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Learn about matrix operations including addition, multiplication, inverses, and elementary matrices in this comprehensive guide. Understand the mechanics, properties, and unique characteristics of matrices in linear algebra.
Chapter 2AMatrices • 2A.1 Definition, and Operations of Matrices: 1 Sums and Scalar Products; 2 Matrix Multiplication • 2A.2 Properties of Matrix Operations; Mechanics of Matrix Multiplication • 2A.3 The Inverse of a Matrix • 2A.4 Elementary Matrices
2A.1 Operations with Matrices Matrix: (i, j)-th entry: row: m column: n size: m×n
i-throw vector row matrix j-th column vector column matrix Square matrix:m = n
Diagonal matrix: Trace:
Equal matrix: Ex 1: (Equal matrix)
Matrix addition: Scalar multiplication:
Matrix subtraction: Example: Matrix addition
Matrix multiplication: The i, j entry of the matrix product is the dot product of row i of the left matrix with column j of the right one.
Notes:(1) A+B = B+A, (2) Matrix multiplication:
= = = x A b Matrix form of a system of linear equations:
Partitioned matrices: submatrix
= = = a linear combination of the column vectors of matrix A: linear combination of column vectors of A
Keywords in Section 2.1: • row vector: 列向量 • column vector: 行向量 • diagonal matrix: 對角矩陣 • trace: 跡數 • equality of matrices: 相等矩陣 • matrix addition: 矩陣相加 • scalar multiplication: 純量積 • matrix multiplication: 矩陣相乘 • partitionedmatrix: 分割矩陣
2A.2 Properties of Matrix Operations • Three basic matrix operators: (1) matrix addition (2) scalar multiplication (3) matrix multiplication Zero matrix: Identity matrix of order n:
Properties of matrix addition and scalar multiplication: Then (1) A+B = B + A Commutative law for addition (2) A + ( B + C ) = ( A + B ) + C Associative law for addition (3) ( cd ) A = c ( dA ) Associative law for scalar multiplication Unit element for scalar multiplication (4) 1A = A (5) c( A+B ) = cA + cB Distributive law 1 for scalar multiplication (6) ( c+d ) A = cA + dA Distributive law 2 for scalar multiplication
Notes: • 0m×n: the additive identity for the set of all m×n matrices • –A: the additive inverse of A Properties of zero matrices:
Properties of the identity matrix: Properties of matrix multiplication:
Properties of transposes: Transpose of a matrix:
Ex: is symmetric, finda, b, c? Sol: Symmetric matrix: A square matrix A is symmetric if A = AT Skew-symmetric matrix: A square matrix A is skew-symmetric if AT = –A
Note: is symmetric Pf: Ex: is a skew-symmetric, finda, b, c? Sol:
Matrix: Real number: ab = ba (Commutative law for multiplication) Three situations of the non-commutativity may occur : (Sizes are not the same) (Sizes are the same, but matrices are not equal)
Example (Case 3): Show thatAB andBA are not equal for the matrices. and Sol:
Real number: (Cancellation law) Matrix: (1) If C is invertible (i.e., C-1 exists), then A = B (Cancellation is not valid)
Sol: So But Example:An example in which cancellation is not valid Show that AC=BC C is noninvertible, (i.e., row 1 and row 2 are not independent)
Keywords in Section 2.2: • zero matrix: 零矩陣 • identity matrix: 單位矩陣 • transpose matrix: 轉置矩陣 • symmetric matrix: 對稱矩陣 • skew-symmetric matrix: 反對稱矩陣
2A.3 The Inverse of a Matrix Note: A matrix that does not have an inverse is called noninvertible (or singular). Inverse matrix: Consider Then (1) A is invertible (or nonsingular) (2) B is the inverse of A
Pf: Notes: (1) The inverse of A is denoted by Theorem:The inverse of a matrix is unique If B andC are both inverses of the matrix A, thenB = C. Consequently, the inverse of a matrix is unique.
Sol: Find the inverse of a matrix A by Gauss-Jordan Elimination: Example: Find the inverse of the matrix
Note: If A can’t be row reduced to I, then A is singular.
Sol: Example: Find the inverse of the following matrix
So the matrix A is invertible, and its inverse is You can check:
Theorem:Properties of inverse matrices If A is an invertible matrix, k is a positive integer, and c is a scalar, then
Pf: • Theorem:The inverse of a product If A andB are invertible matrices of size n, thenAB is invertible and Note:
Theorem:Cancellation properties If C is an invertible matrix, then the following properties hold: (1) If AC=BC, then A=B (Right cancellation property) (2) If CA=CB, then A=B (Left cancellation property) Pf: Note: IfC is not invertible, then cancellation is not valid.
Pf: ( A is nonsingular) Theorem: Systems of linear equations with unique solutions IfAis an invertible matrix, then the system of linear equations Ax = bhas a unique solution given by (Left cancellation property) This solution is unique.
Keywords in Section 2.3: • inverse matrix: 反矩陣 • invertible: 可逆 • nonsingular: 非奇異 • singular: 奇異 • power: 冪次
2A.4 Elementary Matrices • Row elementary matrix: An nnmatrix is called an elementary matrix if it can be obtained from the identity matrixI by a single elementary row operation. • Note: Only do a single elementary row operation.
Theorem: Representing elementary row operations Let E be the elementary matrix obtained by performing an elementary row operation on Im. If that same elementary row operation is performed on an mn matrixA, then the resulting matrix is given by the product EA. Notes:
Example: Using elementary matrices Find a sequence of elementary matrices that can be used to write the matrix A in row-echelon form. Sol:
Row-equivalent: Matrix B is row-equivalent to A if there exists a finite number of elementary matrices such that
Theorem:Elementary matrices are invertible If E is an elementary matrix, thenexists and is an elementary matrix. Notes:
Ex: Elementary MatrixInverse Matrix
Theorem: A property of invertible matrices A square matrix A is invertible if and only if it can be written as the product of elementary matrices. • Assume that A is the product of elementary matrices. (a) Every elementary matrix is invertible. (b) The product of invertible matrices is invertible. Thus A is invertible. Pf: (2) If A is invertible,has only the trivial solution. Thus A can be written as the product of elementary matrices.
Ex: Find a sequence of elementary matrices whose product is Sol:
Note: IfA is invertible