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Dive into the world of change management with state-of-the-art tools and techniques led by experienced trainer Thorsten Trede. Learn how to identify, communicate, and manage change within your team and organization effectively. This workshop covers various aspects of change management, including analysis, vision, planning, implementation, and evaluation, utilizing tools to address change at personal, team, and system levels. Engage in case studies, role plays, group activities, and discussions to enhance your skills and understanding of change management processes.
CHANGE-MANAGEMET How to effectively manage change processes
A. Introduction
Introduction Targets Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change processes, to achieve the required outcomes, and to realize the change effectively within the inner team, and the wider system. The workshop aims at introducing participants to state-of-the-art tools and techniques of change management. After completion of the practise-oriented two- days workshop participants will be in a position to identify the need of changes within their institution, communicate the necessary changes to stakeholders, decision makers and partners and to use tools of change management to effectively manage the process of change. In addition the participants will be introduced to methods of customer orientation, negotiation and creativity techniques in order to enable them to benefit from the process of change and to effectively communicate the process steps.
Introduction • Contents • Introduction to change management and the need of change management • The steps of the change process • Analysis • Vision • Planning • Implementation • Monitoring and evaluation • Tools to manage change in three levels • personal level • team level • larger system level • Case studies, role plays, group work, presentations, discussions
Introduction Trainer / Lecturer Thorsten Trede has been working as trainer for well over 10 years worldwide with a special focus on developing countries and countries in transition. As managing director of APPLICATIO Training and Management GmbH he is the head of the International Management & Marketing Academy in Hamburg (I.M.M.A.). His fields of specialisation are inter-alia vocational education, training, SME development, marketing and export promotion including the management of changes in these and other fields.
Introduction What others say… What is change management? It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things. (Machiavelli 1446-1507, Italian statesman and philosopher) Tell me and I'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I‘ll understand. (Chinese Proverb) The real problem is what to do with problem solvers after the problem is solved. (Gay Talese 1932-, American (Italian-born) journalist) … what do you say?
Introduction What others say… The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950, Irish playwright and critic) If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change. (Giuseppe di Lampedusa 1896-1957, Italian writer in The Leopard) Everybody has accepted by now that change is unavoidable. But that still implies that change is like death and taxes it should be postponed as long as possible and no change would be vastly preferable. But in a period of upheaval, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. (Peter F. Drucker 1909, American management guru)
Introduction Mind-mapping • Let us ask ourselves why we are here and where we want to go? • What is change management all about? • Why do you feel you need change management? • How can you use tools of change management? • Where will we be tomorrow evening ? Let us make up a mind map about “change management”
Change School School Teacher Introduction Mind-mapping Change Change
Introduction Planning You have got 2 minutes to fulfil the following 10 tasks. All you need is a blank paper and a pen. Good Luck! • Read all ten tasks carefully before starting • Write you name in the upper right corner of the paper in capital letters • Write the date in the upper left corner in the format DD.MM.YYYY • Draw a circle in the middle of the paper (a circle is round, not oval) • Draw four squares below the circle • Mark the two outer squares with a cross filling the whole square • Connect the circle with the four squares with an arrow each pointing at the squares • Write your closes relatives first name in the lower middle of the paper • Write his / her date of birth in the upper middle of the paper between you name and • the date • 10. Only fulfil task one and two!!
B. Communication Basics
Basics of Communication Always remember! • 70 % • of all our communication efforts are: • misunderstood, • misinterpreted, • rejected, • disliked, • distorted, or • not heard (in the same language, same culture)!
Contents-Level SENDER RECIPIENT Feeling Appeal Level MESSAGE Relation-Level Basics of Communication Communication levels
Basics of Communication Communication levels Traffic light is green In a hurry Start driving It’s green! Never again!
