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Annotation and Visualization. Doreen Ware. Project Challenges. Rapidly growing sequence data Full annotation of all clones New high-performance computing cluster 2,000 nodes Scheduling system (SunGrid Engine) NFS issues EnsEMBL Code Integration. Milestones.
Annotation and Visualization Doreen Ware
Project Challenges • Rapidly growing sequence data • Full annotation of all clones • New high-performance computing cluster • 2,000 nodes • Scheduling system (SunGrid Engine) • NFS issues • EnsEMBL Code Integration
Milestones • www.maizesequence.org released • Customized entry points of the Ensembl browser for the maize community. • Adapted modules to the new compute cluster Blue Helix and automated gene predictions, MDR analysis, repeat masker • Alignments of cereal sequence using Gramene Biopipe (needs to be automated) • Transitioned from annotating Finished BACs to all BACs as they become available • Blast Server • FTP site • DAS server (displaying Twinscan annotations)
Maizesequence.org RSS BAC Notification • Users can be notified of sequence and annotation updates to a particular region of interest on the FPC map via a RSS (Really Simple Syndication) notification system. • Data is delivered as XML to the user’s favorite feed reader or is parsed in RSS enabled browsers. • The URL for any given query is persistent and dynamically retrieves database updates in the user-specified region. … www.maizesequence.org/Zea_mays/notification
Maizesequence.org FTP and Blast DB Ensembl BAC DB • BACs, BAC Contigs, FgenesH predictions (TE and non-TE classes), and FgenesH translations are dumped on a weekly basis. • Sequence dumps are posted to the FTP site. (ftp.maizesequence.org) • Sequence dumps are also used to update the blast databases. (www.maizesequence.org/Multi/blastview) Weekly Bulk Genome Dump Maize FTP BACs BAC Contigs Ab initio predictions Ab initio translations Maize Blast BAC Contigs Ab initio predictions Ab initio translations
Data generated as of September 2007 Classification of Gene Models • Ab initio gene prediction on non-masked contigs with FGENESH using Monocot parameters. • Classified gene models by BLASTP to Genbank NRAA. • TE = Alignment to transposable elements (TE), as specified within curated database. • NH = No detectable homology. • WH = Significant alignment to non-TE. • Corrupted_translation = Ensembl translation inconsistent with FGENESH.
Nucleotide Coverage of Mathematically-Defined Repats in 10,352 Annotated BACs (130,978 Contigs) Data generated as of September 2007 *Mathematically defined repeats indicate regions of repetitive DNA. The frequency of each constituent 20-mer along the BAC sequence was determined within the raw reads of the maize whole genome shotgun sequence (DOE Joint Genome Institute). “MDR type 2 copies” indicates regions over which 20-mers occurred two or more times. Thus, “MDR type 10 copies”, “MDR type 100 copies”, and “MDR type 1000 copies” indicate; respectively, regions over which 20-mers occurred, ten or more times, one hundred or more times, and one thousand or more times. The most repetitive regions correspond to regions in the MDR type 1000 copies. The least repetitive regions correspond to areas in the MDR type 2 copies.
Nucleotide Coverage of Repeats in 10,352 Annotated BACs (130,978 Contigs) Data generated as of September 2007 *Repetitive sequences were annotated and masked using RepeatMasker and the MIPS-Redat library.
Objectives for Year 3 • Whole Genome Alignments for rice, maize and arabidopsis • Evidence based gene builds Gramene modified Ensembl pipeline and FGENESH++ in combiner mode BioMart for complex query generation • Whole Genome Alignments for rice, maize and arabidopsis • SyntenyView based on whole genome alignment • Transition from Gramene Biopipe -> Ensembl Exonerate pipeline to automate sequence alignments • Annotation of non-coding RNA using tRNAScan and microRNA • Gene Ontology using dbxref pipeline • Incorporation in Gramene Compara builds; GeneTree view • MySQL Database dumps • Tutorials for website using Camptasia • Submit paper on MDR analysis Shiran Pasternak, Apurva Narechania, Linda McMahan, Joshua Stein