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EU4Climate supports Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine in implementing the Paris Agreement and enhancing climate policies. Learn about the regional cooperation and key objectives of this EU-funded initiative.
EU4Climate National Inception Workshop In Ukraine 12 April, 2019 Kiev Empowered lives. Resilient nations.
EU4Climate in a nutshell EU4Climate helps governments in the six EU Eastern Partner countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to take action against climate change. It supports countries in implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and improving climate policies and legislation. Its ambition is to limit climate change impact on citizens lives and make them more resilient to it. EU4Climate is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme. • Objective:Low-emissions and climate resilience objectives are integrated into development policies and plans in 6 EaP countries through improved and consolidated climate policies and legislative alignment • Total budget: EUR 8,800,000 / USD 10,302,160 • EUR 8 Million EU • EUR 0.8 Million UNDP • Duration: 2019-2022 • Regional cooperation, learning and policy dialogue + technical assistance at national level
EU4Climate Policy Context • Paris Agreement on Climate Change (PA, 2016) • PA Transparency Framework • PA Rulebook – Katowice Climate Package • EaP '20 Deliverables for 2020’ (2017): Deliverables 15 and 16 • EU Climate Acquis • Energy Community Acquis • EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation (MMR) • Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (CoMo) • Nationally Determined Contributions to PA (NDCs) of 6 EaP Countries • National and sectoral development strategies, national DRR strategies • Agenda 2030, Sendai Framework for DRR
EU4Climate Expected results • 1. Finalized or up-dated NDCs and national mid-century strategies communicated to the UNFCCC • 2. Improved inter-institutional awareness and coordination • 3. Established or strengthened MRV systems, with countries getting on track with Paris Agreement transparency requirements • 4. Advanced alignment with EU acquis as provided by bilateral agreements with EU and in the context of Energy Community Treaty • 5. Establishment of concrete sectoral guidelines for the implementation of the Paris Agreement in each of the Eastern Partners • 6. Increased mobilization of climate finance (including under NIF/NIP) • 7. Adoption of national and sectoral adaptation plans
Component 1. Implementation and update of NDCs to the Paris Agreement 1.1. Two regional training and knowledge exchange workshops on the NDC implementation and reporting to UNFCCC. 1.2. Support to NDCs implementation in at least four Eastern Neighbourhood countries: • Screening of the national and sectoral strategies and plans that contribute to NDC implementation • Modelling for priority sectors on possible development scenarios • Establishing focal points and strengthening sectoral institutional capacity • High-level and technical national roundtables/workshops • Development of the NDC implementation plans/roadmaps with timeframes, responsible national and sectoral institutions, including plans for updates and development of Second NDC • Supporting the countries with reporting under the Paris Agreement Enhanced Transparency Framework • Support NDCs updates, following the latest UNFCCC guidance. 1.3. Public awareness on NDCs for private sector, academia, NGO community and for other relevant stakeholders.
Component 2. Development of mid-century long-term LEDS 2.1.Regional training workshops for 6 beneficiary countries on the LEDS development process. 2.2. National technical roundtables to discuss and set up national coordination mechanisms for the development of LEDS, at least 80 government officials trained 2.3. Development of gender sensitive mid-century, long-term LEDSs in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Georgia based on NDC targets including cost benefit analysis. Developed LEDS will be submitted to the Governments for adoption.
Component 3. Introduction of robust domestic emissions monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) frameworks 3.1. A regional training workshop on MRV (GHG inventory) systems according to the UNFCCC requirements and aligned with the EU Monitoring Mechanism Regulation. 3.2. A study tour to learn about MRV (GHG inventory) system in the EU. 3.3. Review/gap analysis of the existing MRV systems in the beneficiary countries, including review of the existing national/sectoral/corporate statistical frameworks and information systems for GHG emission accounting. 3.4. Proposals for national MRV (GHG inventory) systems. 3.5.Trainings of MRV (GHG inventory) experts from technical departments of line ministries (i.e. energy, transport, environment, agriculture, forestry) and other relevant government agencies (at least 100 sectoral government officers/experts trained). 3.6. Training materials for the private sector stakeholders related to their contributions to national GHG inventories.
Component 4. Alignment with EU acquis included in bilateral agreements and Energy Community Treaty on Climate Action 4.1.Workshops in each of the countries on respective EU acquis 4.2.Analysis of the national legislation and fiscal policies, elaboration of proposals and plans for legislative alignment that is foreseen in the Association Agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, in the CEPA agreement with Armenia, Partnership Priorities with Belarus and Azerbaijan, as well as with relevant decisions of the Energy Community. Policy papers and plans will be produced for legislative alignment, technical assistance and coaching on their implementation will be provided. 4.3. Inputs to relevant Sub-Committee meetings, Platform and Panel discussions, Energy Community meetings and updates to DG NEAR and relevant EU Delegations.
