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Exploring Labour Power in World Economic Geography

Delve into the dynamics of labor negotiations, state and firm influence, and worker strategies in economic geographies. Reflect on alternative labor practices and geographical impacts.

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Exploring Labour Power in World Economic Geography

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  1. World Economic Geography Labour power Instructor: Dr. Truong Thi Kim Chuyen Email: worldeconomicgeography@gmail.com Weblog: www.socialscience09.wordpress.com

  2. World Economic Geography • Paul Knox (2008),The geography of the world economy, Routledge; 5th edition • Neil M.Coe, Phillip F Kelly, Henry W.C. Yeung (2007), Economic Geography, Blackwell Publishing • Readings: Fellmann – Getis - Getis (1998). Human Geography: Landscapes of Human Activities. Brown & Benchmark.

  3. Course Outline

  4. 08/ Labour power – can workers shape economic geographies? Aims: To recognize the ways in which capital’s mobility gives it bargaining power over labour To appreciate the range of mechanisms used by states and firms to control labour To understand the different geographical strategies that workers may use to improve their position To reflect on the possibilities for alternative or non-capitalist labour geographies

  5. OUTLINE • Introduction • Global capital, local labour? • Geographies of labour: working under pressure • Labour geographies: workers as an agent of change • Beyond capital versus labour: towards alternative ways of working? • Summary

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