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If you are looking to buy a marble temple for your home but you are not well aware of the important things like how to buy, where to buy, etc that you need to consider then this post can help you. Here we are sharing some quality checks that one needs to do before buying small or big size marble temple for home and office.
What Are theQualities OneShouldCheck BeforeBuying MarbleTempleForHome? ChoosingaMarbletempleforone’shomemightseemlikeaneasyenoughtask.But it is anything but. You will find hundreds ofbeautiful white marble indoor temples with a simple search. And that is great. This is the beauty of the advancement of technology. But that does not mean one can buy the first item they see without a second thought. It does notworklike that. There are things one needs to keep in mind before making such a purchase. This is something that is especially true with marbletemplesforhome.Oneneedstoinspectamarbletemplebeforeinvesting inthemproperly. Qualities YouShouldLookFor If you are wondering how to check the qualities before buying marble temples for your home, then this guide will help. Here are some quality checks that one needs to do beforebuying a smallor big sizemarbletemple for home &office.
VisibleIdentifications InthecaseofHindugodstatuesandtemples,thefirstthingtolookatistheir visible identification.Thatis thecolor,the size,and thequalityoftheitem.It iscrucial thattheseidentifiers are in linewith whatis being specified. MachineCutMarble Anotherthingoneneedstolookoutforisthemachinecutonthemarble.The Markana Marble temple should have marbles that are correctly shaped, and the four sides of the marble are machine cut, except for the polished face. If that is not the case,then themarble temple is notofsoundquality. ThicknessAndAlignment Thethicknessandalignmentofthehandmademarblepoojamandirshouldbethe same.Itisextremelycrucial that itisthecase.Theunevenness could lead to cracking, whichwould notbegood. EvenlySized The marble used in the stone temple has to be evenly sized. The uneven marble chunkscouldlead to an unstablestructure. AvoidSlabs With Wire Mesh Some marbles would have wire meshattached to them. It would be best to inspect the front and back sides of the marble and avoid such slabs. Any reputable marble statue manufacturerwould shy away from them. The reason? The wire mesh is only used when themarble is fragile.So,yes,something to stayawayfrom.
LookForDullPatches Ifyou find a dull patchon the marble,it indicates poorquality material. Such a marble should not be used by any supplier & exporter of marble mandir. Look at the marble surface under 45 degrees light. This way, you can competently determine whetherthere is a dullpatch on thesurfaceornot. LookForCracks Anotherthingyouneedtolookforiscracksandfissures.Smallcracksalongthe veins are fine. But if you see wide cracks, then it would be best to steer clear of the marble temple. This is exceptionally crucial when you buy an online marble temple in Jaipur. ScratchTheMarbleSurface Youcanscratchthemarblesurfacetotestthequalityofthemarbletemple.Apure marblehaslowscratchresistance.Andifthatisnotthecase,thenthemarbletemple hasbeentreated withartificial coloring. ToSumUp Ifyouarelookingtobuyagenuinemarbletemple,thenSaiShradhaMoortiArtis the place for you to be. Sai Shradha Moorti Art is the leading designer Marble temple manufacturer in Jaipur. They also make all types of Indian Marble Statues in India. One could not go any wrong by making SaiShradha Moorti Art their default choice forthesame. Reference:
https://marblestatuemanufacturer.wordpress.com/2022/03/15/quality-check- before-buying-marble-temples/