficile • Bacillus cereus • Aerobe • Listeria monocytogenes • Faculative anaerobe

  35. Gram-Negative Cocci • Neisseria gonorrhoeae • The Gonococcus • Neisseria meningitidis • The Meningococcus • Both Gram-negative intracellular diplococci

  36. Gram-positive Cocci • Staphylococci • Catalase-positive • Gram-positive cocci in clusters • Staphylococcus aureus • coagulase-positive • Staph. epidermidis • and other coagulase negative staphylococci

  37. Gram-Positive Cocci • Streptococci • Catalase-negative • Gram-positive cocci in chains or pairs • Strep. pyogenes • Strep. pneumoniae • Viridans-type streps • Enterococcus faecalis

  38. Non-Gram-stainable bacteria Unusual gram-positives Spirochaetes Obligate intra-cellular bacteria

  39. Unusual Gram-positives • Mycoplasmas • Smallest free-living organisms • No cell wall • M. pneumonia, M. genitalium • Mycobacteria • Acid-fast bacilli, stained by Ziehl-Neelsen stain • M. tuberculosis • M. leprae • M. avium

  40. Spirochaetes • Thin spiral bacteria • Viewable by phase-contrast microscopy or silver stain • Treponema pallidum • Borrelia burgdorferi • Leptospira

  41. Obligate intracellular bacteria • Rickettsia • Coxiella burneti • Chlamydias • C. trachomatis • C. pneumoniae • C. psittaci

  42. Identification of Enteric Pathogens:

  43. Enterotube:

  44. Fast Identification Techniques: • Serology: antigens on bacteria cause antibodies to be formed, then can be used to id the bacteria, even specific strains! • Slide agglutination • ELISA – enzyme linked immunosorbent assay • Western blotting-Bacterial antigens in serum • Phage typing: uses viruses that infect bacteria to identify bacteria

  45. Slide Agglutination:

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