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Explore the technological transformation of books, libraries, and the massive shift towards digitization on an industrial scale. Discover the evolution from physical to electronic books, and the profound impact on libraries. Uncover the historical significance of books and the future of e-books. Learn about the key players in the digitization process, from producers to vendors, and the global initiatives in digitizing vast collections of books.
Knjiga je mrtva!Zivjela knjiga! Osvrtnaelektroničkeknjige (e-knjige) – tehnologija, rast, upotrebe Tefko Saracevic, PhD http://comminfo.rutgers.edu/~tefko/
Centralna ideja: tehnoloske transformacije Knjige Knjiznice Vecina digitizacija knjiga u knjiznicima su srazmjerno u malom broju – micro ili cak nano Masovna digitalizacija knjiga je na industrijskoj skali uzrukujuci industrijsku revoluciju I s time VELIKE promjene u tehnologiji, uslugama, upotrebi u knjizinicama • Knjige se mjenjaju– u tranziciji od stampane do elektronicke • od s-knjiga do e-knjiga • I s njima i knjiznice
U Hrvatskoj Za sada Ali uskoro Dolazi… dolazi… i doci ce Ima vec dosta projekata Korisno je znati i pripremiti se za to Knjiznice mogu prednjaciti • Ne osjecaju se jos te promjene i vece upotrebe e-knjiga • Ali postoji velika, opca upotreba e-tehnologije i mreza
Puno prorocanstava Knjiga eKnjiga Novo rodjenje! Novo doba! Uskrsnuce! In Memoriam! “Proricanje je vrlotesko, narocito o buducnosti”Niels Bohr (1885-1962)
O nestanku stampane knjige (s-knjige) • Mnoge elegije u svjetskim novinama, magazinima, blogovima • Lamentacije kako dozivljavamo knjigu – ne samo u citanju • fizicki osjecaj knjige • cak i miris • U s-knjigama imamo na kupu i vidiku, na policama • eKnjige: nista fizikalnog, nema kupa, niti dodira
Knjige: kratak pogled unatrag Civilizacije, kulture Tehnologija Od pocetka do danas knjige su povezane sa mnogim i vrlo razlicitim tehnologijama • Odkad su se pojavile – pred nekih 3 millenija knjige su bile krticine za sve civilizacije koje su imale pismo • povezane sa ljuskom zeljom da se stvori stalan zapis , svjedocanstvo • predstvaljaju ljudsku memoriju,, znanstvena dostignuca iunatocsvihpromjenaknjigeostajuknjige
A few historical examples ... Book: wood, gypsum 18th dynasty in ancient Egypt, circa 1550 B.C.E. Word of Khakheperraseneb A literary discourse concerning personal and social chaos
Book: clay tablet 600’s B.C.E. Royal Library at Niniveh in Babylonia.
Chinese bamboo books date back to 500 B.C.E.
First (credited) printed book “Diamond Sutra”China 868 C.E. - woodblocks
Amati paper (fig bark) book – Maya, North America, pre-Columbian called “Dresden Codex” ~ 14 century
Ibn al-Haytham(965-1040)“Book on Optics”1021 His studies of the eye gave the first modern understanding of lens, retina and optic nerve, as well as the mechanics of vision and perception.
Hrvatski misal(1483) Prva hrvatska stampana knjiga (u NSK) stranice se mogu okretati
I onda je dosao Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg c. 1398- 1468 Put together four skeins of technology mass production of books that followed revolutionized first the Western & then the whole world • paper • ink • movable type • printing press • started printing c. 1450 He was not the first to invent printing … Korea, China were before … but … since then some 100 mill. books published among the first and most famous were his Bibles
Gutenberg Bible (1450’s)same page British Library Bayerische Statsbibliothek
I sada od s-knjiga do e-knjiga • No sculpture, yet, commemorating eBooks • But eBooks are the fastest & and most massive globally spreading books in book history • e.g. a virtual fair July, 4 to Aug. 4, 2010 , featuring over 3,000,000 eBooks; org. by World Public Library Michael Hart (Gutenberg Project) Book sculpture - commemorating invention of modern printingWalk of ideas, Berlin
proizvodjaci, dobavljaci Producers Vendors (aggregators) Concentrate on putting together many collections of eBooks and then provide unified access, add value - search, link … Book databases • Concentrate on scanning books • and then providing access • Libraries = micro producers • Mass producers = industrial scale
Knjiznice kao proizvadjaci – prva generacija Digitization A few examples from many British Library 30,000 items, few books, Gallica - Bibliothèque nationale de France 1 mill. items, 160,000 books, many are book images or excerpts only International Children’s Digital Library – children books from throughout the world – 36 books from Croatia • Globally great many libraries digitized books from own collection • Many are rare, historical, classics • opened treasures to public – well received • But all together small in numbers • Subsidized
