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Westgate School: Pod Policies and Important Contacts

Get information about Westgate School's pod policies, advocacy updates, important web addresses, and contact details for the 3/4 grade teachers. Stay connected and informed!

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Westgate School: Pod Policies and Important Contacts

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  1. Table of Contents Click on link to be taken to the beginning of the section: Pod Policies Mr. Baldwin’s Advocacy Mrs. Dorschner’s Advocacy Mr. Baldwin’s 4th Grade L.A. Class Mrs. Dorschner’s Grade L.A. Class Mr. Baldwin’s 3rd Grade Math Class Mrs. Dorchner’s Grade Math Class Ms. Tomlin’s AdvocacyMr. Hepner’s Advocacy Ms. Tomlin’s 3rd Grade L.A. Class Mr. Hepner’s Grade L.A. Class Ms. Tomlin’s 4th Grade Math Class Mr. Hepner’s Grade Math Class

  2. Important School Web Addresses!!! • Infinite Campus https://ic.adams12.org/campus/portal/adams12.jsp • (Contact Rochelle Goforth if you need login assistance) • Westgate www.westgateschool.org • Westgate Class Page Directory https://www.westgateschool.org/apps/classes/ • Westgate Curriculum Website https://wcscurriculum.wixsite.com/wcscurriculum • Parents have access to the website that will show them what units are being taught and give them some insight into what specific information their student should know by the end of the unit • Absence Notification https://www.westgateschool.org/apps/form/attendance

  3. How To Contact The 3/4 Teachers • David Baldwin (team lead) David.baldwin@westgateschool.org • Lora Tomlin lora.tomlin@westgateschool.org • Rachel DorschnerRachel.dorschner@westgateschool.org • Jeff Hepner jeff.hepner@westgateschool.org • Other important contacts • Front desk (last minute student pick up changes) natalie.Tomlinson@westgateschool.org • IC Help/Enrollment questions Rochelle.goforth@westgateschool.org

  4. Technology • Infinite Campus • Make sure you are checking your child’s grade regularly. Community skill grades (Social Emotional standards) are attached to academic standards. • Language arts, Math, Science, and Social studies’ updates will be posted on the teacher’s website weekly. Advocacy updates will be posted at least once a month. • SUBSCRIBE to my webpage at www.westgateschool.org • Classroom Notebook and Microsoft Office (your child’s login gives you 1 free license for home!) • Login information - username: first.last@westgateschool.net - password: student’s school computer password

  5. 3/4 Pod Volunteering August & September Volunteer Link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ADA923A2F58-august • We are trying a new system this year for pod wide volunteering. Please look for a monthly email from your advocacy teacher for volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in helping out, but aren’t available during one of the listed times, please send an email to your child’s advocacy teacher. • You will also need to complete a background check with the office. If you have completed a background check in the past, you do not need to do so again.

  6. “No Homework” Policy • K-8 Work at Home PolicyTypically, Westgate students do not have school work to complete at home. We want them to have time to be kids, spend time with family, and pursue other passions. Exceptions to this norm are:1.      When a student has make-up work from absences,2.     When extra practice is needed to become proficient in a skill,3.     When a student has been unproductive during their class time,4.    When there is a special “at home project.”

  7. Our Daily Schedule • 8:00-8:30 Advocacy-Attendance & Morning Meeting • 8:30-10:00 Language Arts/Snack • 10:00-10:15 Recess • 10:15-11:15 Math • 11:15-12:15 Lunch/Recess • 12:15-12:40 Quiet Time/Read Aloud • 12:40-1:25 Science A/Social Studies A • 1:30-2:30 Specials • 2:30-3:15 Science B/Social Studies B • 3:15-3:30 Clean/pack-up • 3:30 Dismissal 8:01 is LATE!

  8. Birthdays • Please email me in advance to set up a specific day • Bring a store bought snack that is nut-free (25 students). Make sure it lists all ingredients. • We do this during our Closing Circle 3:15-3:30, parents leave the special treat at the front desk or send it in with the student. I will keep it safe until the end of the day. • If your child’ birthday is in the summer we can celebrate on their ½ birthday. Just contact me via email and we can schedule a good time for this to occur.

