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Understanding Female Sex Offenders: Insights from Recent Studies

Discover insights from three recent studies on female sex offenders, including behavioral characteristics, implicit theories of female child molesters, and recidivism rates. Gain knowledge on the low re-offense rates among female offenders compared to males, and explore the challenges in reporting and data collection in this area.

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Understanding Female Sex Offenders: Insights from Recent Studies

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  1. Dr. Gerald R. Hover An Overview of Female Sex Offenders

  2. Three recent studies from the 29th ATSA Conference 2010

  3. Russell, W.F., Gibson, E.N., and Christenson, B. “A Preliminary Analysis of Behavioral Characteristics of Females Engaging in Illegal Sexual Behavior” An American study of 34 prostitutes and pedophiles; partner violence, mental health/personality issues.

  4. Gannon, T.A., “A Re-examination of Female Child Molester’s Implicit Theories: Evidence of Female Specificity” A United Kingdom examination of 15 female offenders; a “male” treatment model misses the female experience; a female data base is required.

  5. Kramer, S. “Discourage the Power in Self-Perceptions of Incarcerated South African Female Offenders” A South African sample of 8 who offended their own children; males as perpetrators, women as victims.

  6. 1. Lack of reporting • 2. Diverted from the criminal justice system • Small population with low • re-offense rate Why the paucity of numbers?

  7. Cortoni, F., Hanson, R.K., & Coache, M, (2010) “The Recidivism Rates of Female Sexual Offenders Are Low: A Meta-Analysis” Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 22 (4), 387-401 A study of 10 studies

  8. Results: 2,490 female sex offenders from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States with a 6.5 year follow-up

  9. Female proportion of sex offenders range from 0.6% in New Zealand to 8.7% in the United States Average = 4.6%

  10. Proportion of female offenders claiming their own prior victimization ranged from 3.1% in New Zealand to 7.0% for Australia. Average = 4.8%

  11. What are male recidivism rates and how do they compare to the women? 5 year follow-up for men 13.5% sex 25.5% violent 36% any (Hanson & Morton – Bourgon 2004)

  12. 6.5 year follow-up for female sex offenders Sexual re-offenses = 3.2% Violent re-offenses (to include sexual) 6.5% Any re-offenses (to include the above) 25%

  13. Recidivism Compared MEN WOMEN Sex 13.5% 3.2% Violent 25.5% 6.5% Any 36% 25%

  14. Most female sex offenders are not likely to be convicted of a new crime, and fewer for a sex crime Any crime = 25% Sex crime = 3.2% When convicted female offenders are 8 times more likely to be convicted of a non-sexual crime

  15. Females represent 5% of the total population of sex offenders

  16. Women comprise between 17% and 23% of prisoners worldwide

  17. Hypotheses/Why? • Social/psychological vulnerability • Extensive history of victimization • Crime may be sexually motivated • Crime may be socially motivated • Prostitution is labeled a sexual crime • Failure to register may be labeled a sex crime • Female risk factors unknown

  18. Contact Number gerald.hover@doc.wa.gov 360-794-2419

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