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John Sculley

“The individuals and organizations busily performing the policies, procedures and habits of the past rather than focusing on the visions and opportunities of the future will not be among the survivors!”. John Sculley. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Peter Drucker.

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John Sculley

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “The individuals and organizations busily performing the policies, procedures and habits of the past rather than focusing on the visions and opportunities of the future will not be among the survivors!” John Sculley

  2. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Peter Drucker

  3. The latter half of the last decade of the 20th century was spent preparing for success in the 21st century. WE WILL BE AMONG THE PROSPEROUS SURVIVORS BY DESIGN, NOT BY ACCIDENT

  4. Discuss the re-engineering of Premier • Examine the long-term organizational vision • Reinforce existing NISN value components • Identify new value offerings

  5. Building the business structure of the future requires a solid foundation.

  6. Dictates a single minded focus on the member value mission - minimizes dilution of effort. • Accommodates an exponentially large business talent pool. • Enhances effectiveness by encouraging input and subsequent adoption.

  7. It is the inclusive nature of the cooperative structure that provides the solid foundation to build the business model of the future.

  8. The 90’s challenge was to build an infrastructure on the foundation that created the business model of the future through the accomplishment of two macro objectives.

  9. Recognize and embrace the entrepreneurial nature of the members as a key competitive edge. • Develop assets that level the competitive playing field against corporate competition.

  10. Make No Mistake The successful 21st century businesses will be those who apply targeted business building assets with entrepreneurial speed and vigor. CUMBERSOME BUREAUCRACY IS DEATH

  11. TWO CHALLENGES • Provide them with the tools to compete. • Re-engineer the organization to retain and attract a core of like minded shareholder members.

  12. We have successfully accomplished both objectives during the transitional decade of the 80’s and 90’s.

  13. Recognizes compatibility between controlled brands and national brands in independent distributor base. • Enhanced competitiveness through revenue generation. BRANDED AMA’S:

  14. Independent distributor partnership to drive price competitiveness. • Cheese • Refrigerated Products IPAP BUSINESS LEVERAGING

  15. Leveraging retail/foodservice volumes for enhanced competitiveness. • High impact product categories. TOPCO BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP

  16. Recognizes and leverages volume critical mass. • Protect supplier business base and brand equity. SHARED MARKETING ALLIANCE (SMA)

  17. Productive SKU access arrangement • Cash flow enhancement DOT STRATEGIC PARTERSHIP

  18. Recognizes suppliers as a critical asset. • Intended to be a quid-pro-quo resource leveraging tool that recognizes that our prosperous growth complements supplier long-term objective. THE NISN PROGRAM

  19. Half of the foundation has been laid.

  20. Caps overhead contribution. • Rewards program participation. • Consistent with fairness mindset. FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING/ABC

  21. Provides the opportunity for growth. • Recognizes members commitment to concept of critical mass. PREMIER STRUCTURE ADOPTION

  22. Consistent with cooperative foundation. • Inclusion enhances adoption. • Appeals to “stewards of their own future” members. INCLUSIVE BUSINESS PLANNING

  23. Computer based internal sales training. • Computer based operator tools. • NISN partnership driven. EXCLUSIVE DIFFERENTIATION TOOLS

  24. Examples of the cooperative re-engineering • Member driven • Reflect a common goal of market competitiveness and shareholder value. • Enhances member retention and recruitment efforts - not without risk

  25. BUILDING THE BUSINESS MODEL We have built the model for the future now!

  26. The future is defined by maximizing the productivity of the current asset base through technology to enhance market competitiveness and provide positive differentiation.


  28. Amphire E-Commerce System • End to end e-commerce solution. • Widespread adoption helps assure survival. • Investment is usage based. • Encourages member program participation. • Accommodates future “value-added”.

  29. Member Income Recovery System • Captures member payment slippage. • Basis for accrual based accounting. • Addresses manpower reduction needs. • Builds purchase history data base. • Electronic payment auditing system.

  30. www.pfda.com WEB site Initiative • Upgraded both visually and functionally • Will provide opportunistic supplier volume generating capabilities. • Will enhance differentiation through operator value services. • Enhanced member and supplier value.

  31. EDI VAN Initiative • Internal value-added network for EDI. • Internally cost justified. • Affords the opportunity for supplier participation with significant savings.

  32. Contract Alignment Program • Electronic auditing of negotiated contracts. • Will minimize errors resulting from ambiguousness. • Anticipated significant savings in manpower hours.

  33. Computer Based Training (TAP) • Continuous value to all parties. • Internal & external - NISN support reinforcement. • External - opportunity for value in participation.

  34. Ft. Dearborn Partnership • The future model for effective label management. • Enhances label production competitiveness.

  35. Premier Division Branding • Portfolio of brands targeted against high impact categories. • Under the Coastal Valley umbrella.

  36. Manpower Investments • Invest for success. • Procurement • Information Technology • Finance • Field Support

  37. Chain Distribution Services • Restructured into corporate entity. • Recognizes the importance of this segment and the current opportunity. • Allows for the application of corporate resources.

  38. We have the tools in place, that, when fully executed will define the successful business model of the future. • Flexible, entrepreneurial distributors. • A business structure that affords them the ability to compete.

  39. We Have Built the Building

  40. Protection and Business Growth • Consolidation is risky - Sysco, Ameriserve, Ahold/USF. • Independent provide business base diversification and lower risk. • Prosperous independents will build your business.

  41. Protection and Business Growth Strategically, it is this reality alone that should justify the fair and equitable allocation of supplier resources. Your long-term participation in the NISN program will help assure our success, in turn, protecting your market position and assisting in growth.

  42. Protection and Business Growth However, reality and our desire for “win-win” relationships dictate the availability of support components that assist in validating your support and assisting in growth.

  43. Business Conference Booth Space • High impact BC location • NISN exclusive social event • BC NISN Executive event

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