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There are 1,942,980 Irish profiles on Facebook (Facebook)

There are 1,942,980 Irish profiles on Facebook (Facebook.com) Over 900 new profiles are set up each day The average Irish person spends 4hours 10 minutes on Facebook per month (* Comscore ) 49% of the population over 15 years of age are on Facebook,

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There are 1,942,980 Irish profiles on Facebook (Facebook)

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  1. There are 1,942,980 Irish profiles on Facebook (Facebook.com) Over 900 new profiles are set up each day The average Irish person spends 4hours 10 minutes on Facebook per month (*Comscore) 49% of the population over 15 years of age are on Facebook, 47% of Facebook users log in daily - 24% every couple of days - 12% log in weekly etc (Ipsos MRBI)

  2. Future Jobs Nearly two in five companies (37%) use social networking sites to research job candidates In a 2009 study of employers who conduct online background checks, 45% said they used social media to screen job candidates. The nationwide survey, which was conducted by Harris Interactive from February 9 to March 2, 20l2, included more than 2,000 hiring managers and human resource professionals across industries and company sizes. • http://www.careerbuilder.com/share/aboutus/pressreleasesdetail.aspx?id=pr691&sd=4%2F18%2F2012&ed=4%2F18%2F2099

  3. §

  4. What are hiring managers looking for on social media? • Hiring managers are using social media to evaluate candidates’ character and personality outside the confines of the traditional interview process. • · To see if the candidate presents himself/herself professionally – 65% • · To see if the candidate is a good fit for the company culture – 51% • · To learn more about the candidate’s qualifications – 45% • · To see if the candidate is well-rounded – 35% • · To look for reasons not to hire the candidate – 12%

  5. Keep private information private....

  6. Review Privacy Settings

  7. Blogging Guidelines: You're out in public- when online. Privacy features - giving you control. Just because you can post anything doesn't mean you should. The fact is you just shouldn't meet people in person who you only know from the Internet. If you do, make sure you do so in a public place and bring along at least one friend – the more and bigger the better. Never, ever, agree to meet someone alone.

  8. Everything you type on a BLOG is considered PUBLISHED - you are governed by Publishing Law

  9. www.esafety.ie http://www.facebook.com/Webwise

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