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Join us on Tuesday, July 9th, 2019 for our "Meet the Teacher" event at Marsden Primary School's Foundation Stage Unit. Learn about our nursery and reception programs, meet our staff, and explore our learning environment. Don't miss this opportunity to get to know our school!
Reception ‘Meet the Teacher’Tuesday 9th July 2019 Marsden Primary School
Welcome to Foundation Stage • We operate our Nursery and Reception as a Foundation Stage Unit. • Within the unit we have two separate carpet areas; one for Nursery and one for Reception. • The children are able to learn in a range of environments throughout the unit including: our indoor and outdoor areas and our sensory garden.
Meet the Staff Nursery Class Teacher – Mrs Hanratty Nursery Nurse – Mrs Elliott Reception Class Teacher – Miss Edwards HLTA – Miss Clark Early Years Support - Mrs Lewis
Reception • We have spaces for 30 children in our Reception Class. • We are one form entry, so all 30 children will be in the same class throughout their time at Marsden Primary School.
Transition Days • You will have received an invitation to our transition days on either Thursday 11th July or Friday 12th July. • During your visit you will be able to explore our learning environment, get to know staff, observe your child taking part in maths and phonics activities and you will be able to stay for a school dinner too!
Home Visits • In September, we will also arrange home visits for any children who have not attended our Nursery. • This will give us the opportunity to get you know you and your child/ children in an relaxed, familiar environment. • We will also be able to answer any questions you may have about our school. • Two members of staff will conduct the visit and we would like to speak to you and your child during the visit. • You will receive a date and time for your home visit – please let us know if this is not a convenient time.
School Uniform • Our school uniform consists of a red jumper or cardigan, white polo shirt, grey skirt or trousers and black school shoes. • For PE, we also ask children to have a white t-shirt, black shorts and suitable outdoor footwear, which will be kept in school. • Please ensure that your child’s name is in each piece of uniform; including shoes! • If possible, we also ask for all children to have a spare set of clothing to be kept in school too.
Your Child’s First Day • Your child’s first day is Tuesday 3rd September 2019. • On this day your child should arrive by 8:55, through the Foundation Stage garden. • Your child will have their own peg and tray with their name to keep any belongings including: coats and PE kits. • On this day, your child will be in school from 8: 55 – 3:15. • All Reception children should be picked up at 3:15, in the Foundation Stage garden.
Food and Drinks • All children are asked to bring a water bottle, with their name on, in to school each day. • We have a daily snack time, where your child will receive a free piece of fruit. • You can also purchase milk for your child. • Dinnertime is between 11:45 – 1:00. • All Reception children are entitled to a free school dinner. • You will be able to choose your child’s menu in advance. • Please let us know if your child has any dietary requirements.
Health • Staff need to be aware of your child’s medical background, in particular any allergies (e.g. bee stings, dairy food), any dietary restrictions (e.g. vegetarian or Halal) and any medical conditions that are important for us to know (e.g. asthma or eczema). • Children can suddenly become ill and therefore it is important that we know we can contact you or another adult relative/friend at all times. Please ensure that the school is kept up to date with your contact details. If your child is unable to attend school due to illness, please telephone the school office to let us know.
Breakfast Club • Breakfast club starts at 8am, through the Main Office entrance. • It costs £2 per day and will be paid through ‘Parent Pay’. • Variety of options including: cereal, toast, pancakes and crumpets. • Children can choose from juice, milk and water. • There are a wide range of activities which the children can take part in.
EarlyYearsCurriculum • Activities in Reception are carefully planned and organised in order to provide a range of learning experiences. • Individual records are kept by staff to record the activities your child participates in and undertakes, as well as their progress in specific skills. • Planning for each week/ term is carried out using a topic-based approach, following the children’s interests and responding to specific events. • There are 7 Areas of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which activities are planned around: • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Physical Development • Communication and Language • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding the World • Expressive Arts and Design • Throughout the EYFS, children will be working towards the Early Learning Goals. These describe the level of attainment expected at the end of your child’s Reception year in school.
Learning Journals • Throughout the year, staff will record your child’s learning in a file called a learning journal. This will form a unique record of your child’s learning and development. • It will contain samples of work, photographs and staff observations. These folders enable staff to track your child’s progress and attainment, and also plan future activities. • Your child will also have exercise books for Literacy and Numeracy. • Your child will also have two Parents’ Evenings; one in Autumn and one in Spring. • You will then receive your child’s report in July, documenting their attainment levels for their Reception year.
Home Learning • We believe that home learning is as equally important in a child’s development as school learning. • Your child will receive one piece of homework, per week, and we would appreciate your help in supporting your child to complete this. • We also send regular ‘Parent Partnership’ homework, which encourages families to work together. • Your child will also receive a reading book and home reading record. • We encourage all children to read daily, either by sharing a story, a magazine or reading their school reading book.
Preparing for Reception • In Reception, we encourage children to be independent learners. In preparation for September, it would be useful if you could support your child in: • Recognising and writing their first name. • Saying their numbers in order to 20 and beginning to count objects in a range of ways. • Dressing/ undressing themselves. • Using the toilet independently. • Talking about Reception and what their day will be like.
Transition • The transition for children from Nursery to Reception can be a challenging one, as it is a change of environment, adults and school times. • If you have any concerns or queries please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
We hope that this presentation has been useful and has provided you with an insight into our Reception class. • We aim to ensure that your children’s experience in Marsden Primary School is a happy and rewarding one. • We look forward to working with both you and your children.