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Two Worlds, Two Economies: The Revolution in Galatia

Two Worlds, Two Economies: The Revolution in Galatia. Galatians 6. The 2 Worlds in Galatians. The 2 Worlds in Galatians. Gal.5:38-6:2. 2 Economic Realities. ‘Legalism’. Grace. 2 Economic Realities. ‘Legalism’. Grace. 2 Economic Realities. ‘Legalism’. Grace. Economy of Concern.

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Two Worlds, Two Economies: The Revolution in Galatia

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  1. Two Worlds, Two Economies:The Revolution in Galatia Galatians 6

  2. The 2 Worlds in Galatians

  3. The 2 Worlds in Galatians Gal.5:38-6:2

  4. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace

  5. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace

  6. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace Economy of Concern • Economy of Conceit

  7. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern • Economy of Conceit

  8. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition

  9. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another

  10. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious Deceived

  11. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious  Deceived

  12. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Grateful & Growing • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 Another • Envious  Deceived

  13. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Grateful & Growing • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious  Deceived

  14. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Grateful & Growing • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious  Deceived

  15. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Grateful & Growing • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious  Deceived

  16. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Grateful & Growing • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious  Deceived

  17. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Responsive & Grateful Sharing Wealth • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious  Deceived • Hoarding Wealth Galatians 6:6 (NASB) The one who is taught the word is to share all good things with the one who teaches him.

  18. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Responsive & Grateful Sharing Wealth • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious  Deceived • Hoarding Wealth

  19. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Responsive & Grateful Sharing Wealth • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious or Deceived • Hoarding Wealth

  20. 2 Economic Realities Isaiah 40:6-8 All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.

  21. 2 Economic Realities Isaiah 40:6-8 All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.

  22. 2 Economic Realities • The one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap life eternal

  23. 2 Economic Realities

  24. Galatians: the Revolution

  25. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution

  26. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution Galatians 5:1 It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Gal. 4:3 …held in bondage under the elemental things of the world.

  27. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution Galatians 6:12 (NLT) Those who are trying to force you to be circumcised want to look good to others. They don’t want to be persecuted for teaching that the cross of Christ alone can save. Galatians 6:13 (NLT) And even those who advocate circumcision don’t keep the whole law themselves. They only want you to be circumcised so they can boast about it and claim you as their disciples. “yoke of slavery”

  28. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution Galatians 6:14 (NLT) As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died. Galatians 6:15 (NLT) It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation.

  29. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution Willharvest decay and death from that sinful nature…(6:8 NLT)

  30. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. (6:9 NASB) • The one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap life eternal

  31. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution

  32. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution

  33. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution • Collapsing Like Crazy Greenspan

  34. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution • Collapsing Like Crazy Greenspan

  35. Galatians: the Revolution Institutions of Man The Jesus-Revolution • Collapsing Like Crazy Greenspan

  36. The Jesus Revolution Needs More:

  37. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Responsive & Grateful Sharing Wealth • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious or Deceived

  38. 2 Economic Realities ‘Legalism’ Grace: ‘law of Christ’ Economy of Concern Loving Discipleship Empathetic, Gentle Responsive & Grateful Sharing Wealth Building Into Eternity Very Helpful & Useful Real Hope • Economy of Conceit • Brutal Competition • Provoking 1 another • Envious or Deceived • Accumulating Wealth • Temporary Gains • Unhelpful, Useless • Without Hope

  39. 2 Economic Realities Under Legalism Under Grace

  40. The Paradigm in Galatians

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