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This document outlines the expectations, rules, and procedures for Mrs. Torres-Jimenez's Spanish I class. It also provides information on class goals, contact details, supplies needed, grading policy, consequences for infractions, and tutoring times.
2018-2019 Course: Spanish I Room Number: C208 Mrs. Torres-Jimenez Parents, this is a high school class and your student will receive 1 High School credit at the end of the year when they successfully pass it. There is more rigor in our curriculum and we use the high school’s grading system which is different than other regular classes here at McAdams. Please read the entire syllabus and sign below, then return by August 24th, 2018 showing that you have read the syllabus for Mrs. Torres-Jimenez and understood the expectations, rules and class procedures. _________________________________________Student Name(printed) _________________________________________ Student Signature _________________________________________ Parent Signature _________________________________________ Parent e-mail _________________________________________ Parent phone number
2018-2019 Course: Spanish I Room Number: C208 Mrs. Torres-Jimenez Class Goals How to Reach Me mtorresjimenez@dickinsonisd.org • To develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish through the use of learned vocabulary and grammatical concepts. • To develop an understanding and appreciation of the Spanish/Latin American culture • Students will receive 1 High School credit at the end of the year when they successfully pass this class. 281-229-7183 http://schools.dickinsonisd.org/page/mtorresjimenez-Home *Conference time: 10:50-11:42 Rules Supplies FOLLOW THE GATOR WAY... RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL AND INVOLVED 1. Do not talk when the teacher is talking 2. Follow directions the first time they are given. 3. Be in your seat when the bell rings 4. Sit in your assigned seat daily 5. Stay in your seat until the teacher dismisses the class.I expect a high level of class participation during the learning periods. In order to achieve this each student must hold themselves responsible for his/her own behavior. Pencils Pens (EXCEPT GREEN) 2 Composition books (NOT SPIRALS) Loose leaf paper highlighters (you need 4 different colors and 2 of them have to be blue and pink ) Colored pencils 6 Glue sticks (all of them will be left in the classroom) 1 ream (500 sheets) of white copy paper lettersize (8 1/2"x 11“) Markers 1 used/new Magazine (please check the content of this magazine before sending it to class with your student and make sure it has people in it) 1 Spanish to English and English to Spanish dictionary. IT WILL BE THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CARRY IT TO SCHOOL EVERYDAY . Make sure it is not a pocket dictionary. You can find them at BARNES AND NOBLE, HALF PRICE BOOKS or ONLINE www.amazon.com ( You will not need it until 2 weeks from 1st day of school) SOMETIMES THEY WILL NEED INTERNET ACCESS AT HOME OR PUBLIC LIBRARY TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS. Consequences • Consequences for infractions against school and classroom policies will follow school discipline policy. • Parent contact • Detention after school/before school/ during lunch • Office referrals • Points taken off on Class Dojo NOTE: Your student will use a Spanish textbook during class. He/she will be responsible for that book during class. You can also checkout a Spanish textbook from our school library to be used at home.
Grades(High School policy) 50% Daily work, homework and quizzes 50% Major assignments, CBAs, tests, projects *If a student gets less than 70% on a test, retesting may be requested by a student within one week of a test being returned.* Students will take a final semester exam(one before winter break and one at the end of the year) *Students will be tested every Friday on the topics we are on for that week or unit. Late policy 1 day = -10 points 2 days = -20 points 3 days = -30 points 4 or more days = -50 points Conference and grade notification You may contact me anytime by phone or e-mail. I will get back to you within 24 hours. During instruction a phone call may go directly to voice mail. I will be happy to meet with you regarding your child and his/her progress. Your child will bring home progress reports are 3 weeks, 6 weeks and a final report card at each 9 week period. Make-up policy After an absence, students have 3 days to complete the assignments. If not completed before the end of the nine-weeks grading period, a zero will be recorded. Tutoring Times 3:15-4:15pm Participation Dishonesty policy Participation is one of the most important components of learning a foreign language. It’s okay to be wrong, but it is not okay to quit, refuse to try, or discourage others from trying. My goal is to speak Spanish 90% of the time.(EXCEPT FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND IF THERE IS AN ISSUE I NEED TO ADDRESS IN ENGLISH) It is my goal for you to live in Spanish in our classroom; to think, speak, work, converse, and perform in the language. Student receives a zero, parent call made. Use of word by word translators is strictly prohibited. If it is found that a translator is used for any assignment, you will receive a failing score for that assignment. (EX: GOOGLE TRANSLATE) Please note that a translator and a dictionary are different. Dictionaries are allowed. At home you can use www.spanishdictionary.com