Knjiznice kao proizvadjaci – prva generacija Digitalizacija Par primjera British Library Online Gallery 30,000 items; among them many rare books Gallica - Bibliothèque numerique - Bibliothèque nationale de France 1 mill. items, 160,000 books, World Digital Library cultural treasures from around the world; so far about 1400 items International Children’s Digital Library – children books from throughout the world – 36 books from Croatia • Globally, great many libraries digitized books from own collection • Many are rare, historical, classics • opened treasures to public – very well received • important for scholarship & education • But all together small in numbers
Primjeri hrvatskih e-knjiga(neki iz projekta Hrvatska kulturna baština - Aktualni i zavrseni projekti) Gradska knjižnica Marka Marulića, Split Digitizirana zavicajna zbirka Spalatina Knjižnica i čitaonica “Fran Galović” Koprivnica Glas Podravine Istrianet istarski pisci Gradska knjiznica i citaonica Pula Virtualna zavicajna zbrika • HAZU • Digitalna zbirka – (nekoliko knjiga - za sad) • Nacionalna i sveucilisna knjiznica • Digitalizirana bastina • Filozofski fakultet, Sveuciliste u Zagrebu • Digitalna zbirka • Elektronicke knjige • Društvo za promicanje književnosti na novim medijima
Missale zagrabiense (1511)jedna od najstarijih stampanih knjiga u Hrvatskoj HAZU
Projekti masovne digitalizacije – druga generacija Pioneered Major projects Project Gutenberg first, gave ideas to all; ~140,000 books Universal Digital Library - Million Book Project global cooperation; ~1,7 mill books Google Books largest: ~ 12 mill books; international; many libraries & even countries cooperate cultural, legal controversies • Industrial scale of eBook digitization • innovative • applications of new technologies • some partnerships with libraries • Raised many issues & disagreements • Global
Example: Project Gutenberg Statistics
Sljedeca generacija: interakcija u i sa e-knjigama Major innovation p-books vs. e-books Interactive capabilities embedded within e-books provide clear & even huge advantages over pBooks • Adding potential for interaction is a giant step in evolution of e-books • using dynamic web vs. static scanned displays • makes e-books into something else – Web 2.0
Dobavljaci (aggregators) What? Who? Large, universal ones taking the role of super-bookstores with some interactivity Smaller, more specialized, aimed at specific markets, topics particularly libraries & similar institutions many most innovative • Bring together eBooks from different sources & publishers & make it available to libraries & others • Some do it via specific software or apps
Primjer dobavljaca … svi samo online Giants with global reach Specialized or niche ebrary: Academic Complete subscription: 50,000 books in many subjects. Interactive capabilities. New: Patron Driven Acquisition among others, Saudi Digital Library & King Saud University Library subscribe ClassZone– large global text book publisher turned to eBooks. Extensive interactive e-texts for middle & high schools. Geared toward digital natives. Interactive learning: “Textbooks come to life.” Other vendors offer similar capabilities, e.g. Gale, Netlibrary, Overdrive • Amazon –a super store & bookstore, e- & pBooks • mid 2010: for every 100 pBooks sold, 180 eBooks were sold • iBooks – Apple repeating the music formula to books, somedigitized heritage books (e.g. Project Gutenberg) + current; many for digital natives • Google eBookstore - pay & some free e-books; on the cloud; read directly or on a device
Example of a vendor: elibrary content for academic libraries
ClassZone example of an interactive biology text for high school
OverDrive : Example of a vendor providing variety of resources & apps for libraries, schools etc. for access & variety of users, digital natives included
dostava za ocia moze i usi Physical Virtual Software for reading eBooks (& other e-content) on a computer & other devices variety on the market Used also for acquiring & managing eBooks International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) tries standardization • Devices used to display e-Books & other e-content • variety on the market • Plus: portable, readability in various conditions, long battery life • Goal: for the technology to seem to disappear • concentrate on content
Bitke medju eČitačima - fizikalnim Readers (physical) Proliferation of formats Standards needed for interoperability Most used/popular: pdf (Adobe) ePub (International Digital Publishing Forum) Also:.prc (Kindle), .pdb (Palm), BBeB (Sony – BroadBand eBook) Sample of most popular ones: • Amazon Kindle • Sony eReader • Apple iPad • Proprietary - not compatible • Coupling device & vending
Amazon KindleeReader connected with Amazon ebookstore… Kindle 2 Kindle DX • 450,000 books, magazines, newspapers, audio • download from Amazon • holds up to 1,500 books
Sony eReaderaccess to Sony eReaders, Google Books, local libraries, self-publishing
Apple iPad & eBooksaccess to iBooks, magazines, newspapers, audio … iBookstore