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Hydrocarbon explorationMethods used: seismicgravitymagneticelectromagnetic (MT)Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic are preliminary (reconnaissance) tools for the exploration of sedimentary basinSeismic Method : Fine structure of the sediment
1. Applied Geophysics: Seismic Prospecting MethodsINTRODUCTION Method Geophysical Parameter Geological Information
Seismic travel time from layer boundaries,
source to geophone; density, porosity
compute wave velocity
Seismology makes use of the travel times and velocities of seismic waves (also earthquake waves) to study the nature of the interior of the Earth
Hydrocarbon exploration
Methods used: seismic
electromagnetic (MT)
Electromagnetic, Gravity and Magnetic are preliminary (reconnaissance) tools for the exploration of sedimentary basin
Seismic Method : Fine structure of the sediments/structures.
3. Classification of seismic methods are based on energy source of the seismic waves:
1. Earthquake seismology
Natural shock waves from earthquakes are studied to make deductions about the physical properties and structure of the earth’s interior.
2. Controlled-source seismology
(Explosion seismology or seismic prospecting)
Seismic waves are generated by artificial explosions at selected sites to obtain information about regional or local structure.