Basics of Communication Communication and change management • As soon as change is implemented it comes to a personal level dealing with people! • If organisations change and processes change and are adapted to newer needs people • will have to change. • But: People are afraid of many things … including all sorts of change • You will need strongest communication skills to: • convince people of the need of change • convince people of the positive effects of change • create a win-win situation for all parties involved • … reduce fear of change from all people involved
C. Introduction to change management
Introduction to change management What is change management? Change management… is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of change processes, to achieve the required outcomes, and to realize the change effectively within the individual change agent, the inner team, and the wider system. There is a tight connection with the concept of learning organizations. Only if organizations and individuals within organizations learn, they will be able to master a positive change. It all centres around the questions: “In order to sustain and grow as an organization and as individuals within; what are the procedures, what is the know-how we need to maintain and where do we need to change?',
your country your school YOU! Introduction to change management The three levels of change management • Change – and thus change management (if change can be managed at all) takes place on three levels • the self • the team or the organization (your school) and • the wider system that surrounds the team or the • organization
Introduction to change management The three levels of change management YOU! SelfChange management starts and ends with individuals. As the system theory says, you cannot really predict how a person reacts to a certain stimulus. So, if you want to introduce change into a system, you will most likely need to think about what skills, behaviours and belief systems the members of the system will need to be part of the change effort. ...
Introduction to change management The three levels of change management TeamAt the heart of modern organizations are teams that share the responsibility and the resources for getting things done. Most projects are too complex to be implemented by one person, most services need different specialists and support staff to be delivered, and most products are the result of the work of a larger resources team or supply chain. We know that teams can either perform at their peak, or can be terribly inefficient. ... Team
Introduction to change management The three levels of change management Larger SystemsChange processes are mostly initiated by either individuals or small teams, but the focus of change is one which goes beyond that small unit. It is directed towards the entire organization, or towards other organizations. A change project might be related to a community, a region or an entire society (and, yes: to the world as a whole). ... System Team
Introduction to change management Necessary skills
1. Political skillsBecause companies are by nature political, it's essential to understand organizational dynamics 2. Analytical skillsIntuition and insight aren't good enough. Change agents must conduct sharp analysis. The two most crucial skills are systems analysis and financial analysis. 3. People skillsRelating to people, their needs, fears, and dreams, is essential during a period of change. This is especially true at multinational companies, where cultural, language, political, and religious differences abound. 4. System skillsThis includes issue of understanding processes, including resources and routines intended to produce specified results. 5. Business skillsIt's impossible to succeed without a fundamental understanding of how a business works. This includes insight into the flow of money, knowledge, and data. Introduction to change management Necessary skills
D. Change management steps
Change management steps Where you want to be Step of change Strategy / Change Process Where you are now
Change management steps Setting targets Setting up service targets is essential. If targets are not set properly you will not be able to measure the results. Targets are quantified objectives, set by management, to be attained at a future date. They express the aims of the process, at any level, and provide the basis for identifying problems and moving towards solutions as early as possible. Setting targets, objectives or goals is essential, otherwise there is no basis for choosing what to measure, how to assess the information obtained, or what action to take. Defining a target answers the question 'what are we aiming for?'
Change management steps Setting targets: SMART • Good performance targets will be SMART: • Specific, • Measurable, • Achievable • Relevant/realsitic and • Timed. • If targets are hard to quantify, the definitions of the terms used to describe them are crucial and should be agreed between all concerned. Terms such as 'satisfaction' and 'milestones' are open to different interpretations and may have to be precisely defined for your situation.
Change management steps The steps of the change process RESULT Situation Analysis Psychosocial Change Implementation Learning Information Concept building
Change management steps RESULT Detailed steps for your organization Evaluate Implement and monitor the changes Plan for implementation of changes Receive change requests Definition of change management process Analysis Situation
Change management steps The Improvement Cycle (Deming) Plan (What do you want to achieve, how?) Act (Make improvements) Do (Implement) Check (Are you achieving what you wanted to achieve?)
Opportunities Threats Strengths Weaknesses Change management steps The Strategic Management Process Environmental analysis Realized strategy Stakeholder analysis Strategic vision Chosen strategy Strategic history Current strategy Organizational analysis Source: Dobson/Starkey, 1993
Change management steps Case study and presentation • All of you might feel the need of change in one or the other situation in your job and your organization… let us work on it. • Define your situation using a situation analysis tool or situation describing tool you might know. If you can’t imagine a tool, just use your creativity and define the target you might have. • What problems might occur on the way from the actual situation to the target? • Task • Prepare a presentation including • definition of a situation you would like to change • definition of the target you would like to reach • possible problems on the way • Prepare a flip-chart presentation not using any letters, words or numbers – only • pictures are allowed
E. Change management tools
Change management from steps to tools Some examples for micro and macro change management tools
Change management from steps to tools Self: Creativity and personal growth • Goals and creativityTools that help you to think in a different way and to think about your personal goals in the process: • mind-mapping • brain storming • Walt Disney method • „headstand“ methods • Osborn checklist • Random word method • 635 method • progressive abstraction Personal growthThese tools help you to define your personal vision and to remove the barriers to achieve these
Change management from steps to tools Self: Creativity - Walt Disney method • This model has been described by Robert Dilt who tells the story of a business leader who was able to step into different states according to the needs of the moment. • It is a model for effective and creative development of personal and professional plans. It helps you to transfer an idea into the input for a plan. • The model is based on the idea that we can separate any planning process into three stages : • DREAMER • The dreamer is the part in any person or the person in any planning team that is • able to creatively develop new ideas, no matter whether they are realistic or not. • Without the dreamer, there would be no innovation. • REALIST • The realist is the actual planner, or the technocrat. He knows all procedures and is • able to make a detailed plan out of a dream. • CRITIC • The critic looks for what could go wrong with the plan and cares about risks. He • provides input for new dreams.
Change management from steps to tools Self: Creativity - Walt Disney method (Walt Disney hats) • Almost the same is known as the Walt Disney hats or Walt Disney chairs: • use three different hats or chairs • sit on the first or wear the first and image your are …. (e.g. the head of a school) • try to solve your problems • sit on the next chair or wear the second hat (really do it physically...it helps) • an image you are … (e.g. a pupil of the school) • try to solve the problem again • sit on the last chair or wear the last hat and image you are… (e.g. the housekeeper • of the school) • try to solve your problem again • … one or the other solution will be your solution!
Change management from steps to tools Self: Creativity - headstand The headstand method is based on the idea that many factors influence your thinking and make it almost impossible to free your mind. The headstand method abstracts the problem and frees the mind. It can especially be combined with brainstorming and mind mapping and can easily be used in groups. • How to use the method: • define your problem • turn the problem around to make it the • opposite of the real problem • try to find ideas to solve the newly defined • problem and collect these without • commenting • turn all the solutions around as you did • with your first problem definition • Example: • how can we improve teachers performance? • how can we easiest reduce teachers • performance in short time? • “no preparation”, “no evaluation”, “no • interactions”, “pure lecturing”, “late • coming”… • “be prepared”, “evaluate your lessons”, “be • interactive, “reduce lecturing”, “be in time”
Change management from steps to tools Self: Creativity - random word method • This method is also based on the idea, that your mind is not really free for new solutions and new viewpoints. The method helps to see problems from a totally new and randomly chosen point of view. • How to use the method: • define your problem • take a dictionary and open it randomly at one page • take your fingertip to chose one word from the side opened and write it down • no matter what the word is, do not change to another! • Try to solve your problem by using the word selected or by developing solutions • starting with the word selected. • Sounds funny? It is… and it helps to be creative!
Change management from steps to tools Self: Creativity - Case study • We defined some problems to overcome on the way to your targets. Let us try to find solutions for these change processes. • Task: • build groups of three of four • agree on one problem defined • select one of the method of creativity • try to use it in the group • present your results including problem definition, selected methods, reason for • selecting the method and results.
