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Logistics Overview. Logistics Group - SPL Division. Summary. Why such a presentation? SPL-LS Group Organigramme Shipping Stores Open discussion. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview. Why such a presentation?.
Logistics Overview Logistics Group - SPL Division
Summary • Why such a presentation? • SPL-LS Group Organigramme • Shipping • Stores • Open discussion Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
Why such a presentation? • Many things have changed in the Stores and Shipping(to inform CERN Users), • CERN faces a transition period(after LEP dismantling and before LHC exploitation), • Adequate Logistics services with CERN Users’ needs, • Collect CERN Users’ feed back and suggestions, • Improve the communication and collaboration with CERN Users. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SPL-LS Organigramme Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Main Tasks Shipping • Management of all external movements of material, world-wide, which are for the account of the Organization, or on the request of collaborating research institutes. • The study of the most suitable and cost-effective means of shipping (Sea, Land, Air) materials and goods both to and from CERN, and from one contractor to another for the LHC project. • The application of all customs, transit and licensing procedures, in particular in France and Switzerland. • Shipments of Dangerous Goods according to International rules and regulations, with the support of TIS/RP Group Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Main Tasks • Co-ordination of the LEP dismantling, with packing, securing, loading of the material, and ordering the transport units according to established schedules • Preparing and Issuing of documents and papers (transport order, export declaration, proforma invoice) Receiving and Distribution • Reception, identification and quantitative control of all goods delivered to CERN • Internal distribution of all goods as well as the collection and packing of goods for shipment from CERN • Starting of all initial damage reporting procedure, if needed. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Section Organisation • 15 Persons 8 CERN Staff members 7 outsourced persons • The Services; Export, Import, Customs, Distribution, Goods Reception Meyrin (CH), Goods Reception Prévessin (F) Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Section Organisation • Section Leader:Tom WEGELIUS79947 • Customs and price inquiries :Gérald FRICK73312 • Import Meyrin:Birgit REHTMEYER 73701 • Import Prévessin: Monique VIBERT74432 • Export Meyrin:Brigitte BENOIT-JEANNIN 75989 • Export Prévessin: Alistair LANZ73686 • Reception Meyrin: Patrick DHOTE74691 • Reception Prevessin: Norbert CAILLET75657 Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - A Few Figures • From small parcels to oversized heavy special transports • Received 35.037 deliveries during the year 2000, from which 5.977 through Customs formalities (5.665 AM + 312 AP) • 7.270 Shipments from CERN in year 2000 (EM+EP) • Strong increase of treated requests during the current year 2001 compared to the same period in previous year 2000; • Jan.-Aug. 2001, an increase of 75% for Shipments from CERN Meyrin (EM), same level as in previous year 2000 for CERN Prévessin (EP) • Jan.-Aug. 2001, an increase of 60% for deliveries received to CERN Meyrin (AM) and 27% for CERN Prévessin (AP) Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - New Activities • Various “triangular” transports carried out between several Contractors related to the LHC project; France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, Russia, Pakistan, … • For the LEP dismantling (Recyclable Material) a total of 1.125 loads since February to end of August 2001 • For the LEP dismantling (Donation), various transports carried out to the USA, India, China, Korea, Spain, Portugal, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy,... Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - New Activities • Active contacts with the local Customs Offices in Prévessin (F) and Meyrin (CH) for negotiations on VAT exoneration and the respect of Customs rules and regulations. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Achievements The Cost Saving-oriented activities of the Shipping service have been carried out successfully and have enabled several Divisions to realise important savings; • The Advice given to the Purchasing Service and the CERN Users on various questions related to the VAT and Customs have enabled to avoid the payment of high taxes and duties. • Price studies and active negotiations with several International transport companies have brought competitive solutions and important cost savings. • A few examples; Magnets (LHC) Russia CHF 1’000’000, Tanks (LHC) Portugal CHF 485’000, Steel (LHC) Belgium CHF 127’000, Double pancake Coils (Atlas) Italy CHF 400’000, Coil-casings (Atlas) Germany CHF 210’000, Fourniture (SPL) Germany CHF 112’000, Cranes (LHC) Spain CHF 53’000, and more... Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - EvolutionEDH Shipping Requests • In 1995, 34% of the Shipping Requests were done through the new EDH system, which improved the administrative procedures • From a total of 6500 Shipping Requests in the year 2000, still only 56 % (3.640) electronic requests through EDH, and 44 % (2.860) manual requests on paper. All information handled twice; once by the user, once by the Shipping Service Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPINGMain Rules/Procedures - REMINDER • As published in the weekly Bulletin 36-37/2001, Users are informed that as from 01.09. all Shipping Requests must be made on EDH using the appropriate form. • The submission of user requests directly into EDH will help rationalise the activities of the Shipping Service, with requests being automatically forwarded to hierarchical supervisor thereby improving the processing speed and facilitating the follow-up. