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How do we know if we are achieving our vision - Two mobs, O ne river . NERP 2.2. KAANTJU COUNTRY. This is some of the Kaantju country. Our country is approximately 400,000 hectares
How do we know if we are achieving our vision - Two mobs, One river NERP 2.2
KAANTJU COUNTRY This is some of the Kaantju country. Our country is approximately 400,000 hectares Kaantju lands are situated on central Cape York between Umpilla clan estates to the east and WikMungkan clan estates to the West
Kaantju people managing Kaantju country • Kalan Enterprises is a family business, comprised of some Southern Kaantju families • Provides land management services, cultural heritage initiatives, business development and supports personal and skills development of Traditional Owners • 9 FT staff and 6 Casuals, all Cert 111 levels C&LM, 1 Ba Commerce final year student, 1 cert 4 business, 1 specialist languages and ethno-botany. • Last three years, focused on developing the work team and building core land management capabilities and cultural heritage services
Kaantju people managing Kaantju country • In 2012 commenced a planning process to guide the organisation forward • The outcome of our planning helped us to understand that; you can’t have healthy country, if the people aren’t healthy and our culture isn’t kept strong, and this can be in any order. • In our plan; • We made a clear vision and mission statements (our dreams) • Our Dream is to bring our country back to life like it was before by being on country to protect our sites and share our proud culture with the rest of the world. We will work to manage our country and nurture the biodiversity so that our country will keep its clean running rivers and we will see healthy populations of mantapa (plains turkey) and numpi (emu) roaming the open grassy flats. • Agreed on Targets and their current health • Understood the threats to our targets
Now we are working towards implementing our plans • Kalan wants to change the colours on our tables
AURUKUN CAPE YORK • General Information • Cape York’s largest Aboriginal community • Covers 750,000 hectares • 5 ritual clan groups • 42 family groups • Broader Wik Native Title estate covers 2.5 million hectares • Communities of Napranum, Coen, Aurukun & Pormpuraaw
AakPuulNgantam • 2009 Reactive response to environmental policy frameworks around the Wild Rivers legislation • Over 2009 and 2010 Families came together to discuss formal response and engage, Federal Government, QLD Government, regional orgs and key stakeholders • 2010 – 2011 Families come together to map out aspirations for country, community, themselves and each-other • Then discuss the vehicle in which they will drive to reach these outcomes • 2011 Establishment of AakPuulNgantam to assist families achieving these outcomes • A vehicle to assist our outcomes and aspirations- utilising Government and strategically chosen key partners to help us on our journey • Our framework is an Aboriginal led bio-cultural approach
Winychanam Apalech Puch Wanam Sara 5 Ritual Clan Groups 42 Family Groups NganAakKunch RNTBC APN Cape York
AakPuulNgantam Wik Registered Native Title Prescribed Body Corporate AakPuulNgantam Trading as APN Cape York wholly owned subsidiary wholly owned subsidiary Community Engagement APN Commercial APN Pastoral Co. Training & Employment APN Construction Aurukun Property Bio-cultural Management Labour Hire APN Corporate Services Herd Development Ecosystem services Tourism Contract Mustering Bookkeeping School Camp Mechanics Cropping Bakery Carbon/Emissions Trading Fattening Properties Butcher
Current Monitoring and Evaluation Context Traditional Owner Vision and Aspirations Healthy Country Healthy Culture Healthy People and Livelihoods Biophysical Asset Management Target Dealing with change Current MERI Biophysical Science Traditional Knowledge Indigenous enterprise Country & People
Future Monitoring and Evaluation Context Traditional Owner Vision and Aspirations Bio-cultural Asset Management Healthy Country Healthy Culture Healthy People and Livelihoods FUTURE MERI Dealing with change Biophysical Science Indigenous enterprise Traditional Knowledge Country & People
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AakPuulNgantam Pty Ltd, Kalan Enterprises Pty Ltd, Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation Anthropos Pty Ltd, Commonwealth Science and Industry Research Organisation (CSIRO) and University of New South Wales (UNSW) Interdisciplinary research team includes: Bruce Martin: CEO APN Cape York Horace Wikmunea: Senior APN Ranger Tim Jaffer: Executive Director Kalan Enterprises Dion Creek: Projects Director Lucretia Creek: Administration Manager Kalan Enterprises Naomi Creek: Director Dr David Martin: Anthropos Pty Ltd Dr Justin Perry: CSIRO Ellie Austin: Balkanu Pty Ltd Melissa Sinclair: APN Cape York and University of New South Wales and other traditional owners as they choose. This research is part of the National Environmental Research Program Northern Australia Hub. For more information about the Northern Australia Hub go to www.nerpnorthern.edu.au The research is supported by funding from the Australian Government’s National Environmental Research Program www.environment.gov.au/nerp
Research Question and Approach Research Question • How applicable and adaptable are the CFOC and WOC ME frameworks to local community’s broader indigenous sustainable livelihood plans and work-programs. • When these tools are adapted by communities in this way how well do they support; strategic and adaptive responses to environment changes and environmental policy conditions; identification of potential sustainable livelihoods options; appropriate governance and decision making and institutional contexts within which it occurs; and improvements to local livelihoods, socio-economic conditions and sustainability at a local scale in Cape York? Approach/Method • Two traditional owner groups in central Cape York in partnership with CSIRO, Anthropos Consulting and Balkanuwill; • adapt the ME frameworks for CFOC and WOC to their broader sustainable livelihoods plans and work programs, • trial these, and • over two years review outcomes in relation to impact on sustainable livelihood outcomes at the local scale whilst maintain reporting commitments to external stakeholders i.e. funders. • From this work recommendations will be developed for similar applications for indigenous communities elsewhere.