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Understanding Organismic Biotechnology

Understanding Organismic Biotechnology. Next Generation Science/Common Core Standards Addressed!.

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Understanding Organismic Biotechnology

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  1. Understanding Organismic Biotechnology

  2. Next Generation Science/Common Core Standards Addressed! • HS‐LS4‐6. Create or revise a simulation to test a solution to mitigate adverse impacts of human activity on odiversity.* [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on designing solutions for a proposed problem related to threatened or endangered species, or to genetic variation of organisms for multiple species.] • WHST.9‐12.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. (HSLS1‐3)

  3. Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource Standards Addressed! • BS.01.01. Investigate and explain the relationship between past, current and emerging applications of biotechnology in agriculture (e.g., major innovators, historical developments, potential applications of biotechnology, etc.). • BS.01.01.04.b. Assess the benefits and risks associated with using biotechnology to improve agriculture.

  4. Work! • 1. Identify the major areas of biotechnology in animal science. • 2. Discuss applications of organismic biotechnology.

  5. Terms • Animal biotechnology • Biotechnology • Embryo transfer • Molecular biotechnology • Organismic biotechnology • Super ovulation

  6. Interest Approach • Is biotechnology safe? • What are some practices done by animal producers every day that are aform of biotechnology?

  7. What are the major areas of biotechnology in animal science? • I. Biotechnologyis the management of biological systems for the benefit of people and their environment. It is also viewed as the application of science in food and fiber production. • Animal biotechnologyis the application of biotechnology methods to improve animals.

  8. Biotechnology has been used for hundreds of years. Using yeast to make bread and bacteria to make cheese are everyday examples of biotechnology.

  9. There are two major areas of biotechnology in animal science: A. Molecular biotechnology B. Organismic biotechnology

  10. Molecular biotechnologyis changing the structure and parts of cells to change the organism. It begins with the atom. Molecular biotechnology often changes the physical appearance of an organism. In some cases, undesirable traits may develop along with those that are desired.

  11. Organismic biotechnologydeals with intact or complete organisms. The genetic makeup of the organism is not artificially changed. This is the most widely used type of biotechnology.

  12. What are some applications of organismic biotechnology? • Most animal management practices done in livestock production are organismic biotechnology. Several examples of this area of biotechnology are from: • A. Greater Fertility • B. Increased Production

  13. Greater fertility—Increasing the reproductive capacity of top animals is important to producers. Two methods to increase the reproductive capacity of animals are:

  14. Super ovulationis getting a female to release more than the usual number of eggs during a single estrous cycle. Hormones are injected to assure more eggs.

  15. Embryo transferis taking an embryo from its mother and implanting it in another female. The embryo completes development in the recipient.

  16. B. Increased production—Three methods used to increase production are:

  17. 1. Milk hormones—Injections of milk hormones cause the cow’s mammary system to become more productive. The most common milk hormone is bovine somatotropin (bST). Since bST is a naturally occurring hormone, it has been widely accepted in the dairy industry. Some areas of the country limit the use of bST due public concerns.

  18. 2. Meat hormones—Injections of meat hormones causes the animal to produce more muscle cells resulting in larger and leaner cuts of valuable meat. This process actually began in cattle feedlots in the 1960”s.

  19. 3. Growth implants—Growth implants are small pellets placed under the skin. • They promote growth by making the animal more feed efficient.

  20. Enhancing animal nutrition—The greatest results of biotechnology have been seen in animal nutrition.

  21. 1. Digestibility testing—Tests are made by getting samples from the digestive systems ofanimals after they have eaten. This information is used to improve feed use and animalgrowth. 2. Controlled feeding—Computer chips can be put in a monitor around the animal’s neck, ear tag or under the skin. A computerized feeding station will read the chip& regulate the amount of feed the animal receives. Use quite a lot in the dairy industry to regulate grain fed during milking. Daily feed intake is used to aid in the detection of health problems. Some of the enhancements are:

  22. Review/ Summary • 1. What are some of the major areas of biotechnology in animal science? • 2. What are some of the applications of organismic biotechnology?

  23. The End!

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