Component 5. Mainstreaming climate in sectors and sectoral guidelines for the implementation of Paris Agreement 5.1.Inception/training workshop on CC mainstreaming into sectoral policies 5.2.Each country develops gender-sensitive mainstreaming recommendations for at least 2 priority sectors. This will include detailed sectoral policy review, analysis of climate risks and GHG emission reduction potential, CBA, mainstreaming recommendations, regulatory/institutional /coordination framework, monitoring framework, and financial resources planning. * Energy sector will be a strong priority for this component. Consultations with the IEA will be conducted and engagement of the IEA will be explored. **Guidelines on "Integrating the environment and climate change into EU international cooperation and development: Towards sustainable development" will be taken into account. *** In addition to energy, selection of priority sectors will be agreed by the Steering Committee. 5.3. Three sub-regional sector-based training and knowledge exchange workshops, and a series of national consultations and workshops (High level events if deemed necessary). 5.4. Sectoral guidelines for the implementation of Paris Agreement
Component 6. Climate Investment 6.1. Two regional climate finance forums on investment planning and increased mobilization of climate finance. Beneficiary countries discuss their climate finance pipelines, review climate investment planning and budgeting tools, interact with IFIs, donors and potential investors. 6.2. Training, consultations and capacity building provided through national workshops and advisory services to relevant ministry staff on developing prioritized pipeline of bankable projects and mainstreaming CC into national funding instruments. 6.3. Regional and national workshops on climate finance frameworks engaging the ministries of finance, economy and planning. 6.4. Two national pilot studies on gender-responsive climate finance frameworks, climate budget tagging and integrating CC indicators into national budget planning and reporting systems with the Ministries of finance.
Component 7. Adaptation planning: adoption and when necessary development of adaptation plans 7.1. Support to the national adaptation planning (NAP) in at least 2 countries. * Scoping study, road map, NAP development, institutional, coordination, financing, monitoring, reporting and communication frameworks for the NAP. 7.2. Follow up and facilitation of adoption of national and sectoral adaptation plans. High level events to facilitate adoption of existing plans and launching the development of new ones. 7.3. Cross country knowledge exchange on NAP development, implementation and reporting to UNFCCC. Consultations on transboundary and interregional cooperation on adaptation planning: 5 regional trainings and knowledge exchange workshops on NAPs. 7.4. Workshops involving local and central authorities.
Component 8: Monitoring and evaluation, communication, visibility and reporting Component 9: Project Management
Total EU4Climate Budget by components (USD) EU4Climate Budget and Financing Indicative schedule of EC financial transfers (USD) * Not exceeding EUR 8,000,000 * National allocation for Ukraine for 4 years: US$ 1,155,600, excluding additional support to be provided through the regional component.
Coordination with other relevant UNDP initiativesOverview of UNDP CC portfolio
UNDP NDC Support Globally and in ECIS NDC Support Programme • http://www.ndcs.undp.org/ • UNDP to double its support on NDCs • Will expand to include new countries Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (GEF) Country level climate action projects Climate change mitigation: EE, RE (GEF, bilateral) Global NDC Conference, Berlin UN SG Climate Summit 2019 Global events
UNDP oversight arrangements • Istanbul Regional Hub: • Climate and DRR Team: oversight, project management, M&E, coordination and reporting • Quality Assurance Team • Operations Team and Project Support Team • Country Office Support Team • UNDP Country Offices
Project Board Executive: UNDP IRH Manager (co-chair) Senior Supplier: EC DG Near (co-chair) DG Clima, DH Energy, DG Environment, EU Delegations, EEAs Senior Beneficiary: UNDP Senior Management of selected Country Offices, EaP Government Representatives Project Manager International Chief Technical Advisor Project Assurance : IRH Quality Assurance Team Project Support Programme Assistant and CO support staff at the country level National Coordinators/Advisors at the Country Offices Individual Consultants, Experts EU4Climate Management Arrangements • Project Management Unit (IRH) • CDT Focal Point • Project Manager/CTA • Regional Programme Associate • National Coordination Unit (UNDP Kiev) • CO EFP • National Coordinator (part time) • National Admin/Finance Assistant
Project Board / Steering Committee • Provides overall leadership, guidance and direction • SC Members: • EC DG NEAR (co-chair), DG Clima, DG Energy, DG Environment, EU Delegations, EEAS • UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub (co-chair), UNDP Country Offices in EaP countries • EaP countries (beneficiaries of the project, representatives of the relevant ministries) • Meets at least annually • Discuss project progress, work plans, bottlenecks, potential to achieve results, need and guidance for project adjustments • Facilitate and ensure enhanced coordination and new partnerships
EU4Climate Stakeholders at Country Level • UNFCCC Focal Points in EaP countries. • Technical departments of other line ministries and agencies (i.e. environment, energy, natural resources, economy, industry, agriculture, finance, etc.); • Technical and administrative structures responsible for the design, implementation, and operation of the ETS; • Major regional and national structures responsible for the management of natural resources, i.e. forests, rivers, oceans, permafrost soils; • Competent authority for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Joint Implementation (JI) and international emission trading; • Women’s Commissions and relevant line ministries with gender equality and women’s empowerment mandate; • Other stakeholders such as regional and local governments, academia, civil society organisations and the private sector.
Next steps • Recruitment of the PM/CTA, National Coordinators and assistants • Country-level consultations on the Work Plan • Engagement with international partners (EEA, IEA, Energy Community, OECD, EU4Energy, EU4Environment, GIZ…) • Detailed 2019 Work Plan: regional and national • Inception Workshop and 1st Steering Committee meeting (29 May, Vienna)
Thank you! armen.grigoryan@undp.org nataly.olofinskaya@undp.org Empowered lives. Resilient nations. EU4Climate helps governments in the six EU Eastern Partner countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to take action against climate change. It supports countries in implementing the Paris Climate Agreement and improving climate policies and legislation. Its ambition is to limit climate change impact on citizens lives and make them more resilient to it. EU4Climate is funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme.