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Waste Management in Estonia Future Challenges Margit Rüütelmann

Waste Management in Estonia Future Challenges Margit Rüütelmann Estonian Waste Management Association Waste Recycling Cluster. Estonian Waste Management Association. Established in 1996 by 26 waste management companies. In 2006 over 50 members Today 40 members, 13 individual members

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Waste Management in Estonia Future Challenges Margit Rüütelmann

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  1. Waste Management in Estonia Future Challenges Margit Rüütelmann Estonian Waste Management Association Waste Recycling Cluster

  2. Estonian Waste Management Association • Established in 1996 by 26 waste management companies. • In 2006 over 50 members • Today 40 members, 13 individual members The mission of EWMA is to stand for the common interests of the members and to develop waste management in Estonia directed by the general principles of sustainable development.

  3. Waste generation The dominating waste sources are: • oil shale mining • oil shale chemistry • power production Municipal waste forms about 3-4 % of the total amount of waste.

  4. Waste generation Generated waste in million tons:

  5. Generation of MSW

  6. Waste generation, 2010 • Waste taken to the landfill sites353 518 tons incl. MSW 268 938 tons • Landfilled 286 475 tons incl. MSW 246 851 tons • Recycled by landfill operators 67 043 tons

  7. Composition of MSW

  8. MSW in EU 25

  9. Waste generation Number of inhabitants: 1,34 million (01.01.2010) Total amount of waste generated – 15,6 million tons 11,6 tons/person Generation of municipal waste – 441 326 tons 329 kg/person

  10. Landfills • National Waste Management Plan 2002-2007 - 7-9 landfill sites in Estonia • The closure process of non-compliant landfill sites started in 2001 In 1999 Estonia had 351 municipal landfills • July 16th, 2009 • 6 compliant landfill sites (5 for municipal waste +1 for hazardous waste)

  11. Landfills in 1999

  12. Landfills in 2011

  13. Pollution Charge Pollution charge for release of waste into the environment • 8,5 EUR per ton of waste • 14,38 EUR • 17,25 EUR • 20,77 EUR • 24,86 EUR • 29,84 EUR Gate fee in landfill sites for MSW is about 50 EUR/t.

  14. Pollution Charge 3/4 of the pollution charge goes to the local authority for the development of waste management in the area. Restriction If local authority has not fulfilled the obligation to administer organized municipal waste collection – no pollution charge.

  15. Organized Municipal Waste Collection • Obligation since January 1st, 2005. • Organized municipal waste collection covers municipal waste from households and enterprises. • The aim of organised municipal waste collectionis to get almost all municipal waste holders covered with contracts.

  16. Organized Municipal Waste Collection • About 220 local authorities. • Low-density areas. • Co-operation between small local authorities. • Report of National Audit Office - 43% of local authorities do not have organised municipal waste collection.

  17. Organized Municipal Waste Collection • Until Dec.31st, 2010 – competition to grant specialor exclusive right to collect waste within certaintransport area. • Since Jan.1st 2011 – competitions according to the rules provided by Public Procurement Act – services concession. • In-house agreements are prohibited.

  18. Future Perspectives National Waste Management Plan 2008 - 2013 General trends defined: • Separate collection of waste • MBT • Recovered fuels • Mass incineration

  19. Treatment capacities, MSW

  20. Treatment capacities, MSW Re-use and recycling + RDF, mass incineration 440 000 tons/year + Capacity of 5-6 landfills (in 2010 - 286 000 tons of waste was landfilled ) Generation of MSW 450 – 500 000 tons/year Overcapacity – competition between treatment facilities.

  21. RDF incineration • Kunda Nordic Cement 2010 23 000 tons of recovered fuels incinerated incl 12 000 tons of RDF incl6 000 tons of RDF produced in Estonia 2011 29 000 tons of recovered fuels • RDF produced in Estonia was also exported to Latvia – Cemex.

  22. Waste Recycling Cluster

  23. What is a cluster? • The objectives of the cluster • To increase the added value of the companies • To increase the sales of the products-services and export. • Driving force • Co-operation between the companies of the same and different sectors and research & educational institutions.

  24. Project partners • 17 companies • 15 waste management companies • road building company • cement company • 3 research and educational institutions • Estonian University of Life Sciences • TallinnaTechnical University • Tartu UniversityTüriColledge Cluster is open to new partners.

  25. Cluster development • Dec, 2009 – Nov, 2010 Preliminary projects – Compost production and production of recycled aggregates from C&D waste. • Jan.01, 2011 – Dec.31, 2013 Waste Recycling Cluster Co-financed by Enterprise Estonia from the European Regional Development Fund.

  26. Main objectives of Waste Recycling Cluster • To increase the amounts of waste recycled in Estonia. • Products compliant to quality standards and sertified: • Compost • Recycled aggregates • Recovered fuels • To increase production capacity and volumes, joint marketing. • To increase sales of the products-services and export.

  27. Waste -> Products Waste Recycling Cluster Production of recovered fuels Production of recycled aggregates Production of compost

  28. Activities • Study-trips -> acquire the knowledge and experiences other countries, partners search. • Research - > market research, quality of the products, capacity sharing. • Seminars, conferences. • Development of training programs for the employees. • Participation in other projects.

  29. Production of compost

  30. Production of compost

  31. Production of compost

  32. Production of recycled aggregates

  33. Production of recycled aggregates

  34. Production of RDF

  35. RDF in Kunda Nordic Cement

  36. Contacts Margit Rüütelmann margit@ejkl.ee www.ejkl.ee

  37. Thank you for your attention!

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