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Trail Judge: Suzanne Bousquet Farrier: Paul Johnson. Mail Entries to: Show Manager: Micaela Murphy 490 Union Street, Apt. 3 New Bedford, MA 02740 Please make checks payable to: Hot to Trots 4-H Club NO PHONE ENTRIES PLEASE. Tourbillon Trailers Presents
Trail Judge: Suzanne Bousquet Farrier: Paul Johnson Mail Entries to: Show Manager: Micaela Murphy 490 Union Street, Apt. 3 New Bedford, MA 02740 Please make checks payable to: Hot to Trots 4-H Club NO PHONE ENTRIES PLEASE Tourbillon Trailers Presents Hot to Trots 4-H Horse Club OPEN HORSE SHOW Hanson Riding Club Affiliated SUNDAY, AUGUST 5th, 2007 8AM START TIME BALMY ACRES, 10 ROGERS PATH, MIDDLEBORO JUDGE: ERNIE KEENE ANNOUNCER: BOB McCUIN One Horse/Rider Combination per Entry Form ENTRY # Office Use Are you an HRC Member? Yes No Pre-Entry: $9.00 per class Post Entry: $12.00 per class Number Fee: $1.00 per class Horse’s Name: Coggins # & Date (include copy dated within 1 year) Rider’s Name: Rider’s D/O/B: month: day: year: Address: Telephone #: City/Town: State: Zip Code: Email Address: (optional) X____________________________ Lead Line 7/U 11,12,65 Saddle Seat 1,15,29,47,54 Walk/Trot 9/U 7,21,37,61 Lead Line 8+ 13,14,66 Green Horse 6,20,34,59 Walk/Trot 10-12 8,22,38,62 HRC Handi-Class 35,36,60 Pony 4,18,32,57 Walk/Trot 13-17 9.23,39,63 Driving 26,27 Western 2,16,30,55 Walk/Trot 18+ 10,24,40,64 Hunt Seat 5,19,33,48,58 Adult 3,17,31,56 Rider’s Signature(Parent or Guardian if under 18 yrs. of age) I hereby release and hold harmless, the sponsor(s) of the Hot to Trots 4-Club, it’s officers,,members, show management and the University of Massachusetts, its 4-H volunteers and members and Balmy Acres, its agents, representatives, and employees from any an all claims of liability arising from my participation in this show as an exhibitor, or any liability arising from any animal or vehicle which I send to this show. I further assume accept full responsibility for any and all damage caused by any animal(s) or vehicle(s) owned or operated by me at this show. I understand that under Massachusetts General Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities, pursuant to section 2d of chapter 128 of the General Laws. Pre-Entries Must be Received & Paid by 9:00P.M. Friday, August 3rd. Entries Received or Paid After This Date Will be Charged Post-Entry Fee! Pre-entered horses not shown will have checks returned. *Misc. classes: 25, 28, 41,42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 entry fee: $9.00 (pre or post entry) All other classes entered at the show: $12.00 DO NOT FILL IN BELOW: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: CASH Check # Other (Specify) Balance Due: Note Return Check Policy