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Recycle group #4 . Estefania pereira Diana cabarcas Michelle martinez. Landfills. What is it ?
Recycle group #4 Estefaniapereira Diana cabarcas Michelle martinez
Landfills • What is it ? • Landfill - carefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in which trash is isolated from the surrounding environment (groundwater, air, rain). This isolation is accomplished with a bottom liner and daily covering of soil. • About 32.5 percent of the trash is recycled or composted, 12.5 percent is burned and 55 percent is buried in landfills
How does it worked ? • The purpose of a landfill is to bury the trash in such a way that it will be isolated from groundwater, will be kept dry and will not be in contact with air. • At first you have a hole in the dragon in which trash piles up and is covered by polluted soil. In time methane(CH4) starts to come out. When rain comes down the water that enters in the garbage becomes a very toxic liquid called leachate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC1u6rJkyzA
leachates and methanes. • Methane • Itis a natural gas that causes global warming in theEarth. Hischemical formula is CH4. Methane comes out of thelandfills and createsthegarbagesmell in the air. As it comes out of thelandfillitwillgotothe air and help in the global warmingbymakingthe ozone layerthicker. • Leachates • Createdwhenthewatergets in contactwiththegarbage. Thiswatercontainsallthetoxics in thegarbage and ispooled in thebottom of thelandfillmakingcontactwiththegroundunder and polutingrootsthatmay be near.
Landfill of cartagena Cartagenaslandfillislocated in “parque ambiental Loma de los Cocos” whichiscloseto pasacaballos.
Waste management • What is it ? • Waste management is a collection,trasport, processing or disposal , monitoring of waste materials. This usually relate with the materials that is produce by the human activity. This process is undertaken to reduce the effect of health,enviroment and aesthetics.
how does this work? • Waste management is a resource recovery which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural resources. all the waste materials, whether they are solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of waste management.
Waste management can differ for developed and developing nations , for urban and rural areas, and also for residential and industrial producers. Management of non-hazardous waste residential and institutional wastes in metropolian areas are usually the responsibility of the local government authorities , and the industrial waste is usually the responsibility of the generator subject to local, national or international authorities.
Wastemanagement in cartagena • The selective collection in Cartagena is in charge of supplying companies of the public service of toilet, who must ensure the provision of the service for the collection and transport of waste, setting a path for ordinary waste and another route for recyclable waste, (selective route). • In the system, recyclable waste are taken to collection centres where they are temporarily stored, classified and benefit before being sent to the recycling industry. The implementation of integrated solid waste management system involves: • 1. Installation of equipment: warehouses and plants separation and use of organic and inorganic waste. • 2. The social inclusion of recyclers. • 3.The establishment of strategic alliances with the business of recycling. • 4. The development of attitudes and practices citizens favourable to the separation at the source, reducing, the re-use and recycling.
Trash clasification • What is it? • When citizens dispose waste, they should classify their garbage. Currently it is classified as “resources”, “leftover” and “garbage” and sent to the recycling trucks, leftover recycling buckets hitched on garbage trucks and garbage trucks respectively.
How does it work? • 1. One classification of waste is by their physical, chemical and biological characteristics. According to their physical characteristics the wastes can be divided into solid and liquid, soluble and insoluble. • 2. According to their consistency, wastes can be classified into: solid waste, liquid, and sludge. Solid wastes contain less than 70% water. Liquid wastes usually contain less than 1% solids. Such wastes may contain high concentrations of dissolved salts and metals. Sludge is a class of waste between liquid and solid. .
3. According to the danger and risk the wastes pose to the environment and people’s health, wastes can be classified into: non-hazardous wastes, hazardous wastes, and special wastes. Non-hazardous are those that pose no immediate risk to the health of people and the environment. Hazardous wastes pose risk to the environment or human health, they have ignitable, toxic or other dangerous components. • 4. According to their origin: household, agricultural, industrial, and construction. • 5. Wastes can also be divided into wastes which can be recycled and wastes which cannot be recycled.
Trashclassification in colombia There are companiesaboutthis in Cartagena; there are 2 thatwe can find. - Oneisnamed <<acción ambiental>>, itis at <<El Reposo>>. - Theotheroneisnamed <<Redecar Limitada>>, thatis at <<Bellavista>>