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Bitcoin Trading Robot - Automated Profit $34,175+ and Counting!

Bitcoin, the world's first electronic currency, is revolutionizing the financial world. Embrace this new era of digital currency free from government control with a Bitcoin trading robot that allows automated profit generation. Learn about the peer-to-peer electronic cash system created by Satoshi Nakamoto, the advantages of Bitcoin transactions, and how to use Bitcoin for various purposes. Get your automated Bitcoin trading robot and start benefiting from the rapidly growing Bitcoin market.

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Bitcoin Trading Robot - Automated Profit $34,175+ and Counting!

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  1. Right Place. Right Time. Right Idea. BTC ROBOT The Fiist Automated Bitcoin Trading Bobot The World's first Electronic Currency Robot!Next Generation Currency? AUTOMATED PROFIT +$34,175 and counting When the globaleconomy is on theverge of COLLAPSE When the Worldis in CRISIS When the financialinstitutions are liningup to go bankrupt Bitcoin is a revolutionary new concept — a digital currency of thenew era, not relying on any bank or government, which startedfew years ago as an open source project on http://goo.gl/VVWXuA. It was considered by many as just another creation of Internet geeks beforeit took the financial world by storm this year and was suddenlyraised to the ranks of major world currencies.

  2. And if you jump in fast, you can be oneof those who'll reap all the benefits. Remember, the early birdcatches the worm! Embrace the new e-currency, free of anygovernment and bank limitations. Bitcoin is an absolutely new revolutionary concept: digitalcurrency of a new era, product of an open source projectcreated by Japanese geek Satoshi Nakamoto, called"Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash allows online paymentsto be sent directly from one party to another without going throughfinancial institutions like banks and government control. Bitcoin puts an end to Banking system parasites: Forget the ridiculous bank wire fees and commissions.

  3. Bitcoin is taking over the world! It was created in 2009 as an online currencythat isn't controlled by the U.S. Federal Reserveor any other central authority and just inAugust of last year, the exchange rate forone Bitcoin was $10. This may seem high untilyou realize that today,one Bitcoin is worth roughly $115 ! While you may think Bitcoinis solely a digital currency, it is already taking overthe world with thousandsoffline ATM machines thatlet you exchange Bitcoin fortraditional cash!

  4. Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA SinceBitcoin is a currency, you can use it in exactly the same wayyou use any other electronic money: you open a digital wallet thatcan be installed on your computer or on your mobile phone and youuse this wallet to pay or receive money. This is as safe (or maybeeven safer) than any other digital wallet, it uses cryptography withpublic and private keys and all the yada-yada that guaranteessecurity of all your electronic transactions; for example, for creditcard payment or home banking. If you are a safety geek, I can assure you, I have not ever heardabout any fraud that resulted from interception and cracking atransaction secured in this way. Most of the computer crimes arerelated to breaching credit card storage systems (which simply doesnot exist in this case) or simply intercepting a user typing or othermanipulations on the user's own computer via various malware(this type of interception can only be excluded on the user level byproperly securing one's computer). The advantages ofBitcoin stem from the fact that your transactionsdo not pass through any central office, bank, etc. The transactionstake place between two persons and involve the entire network toapprove its validity. No banks mean that the cost of transaction iskept very low. On top of that, your account cannot be frozen, it willnot depend on failing banks, bad credit history etc. Opening anaccount does not require any prerequisites. Just your email addressis enough. Nowadays, you can use Bitcoin for almost everythipurchase music, software, hosting, video gamesbetting, auctions like eBay... You can even rentapartments and buy houses using Bitcoin! Nobody expected Bitcoin to gainthis much traction, but it is taking ovethe world faster than youmight think. -' _ ^ ^— '_' —' ' _' 7" ~

  5. Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Sounds too good to be true? It is true! That is why more and more retailers worldwide already sellBitcoin.A long list of merchants can be found on http://goo.gl/VVWXuA:nowadays, you can spend your bitcoins on everythingfrom Amazon vouchers and T-shirts to apartment rentals in Berlin.If you have your own internet business, you can accept Bitcointoo. That is easy. Moreover, you can trade your bitcoins exactlythe same way you can trade euros or dollars and gain money on itsrate fluctuations. Just recently, a worldwide electronic money andonline payment systemWebMoney, which has more than 11 millionusers, started processing bitcoins. Besides purses nominated in USdollars, Euros or Russian roubles, you can also open a WMX-pursenominated in bitcoins and use it to exchange bitcoins against othercurrencies or to buy goods or services. What is Bitcoin? How does it work? How to make money with it? - This is what this book is about. Spoiler: By the end of our ebook, you will learn how you can profit withBitcoin on Autopilot!

