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Introduction to Advanced Health Economics. TA: Hongqiao Fu 2014/09/15. Some questions on health economics. Why does the percent of GDP spent on healthcare keep rising around the world? Why does the non-for-profit institution play dominant roles in health sector?
Introduction to Advanced Health Economics TA: Hongqiao Fu 2014/09/15
Some questions on health economics • Why does the percent of GDP spent on healthcare keep rising around the world? • Why does the non-for-profit institution play dominant roles in health sector? • Why does competition between health institutions yield mixed results? • Why does public financing play an leading role in the financing of healthcare? • Why does regulation exist pervasively in the healthcare market? • Why does the government provide some health service in-house? • Why does the health system differ substantially around the world? • Why does health care reform become “a worldwide problem”?
physician hospitals government patients pharmacy Players in health sector insurance
physician hospitals government patients Players in health sector insurance
hospitals government patients Players in health sector national health system insurance
hospitals government patients Players in health sector national health insurance insurance
hospitals government patients Players in health sector Commercial health insurance insurance
Opportunities in health economics (1/ ) • The classic article of Arrow (1963) commonly was regarded as the real beginning of health economics • HE is commonly regarded as an applied field of economics, drawing its theoretical inspiration from four traditional areas of economics: finance and insurance, industrial organization, labor and public finance • HE has contributed more than merely the application of standard economic language and the impact of health economics outside the economics profession has been immense.
Opportunities in health economics (1/ ) Alvin Roth Amy Finkelstein Kenneth Arrow
Opportunities in health economics (1/ ) William Hsiao Adam Wagstaff David Culter
中国式健康投资 • 2014年7月23日,北京市政府联合百度发布健康云 8月建成首个体验中心 • 据《华尔街日报》中文网报道,中信21世纪有限公司(简称:中信21世纪)上周五公布,计划更名为“阿里健康信息技术有限公司”。 • 腾讯昨日斥资7000万美元大手笔入股医疗健康网站丁香园,并计划将该业务与微信和手机QQ打通。 • 恒大集团与哈佛大学达成合作协议,将在中国共同成立哈佛医院。万科董事会主席王石此前也透露公司有3家儿童医院正在筹建当中,分别位于广州、上海和深圳。 • 阳光城2014年7月9日公告称,公司拟出资2000万元设立上海威至博医疗投资管理有限公司,以进一步实施拓展医疗健康产业业务。
中国式健康投资 • 2009年4月8日,IBM大中华区软件集团与IBM中国开发中心(CDL)共同宣布成立“IBM医疗行业解决方案实验室”,并公布了IBM智慧医疗系列解决方案,为“智慧医疗”在中国落地、惠及大众提供了切实可行的方案和实践。 • 中国电信推出了基于手机终端的健康服务业务“健康心翼”。健康心翼”业务是利用全功能健康管理终端进行健康指标随时检测,通过3G无线网络即时发送检测结果,由专业服务平台24小时实时反馈监测结果,真正成为客户的“24小时健康管理私人医生”。 • 2014年9月,泰康人寿董事长陈东升全面介绍了泰康“医养结合”的战略发展思路,并表示在未来5-8年,将投资1000亿元在医疗和养老基础设施上,建设大型的养老社区和医疗设施。 • 2014年8月25日,中信医疗总经理张继胜、汕尾市市长吴紫骊代表合作双方签署了《汕尾市直公立医院改革合作协议》。
医疗机构管理与决策支持平台 公共卫生信息平台 LIS PACS 合理用药 质量审核 HIS系统 区域医疗信息平台 健康管理与教育平台 药品招标与质量监控平台 健康管理APP 药品竞价与采购平台 药品质量信息公示平台 移动医疗器械数据采集 全科医生服务与管理 药品价格信息公示平台 医保资金管理与支付平台 决策数据库 审核系统 清算系统
健康管理与健康教育平台 健康自我管理平台 基层医疗机构(全科医生团队) 临床信息系统 健康自我管理APP 医疗机构管理与决策支持 慢病管理系统 健康教育与咨询 健康咨询系统 呼叫中心 可穿戴移动医疗器械数据采集 HIS系统 电子病历(EMR) 远程医疗信息系统 技能培训 临床决策指导 慢病管理指导 健康管理增值服务与健康数据开发平台
Mobile health application Data analysis& health consulting Collecting health data Data transmission
Advanced Health Economics (Fall 2014) • Theme: topics on health economics • Description: We will start with the introduction to health economics and then discuss the issues in the health sector systematically. Health care financing, delivery and pharmaceutical market are all included. We intend to help students to understand the functioning and operation of health system comprehensively. This course also covers some emerging issues like information and market design in health care. • Instructor: Professor Ling Li • Office: Room 201, China Center for Economic Research • Email: Lingli@ccer.edu.cn; • TA: Hongqiao fuhongqiao900824@126.com
Week 9 Moral hazard of insurance Week 3 Demand for health Syllabus of Advanced Health Economics(Fall 2014) Week 1: introduction what is health economics More + More + Week 2: introduction Health economics: past and future An introduction to health system 课外阅读推荐 Week 10 Payment system Week 4 Production of health Week 7 Hospital Competition Week 8 Financing of health care Week 5 Physician Behavior More + More + Week 6 Hospital ownership and its effects Week 12 Pharmaceutical industry Week 11 Integration Week 13 Health care spending Week 14 Health and social development Week 15 Health information technology Week 16 Market Design
Requirement • There will be no PPT presentation. Students are required to read 3-4 academic papers intensively or extensively every week. In the class, papers will be shared face to face. During the interpreting, TA will randomly ask one of students to explain a certain part of the paper being discussed. It’s strongly required to read the chosen papers beforehand • Grades will be based on class participation (30%), a take-home assignment (20%) and a research paper (50%). The research paper will be an empirical and/or theoretical research on a topic related to this course. Proposed topics for the research paper are due on Nov 15; the final presentation is due on Jan 5 and the final draft of the paper is due on Jan 19. You will lose one grade per day for late handing.
Resource • Top 20 journals in health economics • Journal of Health Economics • Health Economics • Health Services Research • PhamacoEconomics • Journal of Human Resources • American Economic Review • Demography • Inquiry • Review of Economic and Statistics • Population and Development Review • Journal of Health politics, policy and law • Journal of Political Economy • World Development • Journal of Public Economics • Quarterly Journal of Economics • Journal of American Statistical Association • Population Studies • Applied Economics • RAND Journal of Economics • Journal of Econometrics