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Daily Routines • Once the Shipping Request on EDH is approved by the supervisor, the request passes instantaneously to SPL-LS • The new Shipping Requests are listed five times during the day; at 07.30 - 10.30 - 13.30 - 14.30 - 16.30 • The information on the Shipping Requests is controlled and identified according to CERN Site of departure (EP/EM), instructions for Pick-Up are forwarded to the Reception. • Eventual Price studies are launched, Insurance if needed • Loading plans are made and special requirements analysed • Four Pick-Up -rounds during the day; 07.30 - 10.30 - 13.00 - 16.00 • The goods are packed, measures and weight controlled • Order and instructions sent to Transport company Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Process 1 Shipping Request Information, details, Transport Needs, Price Studies 37 Issuing of documents, Order and Instructions to Transport Company Loading on Transport Unit 5 Internal Pick-Up Information to Consignee 9 Packing & Measures 20 Prepare for Shipment Insurance needs 97 Received by Consignee 85 Main Transport Tracing Information 89 Delivery to Consignee Information to User Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
SHIPPING - Contacts • Questions related to VAT (Value Added Tax) in France + EU;Monique Vibert, Gérald Frick, Tom Wegelius • Questions related to VAT in Switzerland;Birgit Rehtmeyer, Gérald Frick, Tom Wegelius • Questions related to Shipment of “Strategic Material”; Gérald Frick • Questions related to Shipping Requests; Brigitte Benoit-Jeannin, Alistair Lanz for ExportBirgit Rehtmeyer, Monique Vibert for Import • Questions related to Dangerous Goods, including radioactive material; Guy Roubaud, Jacques Wolf (TIS/RP - phone 73171) Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - A Few Figures • 350 contracts, • 20.000 items, • 9 MCHF stock, • 20 MCHF turnover, • Nearly 1.000 direct deliveries in 2000, already 740 during the first semester 2001, • 90.000 orders in 2000, • 2,5 lines per order in average, • 160.000 deliveries since the beginning of 2001. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - General Context • Constraint: Rationalisation of the Stores activities taking into account budgetary restrictions and the increase of operating costs: Optimise the Industrial Services supportand costs (increase of 28% of the operating costs in 2001 versus 2000), Concerning more specifically the Selfs: * optimise the number of deliveries from the Central Store to the Selfs, Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - General Context * avoid resources dedicated to the reconditioning of items (at least three hours per day estimated to 50 0000 CHF/year), avoid inventory problems (information system problems), * decrease the cost of 100 000 CHF/year only for the resources dedicated to the management of both Selfs. • Objective: Increase Stores activities informing CERN Users and improving the services offered. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - Evolution/Improvement • Cleaning of all SCEM (increase the stock turnover, decrease the stock value and standardise new products adequate with CERN’s needs), • Get virtual stocks for some ranges of products (optimise resources, improve the level of service), • Improve Stores’ catalogue (complete the English version, add photos and links to manufacturers ’ web pages, give more information concerning the procedures to be followed i.e furniture), Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - Evolution/Improvement • Increase the number of pickings (to decrease the cycle- time to treat a request), • Increase the technical support requested by Users to the Product Managers (less resources but more work to be done), • Develop the electronic business (electronic components, gas), • Promote a new type of business through direct deliveries (bigger amounts, specific projects using Stores experience and technical competencies) , Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - Evolution/Improvement • Create new technical working groups (i.e one for cryogenics items and a second for vacuum items), • New Web page about Logistics procedures and general information (starting from October 2001). Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - New Sectors New sectors: • Mobile phones (management of the purchases and sales of mobile phones through the Stores system in a dedicated store), • PCs, printers and consumables (management of the purchases and sales of PCs and printers through the Stores system in a dedicated store and nearly 100 other items standardised in the Central Store). Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - Technical Contacts Four products managers can be contacted for any question or help you may need: • Informatics, security items, furniture, stationary, cleaning and conditioning items: Yohann Groz Tel 71938 Fax 79535 yohann.groz@cern.ch • Cables, electronics, chips, integrated circuits, connectors, resistors, capacitors: Jean-Pierre Lyonne Tel 72645 Fax 79535 jean-pierre.lyonne@cern.ch Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - Technical Contacts • Raw materials, plastics, wood: Christian Saint-Jal Tel 75990 Fax 79535 christian.saint-jal@cern.ch • Electrical items, tooling, ironmonger, screw: Roger Colmagne Tel 72492 Fax 79535 roger.colmagne@cern.ch • Vacuum, oils, chemical products, cooling and ventilation, paintings: Jerome Poyaud Tel 73683 Fax 79535 jerome.poyaud@cern.ch Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - Technical Contacts • Gases management (Air Liquide contract): Pascal Droux Tel 72265 Fax 79535 