Change management from steps to tools Team: Maps and team learning • MapsThe map is not the territory - how to deal with different perceptions of reality within social relationships. • metal maps • conflict solving - belief • outframing pattern • the wonder question • prisoners’ dilemma • Team learningFor improvement of performance, teams need to learn from what they are doing. Tools help your team to create a spirit in which such learning processes are possible: • Positive Feedback • The fish bowl
Change management from steps to tools Team: Maps - mental maps These mechanisms of information processing (simplification, categorization, deletion, distortion, generalization) can be observed on a day-to-day basis. Peter Senge has described the 'Ladder of Inference' which is based on the inner confidence that 'our map of the reality is the truth', and 'the truth is obvious' as a sequence of cognitive steps: • We receive data through our senses (observation). • We select data from what we observe (filter, subtraction). • We add meaning to the data (colour, augmentation). • We draw assumptions on base of the selected data and the • meaning we added. • We adopt beliefs (mental models) about the reality and • continue to select data (as per step 2) that correspond to • these beliefs. • We act upon our beliefs.
Change management from steps to tools Team: Maps - the wonder question Ever been stuck in a consultancy or coaching situation in which your client just had a "There is no way out of here" feeling? Whenever you face a situation in which you want to switch your client's attention from problem to the solution state, there are a couple of questions that offer help. Try this one: "Imagine that you wake up tomorrow morning, and everything had changed in the best way that you could imagine. The solution to your problem just would be there. What exactly would you see, hear, feel? How would you recognize that something significant had changed?" You can also do this with your team and even with yourself.
Mind-jogging Matches … no fire! Tasks: Something is obviously wrong! Only move one of the matches and get the right formula!
Change management from steps to tools Team: Maps - prisoners dilemma The maximum an individual team can get is 30 points, if the other gets nil. The maximum aggregate score of both groups is 40, if both play red each time.
Change management from steps to tools Team: Team learning - positive feedback • Giving and receiving feedback is quite complicated. We may need to criticize others, but its often difficult to find the right words. Find a balance between the critic and the needs of the person being criticised to hear the feedback without losing face. Try this feedback after a presentation round or discussion to improve your process of change: • remove all tables and put chairs in a circle • hand out a paper to everyone with the following three questions: • What did I like about (Name) performance/collaboration? • Of the things that I like what would I like to see more of? • What features / behaviours / application of skills did I miss? • prepare your feedback in written about everyone • starting the round the critic (A) stands up behind his chair, the criticized (B) does • the same • A gives this feedback in a third person way pointing at his free chair, e.g.: “A • would have liked B to….” • All others give feedback to B… then next off to the next person
Change management from steps to tools Team: Team learning - the fish bowl The objective of the tool is to find common ground for a controversial issue, to learn how structures determine outcome, and to learn giving and receiving feed back. • Ask each participant of your group to look around for another person they want to • be coached by (building pairs) • The pairs retreat for 10 minutes. They prepare for the first round for the following dialogue in which one of the participants will take part actively, the other will be the observer and coach. In the preparation phase the coaches ask their partners about their views on the chosen topic, on their intended discussion strategy. Are they prepared to change their view? What are their expectation for a good outcome of the dialogue? • Form two concentric circles of chairs. The team members who have been chosen to participate in the first round of the dialogue take a seat in the inner circle, opposite to their coaches who will sit in the outer circle, facing their partner. Give the start signal for the dialogue. Do not intervene for the next 20 minutes and then stop the dialogue.
Change management from steps to tools Team: Team learning - the fish bowl 4. The partners retreat again. The coaches give their feed-back about what they had observed during the dialogue - with emphasis on the communication culture of their coachee. 5. Depending on the time and the outcome achieved so far, you have two choices: Either the same round meets again and continues their dialogue for another 20 minutes - then you would look for changes in communication styles; or, the roles change and the coach will be coached and then sit in the inner circle.
Change management from steps to tools Organizations: Tools Organizational analysisTools for understanding the core principles and resources on which a larger social system is based. Vision, values and goalsThe beginning of the change process: What do we want to achieve, and why? ... Systems thinkingIt is hard, or maybe impossible, to really understand what drives larger social systems. These tools help you to reduce (or increase) the complexity of a system, in order to understand better and to find leverage for change. Clients and stakeholdersWithout clients and stakeholders, your organization would not have any justification to exist. How can you please your clients and how can you understand your stakeholders demands? Large systems changeBringing the Whole System into the Room - approaches to work with systems that consist of a large number of actors.
Change management from steps to tools Organizations: Organizational analysis - SWOT