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Homeopathy in the medical professional

Explore the integration of homeopathy into the medical system, and learn how to effectively communicate with medical professionals. Discover strategies to overcome negative emotions, foster mutual respect, and promote collaboration between homeopathy and conventional medicine.

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Homeopathy in the medical professional

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  1. Homeopathy in the medical professional By Gabrielle Traub

  2. Discussion • How does Homeopathy fit into the medical system? • What do we want from the medical profession? • How can we benefit them?

  3. What emotions commonly come up when dealing with the medical profession?

  4. When dealing with the medical world we may experience some of the following emotions: • Anger • Frustration • Respect • Feelings of Inferiority • Feelings of Superiority • Wanting acceptance or approval • Wanting them to agree with our views and philosophies. • Wanting to convince them that we are right

  5. In the past homeopathy has been shunned, banned, outcast by the medical profession, thus these feelings are justified and normal Many of us have had negative experiences when dealing with the medical profession. As homeopaths, we hear about the negative experiences our patients and friends have had. We are aware of the short comings of medicine and we often have homeopathic solutions.

  6. However…. Many doctors ARE interested in hearing what we have to say, for a number of reasons: • They realize the shortcomings of medicine • CAM and homeopathy is very much in vogue and is becoming increasingly more popular. • Patients are asking about homeopathy • Doctors don’t like to be ignorant when patients ask questions. This is especially true when their patients know more than they do. • I meet more and more medical professionals who want to know more about homeopathy. I see more and more patients who are doctors, pharmacists, nurses, surgeons, etc. (although they do walk into my office wearing dark glasses ;D)

  7. When interacting with the medical world, their impression of YOU will form the basis of their impression of homeopathy in general. • Each and everyone of us is an ambassador, a representative of Homeoptahy. • Everything you say and do will have a lasting impression.

  8. The majority of doctors I meet really want to help their patients • Criticizing what they are doing will only make them defensive and impermeable to anything you have to say.

  9. If you are receiving a lecture, giving a lecture, or merely engaging in conversation with a medical professional, the chances are that they REALLY ARE INTERESTED in what you have to say.

  10. Tips when arguing your point: • Keep your emotions out of it • Don’t talk above the person • Listen to what he or she has to say and give them a opportunity to respond. • Don’t be aggressive • Don’t self-depreciate (you will lose credibility) • Don’t be intimidated. Trust that you CAN hold your ground. As little as you may know about medicine, they probably know less about homeopathy. • Use correct medical terminology, without being verbose. • Keep it simple and succinct. • Admit when you don’t know something. • Acknowledge when they have a point. • Fight fairly

  11. When listening to a lecture or when in a debate: • If you’re not certain as to exactly what you want to say, write down your question or argument first, until it makes sense to you. Then wait for the right cues, before posing your question. This way you can argue your point with authority and conviction, knowing exactly what you want to say and anticipating their response and your counter-response. The same goes for when in a debate. • Try not to interrupt the lecturer. • Even when engaged, try to not get into a monologue conversation with the lecturer as it alienates the rest of the group.

  12. I once brought in a nurse to come talk to my students. The homeopathic students practically crucified her on the spot and let out all their frustrations with medicine on her. • They were doing to her exactly what they don’t want to experience for themselves. Quite understandably, the nurse didn’t want much to do with homeopathy after that.

  13. Try to show interest in what they have to say. Perhaps you’ll learn something. If they say something you agree with, let them know. • Keep to the topic at hand. Don’t bring up ALL the downfalls in medicine when arguing a topic. i.e. if talking about cancer or hepatitis, stick to cancer or hepatitis, or at least to liver disease. • Don’t criticize medical professionals for things they have no control over, for example criticizing medical doctors for the corruption of pharmaceutical companies or criticizing dermatologists for the over-prescription on antidepressants. • The medical field is very specialized and specialists tend to have limited knowledge about other fields.

  14. Memorize at least one research study to refer to where homeopathy has been proven to work. Be able to provide the source of the information when asked.

  15. I try to present concepts that my audience can relate to. For example, I refer to the vital force as the immune system. While the two are not entirely the same, I find that I am still be able to get my point across, while I am better understood and received. • Most allopaths are NOT familiar with terms like allopathic medicine, suppression, etc. Feel free to explain these terms to them, however do not bombard them with homeopathic or holistic jargon without an explanation. You will lose your audience.

  16. Homeopathy is a science, founded on the basis of rigid German experimentation. • Try not to alienate your audience by using new age terminology unless appropriate. • Dress professionally when lecturing and attending conferences. • Unfortunately we all stereo-type people. The audience will have an easier time accepting what you have to say if they can relate to you as a person.

  17. Be careful not to make claims that homeopathy is a cure-all or superior to any other modality. • Try not to portray homeopathy as better than what they do. Rather present it as another option. • Use the phrase: “In my experience, this is what I have seen…” or “The literature shows that…” • Show your appreciation for the benefits of orthodox medicine. If I had a car accident, I’d want a paramedic around. Homeopathy can work hand-in-hand with the modern medicine for the benefit of mankind. • I have found this attitude to be well embraced by medical professionals. • Our patients benefit by having their health care professionals on the same page, working together to help them.

  18. There is a place for all of us. Neither need take away from one another. There is no need for either party to feel threatened. • If we work together, both worlds are more complete.

  19. At the same time, it is important to stand your ground and not allow yourself to be mistreated. • If you feel that a doctor has acted in an unprofessional manner, contact your council or organisation and have them write a letter to their council.

  20. Educate…. Integrate • Go to conferences (not just homeopathic) • Join their boards and committees • Infiltrate • Don’t just complain, make changes from the INSIDE

  21. The need for standards • The majority of Hpathy readers studied hard to become homeopaths. The fact that you are reading this shows that you are interested in learning more. • It is disturbing that in many countries people can practice homeopathy professionally with very little training. • Like in the medical profession, it is imperative that Homeopaths develop international standards, to protect both the public and ourselves. • While we do have homeopathic organizations and certification boards, in the United States, for example, it is not compulsory for homeopaths to become affiliated or certified.

  22. We need to: • Stand together • Support one another • There will always be different styles and trends in homeopathy • Homeopathy is an ever changing, evolving science

  23. Badmouthing other practitioners • Homeopaths, myself included, tend to develop a certain level of arrogance when we get good results • Classical homeopathy can be hard: it takes the utmost attention to detail, understanding of our patients and knowledge of materia medica. • Homeopaths like to out do each other. At many conferences the lecturer will present a cured case using a remedy that nobody else would have ever considered and we all applaud him for his brilliance. • We tend to put down others, not only the medical field, but also each other

  24. The reality about badmouthing: Badmouthing other homeopaths or other doctors: • Is unprofessional • Reflects badly on you • Reflects badly on our profession. How are others supposed to support us if we cannot support each other. • Is illegal in most professions • Patients see right through it • Patients feel more secure when their healthcare providers are working as a team. They feel a greater level of support. It is confusing if their doctors are all telling them different things. • At my clinic the health care professionals have regular treatment team meetings to discuss how best to help our patients.

  25. Why is it important to build ties with your fellow homeopaths? • You are a source of support to each other • We are a minority • We can help one another • Study groups keep us learning no matter how long we’ve been practicing. • Many of us go through the same difficulties

  26. This lecture was brought to you by Gabrielle Traub in the celebration of World Homeopathy Awareness Week www.worldhomeopathy.org

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