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Better Together

Better Together. Improving Information Management Practices Through Collaboration. Michigan School Testing Conference February 14, 2019. Professional Associations. Stakeholders. CEPI and other State Agencies. Michigan Department of Education. STUDENTS. Higher Education. K-12 Educators.

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Better Together

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  1. Better Together Improving Information Management Practices Through Collaboration Michigan School Testing Conference February 14, 2019

  2. Professional Associations Stakeholders CEPI and other State Agencies Michigan Department of Education STUDENTS Higher Education K-12 Educators Business, IndustryPartners 2

  3. Collaboration Examples ... 3

  4. Intervention Catalog-(Strategy Bank) • Assign Interventions Based on Areas of Risk • Custom Intervention list by school • We are exploring the addition of pre-loaded: • Research-Based • Evidence-Based • Promising Practices • In addition to locally created catalogue • Exploring pre-approval of pre-loaded catalogs • Pre-approved for Title Funds • Pre-approved for At-Risk Funds • Other State and National or Program Requirements 4

  5. Dashboards and Early Warning Signs (EWIMS) 5

  6. MiLearn • Direct access to State assessment results online for students, parents, and educators. • Uses your SIS login • MiSTAR • PowerSchool • SkyWard (coming soon) • Infinite Campus (coming soon) • Links parents to students using your local data. • Optional service that you can enable. 6

  7. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND 7

  8. MDE and CEPI Core Data Systems 8

  9. Technical Architecture Changes are Coming in the Not Too Distant Future Future Current 9

  10. To Provide Data More Quickly to Customers Future Current 10

  11. Data GovernanceAt MDE and CEPI Data governance is a defined process an organization follows to ensure high quality data exists throughout the complete lifecycle. The key focus areas of data governance include • Availability • Usability • Integrity • Security This includes establishing processes to ensure important data assets are formally managed throughout the department, and the data can be trusted for decision-making. 11

  12. If no solution exists: A cross-functional “Solutions Workgroup” consisting of Data Managers, Data Stewards, and Data Architects work collaboratively to determine options. The Solutions Workgroup aims to capitalize on existing systems to reduce time to production & lower cost of implementation. Data Architects Leadership Policy/ Program Need - CNA Process for determining the validity or utility of data system to support the Policy/Need Review existing data system to determine support for policy/need Data Gov. Board Data Gov. Board Exec. Mgt. Exec. Mgt. Data Managers Options are shared with the Governance Board for input, feedback and to determine if further decisions are required Recommendations are shared with Executive Management The new Policy/program is communicated across the system and implemented with feedback loops. 12

  13. Data Governance at MDE Idea is generated from any source (internal or external to MDE) Implement & Communicate to Stakeholders Proposed Solution Existing Solution Solutions Work Group IDEA Evaluate IDEA Enhance Existing Solution IDEA 13

  14. Transition From Waterfall to Agile 14

  15. Transition From Waterfall to Agile This is not what it is! 15

  16. This is More Like it 16

  17. Why Agile? 17

  18. Why All This System and Data Work? 18

  19. Why All This System and Data Work? 19

  20. Why All This System and Data Work? 20

  21. Why All This System and Data Work? 21

  22. Why All This System and Data Work? 22

  23. Why All This System and Data Work? 23

  24. Problems? OR Opportunities For Collaboration! Status Quo: • Districts need to know what services students are eligible for when they enroll • This information is not readily available as it is not received in a timely fashion from the previous district and/or parents do not know • The Michigan Student Data System can mitigate this issue to some extent, but with notable limitations Bottom line: • Students may not get services they’re entitled to in a timely manner

  25. Portable Student Records: Purpose • Student Snack-Pack: Provides data critical to placing students and/or setting up services within the first one to two weeks of enrollment. Helps address legally required activities (e.g., IEP requirements). • Student Lunch Box: Provides a longitudinal picture of students’ education to inform the formulation of a broader educational plan • Student Backpack: Provides students’ complete educational records, inclusive of data that are not submitted to the state. Think electronic CA-60!

