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Explore the significance of Social Innovation and learn how to organize CSR Awards for companies by promoting best practices, inclusivity, inspiration, and transparency. Discover the European CSR Award guiding principles and selection criteria to ensure fairness and transparency in the selection process. Engage in CSR Idea Generation Contests for innovative solutions and manage events effectively with clear communication and action steps. Contact the Center for Social Innovation Turkey for more information.
CENTER FOR socIal INNOVATION TURKEY How to organize CSR AWARDS forcompanies?
WhySocialInnovation? The significantproblemswe face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. Albert Einstein
What is SocialInnovation? ‘’ Tocreateinnovativesolutionstothecurrentsocial, cultural, economical, environmentalproblems’’CSI Turkey "the design and implementation of better ways of meeting social needs" NZCSI "new solutions that simultaneously meet social needs and create new social relationships or collaborations." Young Foundation "the process of designing, developing and growing new ideas that work to meet pressing unmet needs." SIX
SocialInnovationPractices • SŞ • SŞ • SŞ • 1960s SocialInnovation • 42 Universities&IndependentSocialInnovationCenters • SomeExamples • NationalHealth Service – 1948 • Open University – 1969 • Microcredit – 1976 • Fare TradeMovement – 1988 • Open Source Software – 1998 • Wikipedia – 2001 • Crowdfunding – 2001
CSR Awards • Good for whom? • Business, Social Sector, Beneficiaries • An objective? A tool? A best practice? for companies • A communication tool for the concept “CSR” itself
WHY? Why do we organize CSR Awards? What is theaddedvalue? 1
HOW? How willwedetermineAwardees? Whatwill be themethodology? 2
WHO? Whowill be appointed as themember ofSelection Committee? 3
WHICH? Whichcriteriawill be applied in selectionprocess? 4
Inclusive CSR Awardspromotesmulti-sectorcollaboration; associatesprivate, public, social, individualactorsandthebeneficiaries of CSR projects Inspiring CSR Awardsarouse, stimulateand spread thespiritamongthecompanies & andcausebusinessperformbetterforall Incentive CSR Awardsencouragethecompaniestoinitiate & implement CSR projects Illustrative CSR Awardsdeterminethebestpracticesandenglightsthehighstandarts in thefield as an explanatoryanddescriptivetoolitself Informative (Clarity) CSR Awards has clear, transparentandprominentprocessmanagementandselectionprocedures 4
The European CSR Award GuidingPrinciples • OPEN – All eligible companies can apply for these awards. There are no restrictions such as onlymembers of the NAP being able to apply. For NAPs where there are existing awards in the countryalready, the Award may only be open to winners of other National Awards, these requirementsare made clear in the Award structure and communications and this is consistent with theprinciple of openness. • FAIR –All entries have equal opportunity. There is strict guidance on the amount of support available during the application phase. If support is offered to one company, it has to be offered to all, even if they don’t take it up. There is a maximum word count for each entry, and no additional material will be considered by assessors or judges. During the assessing and judging process, the assessors and judges must be independent from the companies and their partners. • TRANSPARENT – All elements of the process, including how to apply, when to apply, what support is available, fixed closing dates, strict exclusion of late entries, criteria for judging, word count requirements, etc. are all clear and publically available on websites. To ensure full independence, judges and assessors will be asked to sign a conflicts of interest form. 4
Check Listof KeyElementsof This Award: • CSR partnership (business and non business partners) • Created in the last 5 years • Positive impact on society and company • Innovation • MultistakeholderJury • Categories: Large and Small • Non duplication 4
SelectionCriteriaof CSR Europe Award: • Innovation • Management • Leadership • Resources • Communication • Social Impact • Business Impact 4
IDEA GENERATION CONTEST Whatwill be thebenefit of organizing CSR IdeaContest? 6
WHAT? Whataretheissuesthatshould be takenintoconsiderationduringtheprocess? 5