  9. Absences • Prearranged Absences: • We will do our best to have copies made beforehand. If we’re not able to we will get them caught up when they return to school. • Please note that many things we do in class cannot be made up because it is on the View Board, it’s group-based, a center, etc. • Absent Work • It is the students responsibility to get the work missed from each of their teachers • For every one day they are absent, they have two days to make up their work (Note: With advanced communication, teachers can be flexible.)

  10. Late Work Policy Late work is due within one calendar week of the absence.

  11. Unique Westgate Practices • Depth and Complexity • Math Workshop

  12. Gifted Education • Each teacher provides gifted education to every student. This looks different depending on what activity is being done in class. • Gifted education can look like: • giving choice into how students show understanding • asking for a deeper explanation into the subject or process • asking students to apply a given process to a different situation • compacting a unit (covering content faster than originally planned • pulling in higher grade level standards At any time during a class period or unit, we may use one or multiples of these to provide adequate education to all of our students.

  13. Grading • Non-traditional grades • Advanced proficiency AP=4 • Meets proficiency MP=3 • Developing proficiency DP=2 • Below Proficiency BP=1 • Grading is typically done using 4 point rubrics • Every grade will have at least two standards attached (one academic & one community skill)

  14. Welcome toMr. Baldwin’s Advocacy Class: 3rd and 4th Grade

  15. What do we do during advocacy? • Social and emotional development • Routine • Morning Greeting • Pledge • Mindful Moment • Think & Share • Activity

  16. Welcome toMs. Tomlin’s Advocacy Class: 3rd and 4th Grade

  17. What do we do during advocacy? • Social and emotional development • Routine • Morning Greeting • Pledge • Mindful Moment • Think & Share • Activity

  18. Welcome toMrs. Dorschner’s Advocacy Class: 3rd and 4th Grade

  19. What do we do during advocacy? • Social and emotional development • Routine • Morning Greeting • Pledge • Mindful Moment • Think & Share • Activity

  20. Welcome toMr. Hepner’s Advocacy Class: 3rd and 4th Grade

  21. What do we do during advocacy? • Social and emotional development • Routine • Morning Greeting • Pledge • Mindful Moment • Think & Share • Activity

  22. Mrs. Dorschner3rd Grade Science • Unit 1: Scientific Method • Unit 2: States of Matter • Unit 3: Life Cycles (Plants and Animals) • Unit 4: Rock Cycle

  23. 3rd Grade Social Studies-Mr. Hepner • Civics (citizenship, elections, democracy, respecting views and rights of others, origin/structure/function of national government)  • Economics (producers and consumers, goods and services, 3 types of resources, budgets)  • Geography (geographical tools for spatial thinking, similarities and connections among regions)  • History (historical fact vs. fiction, primary and secondary sources, historic human interactions) 

  24. Mr. Hepner 3rd grade Social Studies https://app.studiesweekly.com/online/publications

  25. 4th Grade ScienceMs. Tomlin • Unit 1: Energy (how energy is transferred and conserved; faster objects have more energy; energy can move from place to place; contact forces transfer energy; energy production and use) • Unit 2: Waves & Light (patterns of motion; light waves; sound waves) • Unit 3: Animal & Plant Structures & Processes (internal and external structures of organisms have functions) • Unit 4: The History of Planet Earth (rock formations; tectonic plates) • Unit 5: Earth’s Systems (weathering, erosion; earth patterns on maps) • Unit 6: Natural Hazards (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes)

  26. 4th Grade Social Studies Mr. Baldwin Unit 1: Early Colorado History Unit 2: European Exploration of Colorado, Colorado Becoming a US Territory Unit 3: Civics, Voting, Civil Rights, Colorado Becoming A State Unit 4: Colorado in the 20th Century & Night oft he Notables

