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S369 萬方團契 1/2 In Christ There Is No East or West. 在主基督耶穌愛中,不分南北西東; In Christ there is no East or West, In Him no South or North; 整個廣大無邊世界,契合在主愛中。 But one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth. 在主愛中真誠的心,到處相愛相親;
S369 萬方團契 1/2In Christ There Is No East or West 在主基督耶穌愛中,不分南北西東; In Christ there is no East or West, In Him no South or North; 整個廣大無邊世界,契合在主愛中。 But one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth. 在主愛中真誠的心,到處相愛相親; In Him shall true hearts everywhere Their high communion find; 基督精神如環如帶,契合萬族萬民。 His service is the golden cord Close binding all mankind.
S369 萬方團契 2/2In Christ There Is No East or West 信主弟兄國族不分,同來攜手歡欣; Join hands then, brothers of the faith, Whatever your race may be; 同為天父孝順兒女,契合如敘天倫。 Who serves my Father as a son is surely kin to me. 在主基督耶穌愛中,連合南北西東; In Christ now meet both East and West; In Him meet South and North. 信主之靈結成一體,契合在主愛中。 All Christly souls are one in Him Throughout the whole wide earth.