Figure. Time postamputation of all studies reviewed in groups II and III shown in black text (except for Pinzur et al. [74] and Wilson et al. [73], who did not report data on people with lower-limb amputation, and Nawijn et al. [17], which was a review of multiple studies). For reference, gray text indicates postamputation phases taken from American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists report on postoperative management of persons with amputation [5]. Superscript numbers and reference numbers in caption (in brackets) refer to main article reference numbers. Majority of reviewed studies report on residual limb volume during immediate postacute hospital stage (4¬8 weeks) and intermediate recovery stage (4–6 months). Sanders JE, Fatone S. Residual limb volume change: Systematic review of measurement and management. J Rehabil Res Dev. 2011;48(8):949-86.DOI:10.1682/JRRD.2010.09.0189