pascal.droux@cern.ch • For any specific technical question the Head of the Technical Section: Jean-Pierre Lyonne Tel 72645 Fax 79535 jean-pierre.lyonne@cern.ch • For any matter concerning Stores operations, emergency desk and raw material Store: Jean-Claude Greggio Tel 74039 Fax 79535 jean-claude.greggio@cern.ch Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - Electronic Business • Gases management (through the Air Liquide contract all gases and gas mixtures requests are managed via EDI. The distribution of liquid nitrogen in small quantities has been added one year ago and in the next future the distribution of argon could be also included in the contract), • Electronic components and perhaps in the future other products(include other catalogues in the Stores one, in order to increase the number of items offered in the Stores catalogue, facilitate the purchase of these items, supply instantaneously the technical information and offer a 24 hours delivery time). Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - LAC • LAC is the Logistics Advisory Committee created by the Director of the Administration Mr H.Weber at that time(1993), • H.Weber stated “It is generally felt that a forum is required in which the user Divisions can make their views and needs known to the Logistics Group, and which allows them to participate actively in the setting of policy in those areas which concern them most e.g. standardisation, project planning, inbound and outbound logistics”, J. Van der Boon confirmed this position, • This Committee has 6 meetings per year and each Division is represented. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - LAC and Technical Groups • Any feed-back or suggestion can be forwarded to the LAC through the representative of your Division or specific matters can be discussed directly with the people concerned during a LAC session, • Technical Groups are settled to review the existing articles and add new ones to be standardised depending on CERN requirements (a new group for the cryogenics has just been organised, a new one should be created for vacuum equipments). Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - LAC and CERN Classification Standard The objective is to establish a single coherent classification tree replacing: • Current SCEM classification used in the Stores, • Activity code classification used in Purchasing and Finance, • Inventory key word classification used in the CERN inventory systems, • Open to support other classification of material, activities, people, and supporting documents (drawings/specifications) used at CERN, Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - LAC and CERN Classification Standard A systematic classification and coding of all goods and services acquired by CERN should lead to the following potential benefits: • reduce the number of orders placed, with a realistic aim of decreasing the number of small orders by 5000 per year out of a present number of 35’000, • reduce the time required to process an order, in particular by providing the users with a unified purchasing document, • facilitate the introduction of more Virtual Stores, • reduce unnecessary diversity of the equipment at CERN and favour the use of Stores’ items, Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - LAC and CERN Classification Standard • reduce, in the long term, the number of suppliers by negotiating global contracts, • provide a direct link in due time to the Inventory system and a new possibility of putting up for internal sale no longer needed equipment, without any new procedure, • refine the information presently obtained from the activity codes, • enables the introduction of the famous “unified purchasing procedure”. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - News - Self-Services • Starting from 1rst of July both Self-Services are opened half-time, • Starting from 1rst January 2002 Prevessin will be closed, • If all articles are available via EDH and a satisfactory access is given to CERN Users, Meyrin will be closed too starting from January 2002, • These decisions have been approved by the Management Board. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - News - Self - Reactions • Hidden costs (SPL-LS will optimise its costs but it will be more expensive for Users), • Extra work (it will request more time to get the parts), • Additional stocks in the offices (if we don’t find the parts we will have to get our own stocks), • Increase cycle time of requests (via EDH or the emergency desk it will be more time consuming), • All items not available in EDH (some of them can be bought only in the Self), • No prior information was given to the Users. Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - News - Self - Action Plan • Second emergency desk (available starting from September 2001, in Building 73, as the first one all ranges of products will be served), • Modify the packaging of items (retendering is under process to make items being available via EDH, results in September), • Increase the number of pickings per day (in order to decrease the cycle time to treat a request), Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview
STORES - News - Self - Action Plan Encourage people to use EDH • In 58% of cases of Material Requests made on TEAM Codes, the requestor has sufficient signature rights and the request passes instantaneously to SPL-LS, • in 92% of the cases of Material Request made on TEAM Codes the appropriate signatory is found and signs in less than 24 hours which means delivery is next day, • only 2% of Material Requests created on TEAM Codes go beyond three days, Review the signature rights procedure within the Divisions (to verify that each User has enough signature rights or his supervisor in EDH). Logistics Group - SPL Division - Logistics Overview