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Bianca Thoilliez, Enrique Navarro, Esther López and Eva Expósito

L ● I ● P ● S Laboratory of Ideas and Pedagogical Studies. Perceptions of Future Teachers and Education Professionals about Five Key Dimensions of Child Well-Being. Bianca Thoilliez, Enrique Navarro, Esther López and Eva Expósito. 3rd ISCI Conference, York 27-29 July 2011.

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Bianca Thoilliez, Enrique Navarro, Esther López and Eva Expósito

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  1. L ● I ● P ● S Laboratory of Ideas and Pedagogical Studies Perceptions of Future Teachers and Education Professionals about Five Key Dimensions of Child Well-Being Bianca Thoilliez, Enrique Navarro, Esther López and Eva Expósito 3rd ISCI Conference, York 27-29 July 2011

  2. 1. Introduction

  3. 1. Introduction • - Our general purpose has not been to establish an index of child well-being, but to know which factors of child well-being are recognized by future professionals of education and how do they prioritize them. • - We argue for the recognition of the important role that teachers play in child well-being. • - Education professionals focus their educational action on those dimensions of child well-being which they consider most relevant.

  4. 2. Methodology 2009/2010 • - Questionnaire focused on the five key dimensions related to child well-being: (1) material well-being, (2) health and safety, (3) educational well-being, (4) relationships with their environment, and (5) subjective well-being. - Validation from an experts group. - Application to a pilot group of 85 undergraduate students. 2010/2011 - Likert evaluation scale with six possible levels of answer (1>6) which we have applied to a broader sample (n=805).

  5. 3. Sample description - 805 undergraduate students attending three different Spanish teacher training programmes.

  6. 3. Sample’s description

  7. 4. Results

  8. 4. Results

  9. 4. Results • We have examined differences in perceptions of child well-being in terms of students’ personal characteristics (Variance and Scheffé’s analysis)

  10. 5. Discussion Future education professionals assessed… - are highly sensitive with respect children’s well-being, all along its five key dimensions, - and have persistent previous ideas respecting children’s well-being. Some parallelisms can be drawn between Spanish results in the Innocenti Report Card 2007 and the results we have obtained in the present research.

  11. L ● I ● P ● S Laboratory of Ideas and Pedagogical Studies Perceptions of Future Teachers and Education Professionals about Five Key Dimensions of Child Well-Being Bianca Thoilliez, Enrique Navarro, Esther López and Eva Expósito 3rd ISCI Conference, York 27-29 July 2011

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