  6. How it all began: From old mining days to taking over the world. How Can You Profit with Bitcoin? Just a few years ago, the only way to profit was through so-called "Mining". This is the "Hard Way", for which you receive coins by helping the system toverify secure transactions. This process requires a lot of computational power,typically multicore CPU system or specialized bitcoin miners. The algorithm isdesigned in such a way that mining becomes more and more complex and lessand less profitable with time. Mining days are over! Bitcoin as a concept was invented by a person nicknamed SatoshiNakamoto in his/her paper "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer ElectronicCash System", which was, of course, published electronically and isavailable on the bitcoin.org site for anyone who's interested. The essence of the entireidea is, as Nakamoto says, "Apurely peer-to-peer version ofelectronic cash would allowonline payments to be sentdirectly from one party toanother without going througha financial institution." He points out that since thissystem runs transaction Multicore GPU mining system irreversibly and not through (from Bitcoin Wiki)

  7. Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at www.btcrobot.com any financial institution, the transaction cost is drastically reducedand trust in the system is improved. Any two willing parties can perform transaction without any trustedthird-party (the distributed network plays a role of the third party).The actual Bitcoin is a file containing the chain of digital signaturesof all previous owners. This approach prevents double-spending ofany particular coin and eliminates the need of the central system.Any new transaction is broadcasted to all the nodes (peers) andthe nodes can check validity of the coin by verifying the previoustransactions. This makes counterfeiting essentially impossible. By the way, you can also earn your Bitcoins the "hard way" byhelping the system to verify secure transactions. This process iscalled "mining" and requires a lot of computational power, typicallymulticore GPU system, like shown in the figure below taken fromWiki, or even specialized bitcoin miners (http://goo.gl/VVWXuAbitcoin-mining-hardware/). The algorithm is designed in such a waythat mining becomes more and more complex and less and lessprofitable with the time. Spoiler: Stay tuned! By the end of our ebook, you will learn how you canprofit with Bitcoin on Autopilot without need for Mining!

  8. Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at www.btcrobot.com Ok, so what would you need to start with Bitcoin? There is a plethora of different ways to do it. You can just go tohttp://goo.gl/VVWXuAand download yourfree, open-source Bitcoin wallet for whatever computer you use,Windows, Mac or Linux. Alternatively, you can create you wallet ona web site, for example http://goo.gl/VVWXuA. Both sites also offer mobile applications (iOS and Android),so your Bitcoin wallet can be always at hand. To open an account,you just need an email address and a password. A recently addedpossibility is to open a Bitcoin WMX purse at Webmoney(http://goo.gl/VVWXuA). Now, after you have opened a web account or installed an originalBitcoin program, you are ready to roll. You can buy your bitcoinsusing cash, bank wire transfer, Moneygram, or credit cards. 300 250 250 200 150 100 100 0 50 01/03/2013 01/04/2013 01/05/2013 01/0(5/2013 > ov ov 0v 0v O 0b \> C\> C\> 0> c\> C\V ^ Ov A C\> CV (V c\> Ov Ov c\> C\V O5 o o O # O # o o / O o o / o / o / Bitcoin price: from the creation till today. In the insert: highly volatile bitcoin pricing during the Mar-Jun 2013

  9. Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA Everything (or almost everything) is possible. Nowadays, Bitcoin hasbecome a valid currency, just like anything else. Contrary to othercurrencies, it is not backed by any government or organization, itdoes not have any gold value behind it. However, as we all know,being backed by a government does not protect currencies fromhuge fluctuations in price. In the end, the price of any currency isdefined by offer and demand. If the currency is useful, if you canbuy something for it, it will retain its value. Bitcoin started very low.The first documented purchase was 10,000 BTC (that is the officialcurrency symbol for Bitcoin) for $25-worth of pizza. Since that, thevalue of Bitcoin has increased dramatically: BTC is currently tradingat around $100 for a single bitcoin. More than 250,000 users useBitcoin on a daily basis. What can I use my bitcoins for? As I already mentionedabove you can buy thingsand services for it. Manymerchants are using it. Funnily enough, it is gettingvery popular with sex shopsand internet sites sellingillegal drugs. They bothuse another very importantfeature of bitcoins: theiranonymity. Since the system is decentralized and cracking the complete transaction history isclose to impossible, Bitcoin becomes quite popular in this kind oftrade as well. However, if you would browse through the blogs tofind out what is the most popular use of bitcoins, you will noticethat by far the most popular is investment. On one hand, manybelieve that Bitcoin is destined to grow in value (more than 70% of

  10. Get Your Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot at http://goo.gl/VVWXuA all existing bitcoins are not in circulation and currently stored in"digital vaults" as a long term investment!). The number of bitcoinsin circulation will not grow dramatically anymore (see figure) andwill reach the maximum possible amount by the year 2140, while thepopularity of bitcoins and hence demand will increase. On the otherhand, since the amount of bitcoins in circulation is rather stable,they are already traded in a way pretty similar to other currenciesor shares. It means that smart short term investers can profit onvolatility of the bitcoin market and earn a lot with a very smallinitial investment. In the next chapters you will learn how to analyzebitcoin market behavior and how to make buying and sellingdecision at the right moments. To buy your initial lot of bitcoins, you can go tohttp://goo.gl/VVWXuA. top-up your Bitcoin wallet atWebmoney using other currencies, or purchase it directly on thetrading site. MtGox(http://goo.gl/VVWXuA/)is the oldest and thelargest one. It is very easy to start trading there: you open an account(just email address is required) and then transfer your bitcoins toyour account or wire transfer your local currency from your bank. BTC-eis another very useful trading marketplace for individualsbuying and selling bitcoins. Only a small fee of 0.2% is chargedper transaction. The site has a clear interface showing the currentmedian pricing and a recent trend. Registering on this web-site isabsolutely free and the only information required is your email. Tostart trading, you need first to deposit some amount in one of themajor currencies or transfer bitcoins if you have some. Currentlysupported payment methods are: US Bank Wire, EU Bank Wire(SEPA), Visa, Mastercard, Liqpay.com. unikarta.com. PerfectMoney.com.WebCreds.com. Ukash.com. OKPay.

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