  27. Welcome to Ms. Tomlin’s Language Arts Class.

  28. Language Arts Volunteering • I look forward to having you as a part of our classroom! Please look for a monthly email from your advocacy teacher for volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in helping out, but aren’t available during one of the listed times, please send an email to your child’s advocacy teacher. • Here are some to think about: • Helping at home with classroom needs-for example, cutting, creating center folders, etc. • Tutor-helping groups or individuals during literacy time (8:50-10:00) • Organizing school resources • Printing copies Lora.tomlin@westgateschool.org

  29. Spelling & Grammar • No Excuse Words! (www.spellingcity.com) • I will teach spelling skills and strategies as we move through the year’s content • I will teach grammar constantly! I will comment on grammar in their work and expect them to use the skills that I teach them in their writing. • Sight words and fluency are important!

  30. Reading Unit 1: Becoming a Close Reader • Your reading level, phonics, reading strategies, fluency, prefixes, suffixes, root Words) • Unpacking the reading content (asking questions, theme, main Idea, key details, point of view) Unit 2: Researching to Build Knowledge & Teaching Others • (Message/lesson, character info., text features, literal & non-literal language) Unit 3: Considering Perspectives & Supporting Opinions • Describe how parts build on themselves, making connections Unit 4: Gathering Evidence & Speaking to Others • Step-by-step descriptions, text features, compare & contrast b/t texts

  31. Writing Unit 1: Becoming a Writer (Informative & Explanatory writing) • Writing strong paragraphs and responses Unit 2: Researching to Build Knowledge & Teaching Others (Informative & Explanatory writing) • Transition words and phrases (link), using evidence as details • Categorizing information & Note taking Unit 3: Considering Perspectives & Supporting Opinions • Opinion writing, narrative writing, informative & explanatory writing Unit 4: Gathering Evidence & Speaking to Others • Opinion writing, narrative writing, informative & explanatory writing, publishing

  32. Language Usage Unit 1: Becoming a Writer (Informative & Explanatory writing) • Conventions, Capitalizing, Suffixes, Using resources to spell Unit 2: Researching to Build Knowledge & Teaching Others • Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs; Subject and verb agreement, prefixes and root words Unit 3: Considering Perspectives & Supporting Opinions • Conventions, sentence types, affixes, using glossaries Unit 4: Gathering Evidence & Speaking to Others • Regular and irregular verbs, writing language versus speaking language, abstract nouns, using dictionaries

  33. What does my language arts class look like? • 8:30-8:40 Set-up (warm-up & attendance) • 8:40-8:50 Snack & Directions • 8:50- 10:00 Reading & Writing Centers • Word Wall Work (spelling patterns) • Reading Work • Meet with Ms. Tomlin (guided reading) • Mini-Lesson on writing • Writing Time • Grammar Work

  34. How is reading structured in my class? • Throughout the year, the students will be reading: • In small reading groups (with me) • In literature circles • Independently • With partners • With a book on tape (usually computer based)

  35. Snack • Your child will be able to eat snack during language arts class. The snack must be healthy and simple!!! (No spoons, warming up food, etc.)

  36. Help at Home… • Know what is happening in your child’s class- website https://www.westgateschool.org/apps/classes/ • High Frequency Words!!!!-Quiz/help your child • Read with them, to them, etc. • Practice the No Excuse Words (www.spellingcity.com) • Limit screen time or make it a reward • Find real-life reading experiences and have them read it (ex. Cooking)

  37. Welcome toMs. Tomlin’s Math Class

  38. Goals • My goals are: • to enable your child connect math to the every day world • Have your child explain their learning by showing their work and explaining how they got their answer • My belief is that each child thinks in different ways and it’s a gift if they are able to help other by explaining how they got their answer • There is no “right” way to get an answer but there can be faster ways