  26. Snack-Pack Delivery • A district “opts-in” to receiving data upon enrollment in MI Data Hub • An enrolling district requests a student’s UIC via the SIS/Hubs • Upon receiving the UIC, the district requests the Snack-Pack data • The Snack-Pack is returned to the district via the Hubs (and SIS?) ? Snack Pack Request Snack-Pack Snack-Pack

  27. Snack-Pack: Proposed Data Points • Previous District(s) • Enrollment Dates • English Learner Eligible • Former English Learner • Special Education Participant • Primary Disability • Individual Education Plan (IEP) Date • Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility (Free/Reduced Lunch) • Foster Child • Homeless • Migrant • Immigrant

  28. Snack-Pack: Connections • Redesign & Modernization, including: • Rearchitecting of the MSLDS warehouse • CEDS and Ed-Fi mapping, alignment, and extensions • Documentation must support versioning as CEDS & Ed-Fi evolve • Other Data Hub initiatives • Other Student Portable Records, including: • Student lunchbox • Student backpack

  29. Data Pushes Using the Ed-Fi Standard

  30. Snack-Pack Timeline Our collective learning throughout this process will inform efforts to pilot & launch the lunchbox and backpack projects in the 2019-2020 school year (or beyond!)

  31. EEM Integration Benefits • Provides additional data not always provided by student information systems (NCES District/School codes and building GPS location information for instance) • Allows for MSDS Testing • Used in CEPI MSDS Error Check Process • Potential to update Superintendent automatically • Potential to auto-populate new districts in the data hub 31

  32. M-STEP Integration • Simple Opt-In Process by creating an Outbound Integration • Spring 2016 and Spring 2017 will currently transfer • MDE installing permanent version in their environment • Expecting to be completed in February • Will then include Spring 2018 • MiAccess and WIDA to Follow-up in the near future • Data available in multiple formats • API transfer to other applications (Eidex, Illuminate, etc.) • Download to data file via custom export • Available in MiDataHub Dashboards 32

  33. Getting UICs with MI Data Hub • Benefits: • No need to log in to MSDS • No file uploads, downloads, extracts, or imports • Get UICs when MSDS is offline • SAVE TIME 33

  34. Getting UICs One Student At a Time WITHOUTMI Data Hub WITH MI DATA HUB Enroll the student into your Student Information System (SIS) UIC exists? SIS is automatically updated • Enroll the student into your Student Information System (SIS) • Log in to MSDS, perform a student search, type the student’s core fields • UIC exists? Copy/paste the UIC into the SIS • No UIC? Add the student to the Request for UIC collection, get the new UIC, copy/paste into the SIS 34

  35. Getting UICs in Bulk WITHOUTMI Data Hub WITH MI DATA HUB Filter for any student without a UIC Hit “Search” If the UIC exists, the SIS is automatically updated No UIC? Have permission? UIC automatically created and SIS updated Potential matches? Resolve directly in your SIS • Extract a file out of the SIS • If necessary, prepare the file to be a valid XML file • Log in to MSDS and upload the file (possibly multiple times if file-level errors exist) • Resolve any records with potential matches • Download a report of UICs and upload into the SIS 35

  36. MSDS Submissions WITH MI Data Hub Benefits: Errors/issues are cleaned up earlier No manual XML file manipulation Fewer file uploads = time savings Less time spent in MSDS 36

  37. MSDS Submissions WITH MI Data Hub Status: Pilot districts identified (one from each SIS) Testing data load from SIS to district hub database Goal: Parallel submission EOY 2019 37

  38. Coming Soon! Direct Certification WITH MI Data Hub Benefits: • Within your food service system: • Search for a student’s direct certification status • Retrieve the latest direct certification report • Eliminate download from MSDS  import into FSS • No need to login to MSDS 38

  39. Questions?

  40. Thank you! Tom Howell Dave Judd howellt@Michigan.govjuddd@Michigan.gov

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