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Non-NASA Missions For Science Applications

Explore the potential uses of non-NASA sensors for science missions in various fields such as LULCC, Oceanography, Hydrology, and Ice studies. Address key challenges like data availability, quality, and coordination for efficient utilization.

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Non-NASA Missions For Science Applications

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  1. Non-NASA Missions For Science Applications Breakout I NASA CC&E Workshop, College Park, MD, April 28th-May 2nd, 2008

  2. Non-NASA Sensors • What are the priority science uses of the new measurement(s)? • Many uses for non-NASA missions can be identified (LULCC, Ocean, Hydrology, Ice, …) • What do we need to do scientifically to use these new measurements and/or to get ready for the mission? • Evaluate data performance • Are there any major issues to be resolved before this science is enabled, and if so, what are they and what needs to be done? • Yes

  3. Some Issues … • No central source that lists all of the data availability for non-NASA missions • No central source for meta data on the scenes that have been acquired • No central overview on data use / access policies • How will scientists know about available data records (e.g., “Planet Action”, ALOS K&C Mosaics, CBERS-2b, …) • No process defined to cross the science questions with the highest quality data to enable priortization for resource allocation for non-NASA satellite data

  4. Recommendations • CEOS/NASA scientists working group on identification of scientifically relevant/high-quality non-NASA data sources that feed into NASA science goals • NRA for research on feasibility to use non-NASA missions (possibly in combination with NASA missions) data to address science questions • Support for data mining (join in development of a comprehensive search tool - what exists in this domain?) – Centralized Information Repository

  5. Recommendations • Data buy consortiums • Mission coordination (e.g., DESDynI + Other L-Band SAR Missions) • Ensure long term data records with non-NASA partners • Coordination of Science Disciplines at HQ level for data requests from non-NASA missions • NASA’s support for scientist’s involvement in GEO/GEOSS

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