  39. Workshop Model in Math • Mini- Lesson • Independent work • Group Work • Sharing and Reflection

  40. Math Standards- Quarter 1 Unit 1- Number Sense and Algebraic Functions 5-6 Weeks ᴑ Place value ( Rounding multi digit whole numbers to any place; place value to 1,000,000 and value of those digits, decimals to the hundredths; Compare using >, < and = ) ᴑ Algebraic expressions (inequality; find unknown number in sequence of numbers/simple equation; Complete function tables; Use symbols to represent and find unknown quantity ᴑ Fluently add/subtract multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm ᴑ Checking and explaining your math (Estimate and mentally calculate products, read & write multi-digit whole numbers using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form) ᴑ Apply concepts of squares, primes, composites, factors and multiples to solve problems

  41. Math Standards- Quarter 2 Unit 2- Computation Number Operations in Base-10 (8 Weeks) Multiplication and Division of Multi-Digit Numbers (2 weeks) • Basic Multiplication Facts (0-12), • Apply models for multiplication (equal-sized groups, arrays, area models); properties of operation (distributive property); Estimate and mentally calculate products; Multiply whole numbers up to 4-digits using properties of operation, illustrate and explain by using equations, rectangular arrays and/or area models. Operations and Algebraic Thinking: (2 weeks) • Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison (drawings and equations and a symbol for unknown number); Solve multi-step word problems using four operations including those with remainders; Find all factor pairs for whole number from 1-100; Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Division-(2 weeks) • find whole numbers quotients and remainders up to digit dividends and one digit divisors Number & Operation in Base Ten: (2 weeks) • Recognize Multi-digit whole number (digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to the right); Read & write multi-digit whole numbers using base ten numerals, number names, expanded form; Compare using <,>,=, Rounding multi-digit whole numbers to any place, Fluently add & subtract multi-digit whole numbers

  42. Math Standards- Quarter 3 Unit 3- Fraction & Decimal Concepts (8 Weeks) ᴑ Fraction Review • mixed numbers; compare and order fractions with different denominators and numerators; common denominators and numerators; equivalent fractions; convert fractions to decimals; convert decimals to fractions, number line location ᴑ Using Decimal Notation • to express fractions, and compare decimal fractions; for fractions with denominators 10 or 100; compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning their size ᴑ Understanding Fractions at a Deeper Level • build fractions from unit fractions; decomposing fractions into a sum of fractions with the same denominator; compare two decimals to hundredths by reasoning their size (<,>, +) ᴑ Adding/Subtracting Fractions • with common denominators; mixed numbers with common denominators ᴑ Multiplying fractions with whole numbers including word problems

  43. Math Standards- Quarter 3 Unit 4- Measurement (2 Weeks) ᴑ Measurement tools ᴑ Units and systems to measure different attributes of objects and time • Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm, kg, g, lb, oz, l, ml, hr, min, sec. and equivalent measures for each (12 in=1ft) ᴑ Use four operations to solve word problems involving distances, intervals of time, liquid volumes, masses of objects, money- including problems involving simple fractions or decimals. ᴑ Represent measurement quantities using diagrams such as number line that feature measurement scale. ᴑ Apply area and perimeter formulas for rectangles in real world and mathematical problems

  44. Math Standards- Quarter 4 Unit 5- Geometric Measurement (1-2 Weeks) ᴑ Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse) and perpendicular and parallel lines in 2-D figures. ᴑ lines, line segments and rays, symmetry, angles and identify these in 2-D figures ᴑ Classify 2-D figures based on parallel or perpendicular lines and angles. ᴑ Recognize that right triangles have right angles.

  45. Math Standards- Quarter 4 Unit 6- Geometry (1-2 Weeks) ᴑ Draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse) and perpendicular and parallel lines in 2-D figures. ᴑ lines, line segments and rays, symmetry, angles and identify these in 2-D figures ᴑ Classify 2-D figures based on parallel or perpendicular lines and angles. ᴑ Recognize that right triangles have right angles.

  46. Math Standards- Quarter 4 Unit 7- Interpreting Data (1-2 Weeks) ᴑ Represent and Interpret data ᴑ Make line plot to display a data set of measurement in fractions of a unit. ᴑ Solve using addition and subtraction of fractions by using information on line plots.

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