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Class 5: Business Processes and Process Modeling

Class 5: Business Processes and Process Modeling. MIS 2101: Management Information Systems. Based on material from Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World , Leonard Jessup and Joseph Valacich, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007

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Class 5: Business Processes and Process Modeling

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  1. Class 5: Business Processes and Process Modeling MIS 2101: Management Information Systems Based on material from Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World, Leonard Jessup and Joseph Valacich, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007 Included material from Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 5th edition, Satzinger, Jackson, and Burd, Course Technology, 2009 Also includes material by David Schuff, Paul Weinberg, and Cindy Joy Marselis.

  2. Video Game AI? • True AI: addresses fields of machine learning, decision making based on arbitrary data input, and even the ultimate goal of strong AI that can reason • Video Game AI: consists of a half-dozen rules of thumb, or heuristics, that are just enough to give a good gameplay experience

  3. Learning Objectives • Identify the steps used by organizations to manage the development of information systems • Describe each major phase of the system development process • Understand the concepts of Business Process Modeling • Understand development options

  4. What are the 4 options for obtaining an information system?

  5. Options for Obtaining Information Systems

  6. System Construction

  7. Learning Objectives • Identify the steps used by organizations to manage the development of information systems • Describe each major phase of the system development process • Understand the concepts of Business Process Modeling • Understand development options

  8. Steps in the Systems Development Process

  9. Phase 1: Systems Identification, Selection and Planning

  10. Phase 1: Systems Identification, Selection and Planning

  11. Evaluation Criteria for Systems Projects

  12. Phase 2: Systems Analysis

  13. Critical Success Factors

  14. CSF Strengths and Weaknesses

  15. JAD Session

  16. JAD Strengths and Weaknesses

  17. Looking at Business Processes A business process is an activity that creates value Business Process Reengineering is the redesign of business processes using Information Technology

  18. System Analysis

  19. Phase 3: System Design

  20. System Design Forms Interfaces Reports Databases

  21. Phase 4: System Implementation

  22. System Conversion and installation

  23. Testing

  24. Training

  25. System Maintenance

  26. System Maintenance

  27. Learning Objectives • Understand the steps used by organizations to manage the development of information systems • Describe each major phase of the system development process • Understand the concepts of Business Process Modeling • Understand development options

  28. Why Business Processes? • An understanding of business processes indicates where Information Technology can fit in • How to understand business processes • Process modeling • Process characteristics

  29. Why Business Processes?

  30. DFD Symbols

  31. DFD Fragment Manual or Automated?

  32. DFD Fragments for Course Registration System At least 3 events in the event table…one-to-one relationship between DFD fragments and entries in event table!

  33. Flowcharts Yes No Is it on list? Items on list > 0? Yes Check shelf For next item Put item In cart Start No Checkout End

  34. Simple Activity Diagram Easy to create Easy to explain to users Extremely valuable!

  35. Structured English Example Will this process be performed by a person or by a computer? If you can’t tell, that’s generally good.

  36. Some Things Don’t Work Well With Structured English What is the delivery charge if I want second day air for the delivery of 6 items with YTD total $229.43

  37. Decision Tables and Decision Trees What is the delivery charge if I want second day air for the delivery of 6 items with YTD total $229.43

  38. Decision Tree for Calculating Shipping Charges What is the delivery charge if I want second day air for the delivery of 6 items with YTD total $229.43

  39. Learning Objectives • Understand the steps used by organizations to manage the development of information systems • Describe each major phase of the system development process • Understand the concepts of Business Process Modeling • Understand development options

  40. Other Approaches to Designing and Building Systems

  41. Options other than building • External Acquisition • Outsourcing Development • End-user Development

  42. Options other than building

  43. Options other than building

  44. External Acquisition vs Building

  45. Build it yourself…

  46. Initial steps in External Acquisition System identification, selection and planning Systems analysis Development of a request for proposal Proposal evaluation Vendor selection System Implementation

  47. Request For Proposal (RFP)

  48. Outsourcing vs. Building Turning over responsibility for some or all of an organization’s IS development and operations to an outside firm Your IS solutions may be housed in their organization Your applications may be run on their computers They may develop systems to run on your existing computers (within your organization) They may replace functions in your organization. . . . Even the CIO! When is outsourcing appropriate? When is it not?

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