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Exploring Church History in Europe

Delve into the intriguing history of churches and religious movements in Europe. From the invention that aided literacy to conflicts within the Catholic church, this Jeopardy review covers significant events and figures. Learn about influential reformers, political figures, and the spread of new religious beliefs. Test your knowledge on Europe's population growth, monarchies, and the Renaissance era. Discover key voyages, economic systems, and cultural contributions that shaped European history. Challenge yourself with intriguing facts and mysteries from the past!

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Exploring Church History in Europe

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  1. REVIEW JEOPARDY PLOT Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Search for a Church This invention helped to bring literacy to more people around the continent, and it helped spread the Greek and German translations of the Bible (which were written by these two men, respectively).

  3. $200 Search for a Church These are three examples of corruption in the Catholic church that caused people to lose faith.

  4. $300 Search for a Church He was “Defender of the Faith,” but family circumstances led him to pass this legislation that separated his church from Catholism.

  5. $400 Search for a Church The Schmalkalds settled their war with the Catholics with this treaty, right around the same time the Catholics convened for reform at this poorly attended convention.

  6. $500 Search for a Church Calvinism – and its major theory of this – took hold primarily in this area. The Presbyterian church, however, was founded in this country by this man.

  7. $100 People Patrol Europe’s population ballooned to this many by the year 1600, no thanks to this population stopper in the 14th Century.

  8. $200 People Patrol Being poor isn’t so bad! This system of lords and vassals went the way of the dodo in Western Europe, and the people made poor from it took some strides with the passing of these two English laws under Queen Elizabeth.

  9. $300 People Patrol Three DIFFERENT ways in which absolute monarchs consolidated their power.

  10. $400 People Patrol Two examples of religious groups that tried to further education, and while we’re on it, an educated, heliocentric heretic.

  11. $500 People Patrol Regular people should have virtu, which is this. (Unless they’re a woman, in which case they should carry themselves in this way.)

  12. $100 Artsy Fartsy The Renaissance started primarily here with this powerful family.

  13. $200 Artsy Fartsy This was the most widely read scholar in the world in the Northern Renaissance. He was a huge critic of this group.

  14. $300 Artsy Fartsy It’s the focus on things human, things earthly, instead of things heavenly. On the other hand, this wasn’t a rebellious belief, but it claimed the soul could be in perfect solitude with God.

  15. $400 Artsy Fartsy This pair of Florentine chancellors used their writing to inspire this movement grounded in humanity.

  16. $500 Artsy Fartsy Three Northern Renaissance scholars with mathematical or scientific ideas. (Oh, and what their ideas were, of course.)

  17. $100 Boats and Benjamins Yes, Columbus discovered America (or Erikson, or the Chinese, or the aliens, or whatever.) But it was these two men who conquered the Aztecs and the Incas, respectively, and soldiers they brought with them.

  18. $200 Boats and Benjamins Similar to socialism, this economic approach wanted to get everybody involved in some fashion towards a national economy. These internal taxes levied by different cities caused some issues for its implementation.

  19. $300 Boats and Benjamins Three helpful inventions for sailing across the world, one of them much bigger than the others.

  20. $400 Boats and Benjamins Encomiendas, creoloes, and mestizos. Just define them. (In the form of a question, of course.)

  21. $500 Boats and Benjamins This was Spain’s plan to stay even with the economic powers in the world. They relied heavily on this silver mine, the world’s biggest for centuries.

  22. $100 Stuff Three church-changing Johns, and for good measure, the man that Tetzl spurred into action.

  23. $200 Stuff Discovered the Cape of “Good Hope”, discovered a passage to India, circumnavigated the globe.

  24. $400 Stuff Wrote The Prince, wrote The Courtier, wrote In Praise of Folly.

  25. $300 Stuff Painted The School of Athens, sculpted David out of marble, painted a portrait of Erasmus.

  26. $500 Stuff Three languages of study in the Northern Renaissance (thanks, Erasmus!), the split between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism, and the period of two popes.

  27. $100 Mystery Stuff They are the four Hobbits that leave the Shire on their quest to destroy the one ring.

  28. $200 Mystery Stuff They are the two perfect numbers below 30.

  29. $300 Mystery Stuff Despite the fact that Eminem’s been chewed up, spit out, and booed off the stage, you’d best believe somebody is still payin’ this man.

  30. $400 Mystery Stuff It’s why the Joker thinks that madness is like gravity.

  31. $500 Mystery Stuff The Griffin family on Family Guy has one of these in their kitchen, but they just ignore it.

  32. FINAL JEOPARDY During the 1800s, many artistic and scientific advancements were made. These were two new types of art, a composer who wrote in the new Romantic style, and the scientists that dealt with bacterial research and evolution, respectively.

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