2018-2019 Clase: Español para hispanohablantes Número de salón: C208 Maestra Torres Padres/tutores: Estaesunaclase de preparatoria y el estudianderecibirá 2 créditos (enotras palabras estaclase que se llevaría dos añosellos la haránenuno). Hay másexigenciaenestaclaseya que el trabajo y la manera de calificar son comoen la preparatoria de Dickinson. Esmuydiferente a la maneraen que califican la mayoría de las clases de McAdams. Por favor lean todo el sílabo y firmenestahojaindicando que ya lo leyeron y entendieron las reglas y expectativas de estaclase y mandarla de regreso con suhijo(a) antes del 24 de Agosto del 2018. _________________________________________Nombre del estudiande(enletra de molde) _________________________________________ Firma del estudiante _________________________________________ Firma del padre o tutor _________________________________________ Correoelectrónico del padre o tutor _________________________________________ Número de teléfono del padre o tutor
2018-2019 Maestra Torres Clase: Español para hispanohablantes Número de salón: C208 Contactarme en: Metas de la clase mtorresjimenez@dickinsonisd.org • Mejorarenescritura, habla, lectura y escucha • Aprendersobre la culturaendiferentespaíseshispanohablantes • Estudiantesrecibirán 1 crédito de preparatoria al final del año.(recuerden que necesitan 26 para graduarse de la preparatoria) 281-229-7183 http://schools.dickinsonisd.org/page/mtorresjimenez-Home *Hora para conferencias: 10:50-11:42 Reglas Utiles SEGUIR LA MANERA DE NUESTRA MASCOTA EL LAGARTO: RESPONSABLE, RESPETUOSO E INVOLUCRADO 1. No hablar cuando la maestra está hablando 2. Seguir instrucciones desde la primera vez que se dan 3. Estar en su asieno asignado cuando suene la campana 4. Sentarse en su asiento asignado diariamente 5. Mantenerse sentado hasta que la maestro lo indique.Espero que se comporten como estudiantes de preparatoria listos para la Universidad. lápices plumas (EXCEPTO VERDE) 3 libretas de composición(SIN ESPIRAL) Hojassueltas de papel marcatextos (necesitan 4 colores y dos tienen que serrosa y azul) Colores de madera 6 Pegamentosenbarra( todoslosdejaránen el salón ) 1 paquete de 500 hojasblancas (para copias) tamaño carta. ( 8 1/2"x 11“) Marcadores 1 revista (por favor asegurense que el contenido sea apropiado para la escuela y que tengafotos de personas ) Acceso a internet para hacertareas(puedeusar la bibliotecaen la preparatoria Dickinson o la bibliotecapública) Si el estudiante no tieneceluar, tendrá que comprar un diccionario de la lenguaespañola.(lo puedeconseguiren internet o en la tiendabarnes and noble) Consecuencias Consecuencias por no seguir las reglas serán de acuerdo a nuestro código de conducta de la escuela. *Llamada a casa *detención después de la escuela *Reportes a la oficina *y deducción de puntos en class dojo NOTA: Los estudiantes usarán el libro de texto de español en mi salon y serán responsables por el. Si usted gusta puede sacar uno de nuestra biblioteca pero no es obligatorio.
Calificaciones Poliza si se entregan los trabajos tarde 50% Trabajo diario,tareas y mini pruebas 50% trabajos principals, proyectos, y exámenes *Si un estudiante reprueba un examen, tienen una semana para venir a tomarlo de nuevo. * Los estudiantes tomarán pruebas semestrales(uno antes de las vacaciones de invierno y otro a final de año). *Todos los días vamos a escribir ensayos.(cortos y largos) 1 día = -10 puntos 2 días = -20 puntos 3 días = -30 puntos 4 o más días = -50 puntos Citas y entregas de calificaciones Pueden contactarme a cualquier hora cualquier día y respoderé dentro de 24 horas o menos. Durante clases si llaman pueden dejarme un correo de voz. Su hijo(a) llevará a casa calificaciones cada 3 semanas. Póliza para reponer trabajos Si un estudiante está ausente, tiene 3 días para reponer los trabajos y si no se completan tendré que registrar ceros en el libro de calificaciones. Tutorías 3:15-4:15 3:15-4:15pm Participación Deshonestidad Los estudiantes requieren hablar 100% español en clase todos los días, Si un estudiante hace trampa recibirá cero y llamaré a casa Se prohibe usar la aplicación “Google translate” para traducir.