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Petcoke at Drax Power Station

Petcoke at Drax Power Station. By Ian Wright. Houston. Introduction to Drax Power Station. Drax Power Station is the largest, cleanest and most efficient coal fired power station in Western Europe

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Petcoke at Drax Power Station

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  1. Petcoke at Drax Power Station By Ian Wright Houston

  2. Introduction to Drax Power Station • Drax Power Station is the largest, cleanest and most efficient coal fired power station in Western Europe • The generating capacity of the station is 4,000MW. It provides approx. 7% of the UK’s electricity needs. • Drax currently burns 10mt coal per year. This is made up of 50% indigenous coal and 50% imported coal (including petcoke). • Flue Gas Desulphurisation fitted on all Units. • We have the lowest emissions per MW of all UK Coal Fired Power Stations.

  3. History of Drax • Built in two phases : Three Units Commissioned in the mid 70’s and the other three Units Commissioned in the mid 80’s • Government owned up to 1990 • Privatised in 1990 – owned by National Power • AES took over in 1999 • Became an Independent Utility in 2003 • Now a listed company on the London Stock Exchange: Drax Group plc

  4. Drax and the UK EA Constraints • We operate to UK and EU Laws on emissions and our government are committed to Kyoto protocol on CO2 reduction. • We are restricted on SOx, NOx, CO2, particulates, metal emissions, to air , water and land. • In 2008 the Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) was implemented – tighter emission limits on NOx and SOx

  5. Coal Consumption - 2007

  6. Where we are located. • Full width text page • Full width text page Drax Power Station

  7. Port Capacity in the UK IMMINGHAM 2mt per year with an option of an additional 1mt PORT OF TYNE 1mt per year. HULL 750kt per year

  8. BUNKER MILL PETCOKE BLENDING BOILER FURNACE Petcoke/coal Blending Plant Underground hoppers Weigher Coal Weigher CONVEYOR

  9. Alternative Fuels • Plan is to burn up to 15% of Biomass by 2010 • Wood Pellets • Sunflower Pellets • Authorised to burn up to 600kt of Petcoke • 2007 consumption - 140kt • 2008 consumption - approx 280kt • 2009 consumption - 400kt ?

  10. Petcoke • Fully authorised to burn Petcoke commercially across all Units up to 600kt per year. • The throughput will be dependant on the price relative to Coal. • Looking for a locked in price differential against API 2. • Petcoke: • Up to 7% sulphur • Vanadium less than 1250ppm • Nickel less than 270ppm

  11. Additional Costs when burning Petcoke ? • Shipping Costs • Smaller vessels • Lower Bulk Density material • UK Transport Costs • Less tonnage per train • Higher Sulphur Material • Increase in FGD costs • Works power • Limestone • Gypsum Handling • Uses up potential saleable sulphur credits • Ash Quality • Higher Carbon In Ash • Lower revenue • Emissions‘ • Higher Sulphur • NOx ?

  12. Value of Petcoke to Drax • Commercial advantage over Coal • Balances against low sulphur Russian Coals • High CV Compliments Biomass Burn

  13. Drax Power Station Thank You for your attention………

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