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IEP Administrative Designee. Developed by Contra Costa SELPA. 2001-2002. Facilitated by Contra Costa SELPA Staff. Purpose.
IEP Administrative Designee Developed by Contra Costa SELPA 2001-2002
Purpose The purpose of this training is to inform administrators, special education and general education staff of the role of the Administrative Designee during the individual education planning meeting. IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
IDEA 97 Parent Conference & Student Study Team Role of the Administrative Designee IEP Meeting Chair, Role of the Parent and General Educator Eligibility Disabilities Timeline and Assessment FAPE LRE Required Forms Individual Education Program Parent Rights IEP Best Practices Alternative Dispute Resolution Agenda IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Guiding Principles of IDEA ’97 • High Expectations and Agency Accountability • Improving Results through the General Curriculum • Education with Non-disabled Peers • Parental Involvement and Partnerships • Increased Efficiency and Flexibility IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Teacher Conference and Student Study Team Opportunities Prior to referral to special education, meet with the teacher(s) individually or in a group to discuss strengths, weaknesses, modifications and accommodations • Identify concerns and needs • Implement and document accommodations • Develop accommodations and options • Review and evaluate impact of modifications and accommodations on the student’s progress IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
The IEP Team Members • Parents • General education teacher • Special education teacher • Administrative or designee (Representative of the Local Education Agency authorized to commit LEA resources) • Individual who can interpret assessment results, if sharing assessment • Others (i.e. agency representative) • Student, when appropriate and always included in development of transition plan IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Role of the Administrative Designee at IEP Meetings A representative of the LEA who is: • Qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities • Knowledgeable about the general curriculum • Knowledgeable about the availability of resources of the local education agency IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Administrative Designed Role (cont.) • District/County/ or SELPA employee authorized by responsible district of residence • Authorized to commit district resources • Responsible for: • Eligibility • Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
IEP Meeting Chair • Responsibility for conducting the meeting • Ensure that special education process is followed by the IEP Team • Ensure that the IEP paperwork is completed and returned to the special education office • Explain the Parental Rights to the parent and answer any questions about their rights • Provide copies of assessment reports and IEP to all parties who need them • Follow-up on unresolved issues IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Role of the Parents • Provide consent to assessment and provision of special education services • Participate in meetings for the identification, evaluation, placement and determination of FAPE • Parents are included in eligibility and placement decisions IDEA ’97 recognizes the importance for parent/school partnerships and non-adversarial dispute resolution. Parents are offered mediation as a voluntary option for dispute resolution. IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Role of the General Education Teacher • Provide information about the general education curriculum • Identify the need for supplemental aids and supports • Design program modifications • Request support for school personnel • Consider request for positive behavior intervention IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Specific Learning Disability Hard of Hearing Visual Impairment Speech or Language Impairment Other Health Impairment Orthopedic Impairment Mental Retardation Traumatic Brain Injury Emotional Disturbance Autism Deaf/Blindness Deaf Multiple Disability Eligibility A disability is listed in Federal law as one of thirteen disability categories, and because of the disability, the student requires special education and/or related services IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Timeline • 15 days: After a written referral is received to develop and offer an assessment plan or formally refuse to assess • 15 days: For parents to provide informed written consent IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Timeline (cont.) • 50 days to complete all the following: • An assessment report • Determination of eligibility • An IEP team meeting • A written Individualized Education Plan (if eligible) • Placement recommendations • Parent’s signature (approval) • Expeditious placement • Annual Review one year from date of last IEP meeting, or earlier if necessary IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Assessment: To Determine Eligibility • Whether a student has adisability • If there is a need for special education and/or related services to benefit from education • Present level of educational functioning and needs IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Assessment Requires • Parent notice and obtain written consent • The IEP team meets to review assessment and existing information from parents, teachers and others • The IEP team’s determination of additional information needed • Collection of additional information and/or administer tests • A written report by individual assessors or by the team of assessors IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Reassessment • IEP team discusses need for re-assessment • Parents are notified • Parents must provide written consent to any individual testing • After obtaining written consent, LEA conducts the re-assessment IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Free and Appropriate Public Education, Definition (FAPE) • Provided at public expense, under public supervision and direction, and without charge • Meets the standards of the State Education Agency • Includes preschool, elementary and secondary • Provided in conformity with the IEP requirements of IDEA’97 IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
FAPE Definition (cont.) • Requires specially designed instruction • Meets unique needs of the student with disability • Provides related services when required including: Transportation and such developmental, corrective and other supportive services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education • Defines the relationship to the general education curriculum IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
FAPE (cont.) Requires that alternative services continue to be made available to suspended or expelled students IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
FAPE (cont.) Alternate Services During Periods of Disciplinary Removal Provide services to the extent determined necessary to: • Enable the child to appropriately progress in the general curriculum, and • Appropriately advance toward achieving the goals of his/her IEP The IEP Team makes this service determination IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
What Does FAPE Mean at the School Level? • It is the agency’s responsibility to immediately procure services and to ensure all services are provided in accordance with IEP goals and objectives • Special education services must be based upon the unique needs of a particular student rather than some “standard or service” offered to every student within a group IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
What Does FAPE Mean at the School Level? (cont.) • Students must receive services on their IEP (Students cannot be placed on waiting lists) • Students who receive special education and related services must have IEPs • The IEP team determines what is an “appropriate education” IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
What Does FAPE Mean at the School Level? (cont.) • For most students an “appropriate education” will include involvement in the general education curriculum • Schools must make FAPE available to students who have been suspended or expelled for more than 10 days in a given year IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Board of Education of the Hendrick Hudson Central School District, et. al. v. Rowley, et. ux. U.S. Supreme Court 1985 Federal law (94-142 or IDEA) requires a “free appropriate public education” (FAPE) for disabled children. If child is placed in regular classroom, the IEP should be “reasonably calculated to enable child to achieve passing marks and advance from grade to grade.” IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Rowley (cont.) • Other than this, there is no substantive standard prescribing the level of education for disabled children. There is no requirement to maximize the potential of each disabled child. • The courts are only concerned with whether the agency has complied with the procedural requirements and if the IEP is reasonably calculated to enable the child to receive educational benefits. IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Least Restrictive Environment The intent of IDEA 1997 is to ensure that children with disabilities receive their education: • In age appropriate environment • With non-disabled peers • In neighborhood schools IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) To the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including children in public or private institutions and other care facilities, are educated with children who are not disabled, and special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of children with disabilities from the general education environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability of the child is such that education in the general class with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. Section 612(a)(5)(A) IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Guidelines forLeast Restrictive Placement Decisions regarding participation in general education must be based on Holland v. Sacramento City IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Holland v. Sacramento CityThe Four–Part Full Inclusion Test • The educational benefits available to the student in a regular education classroom, supplemented with appropriate aids and services, as compared with the educational benefits of a special education classroom • The non-academic benefits of interaction with children who are not disabled IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Holland (cont.) • The effect of the student’s presence on the teacher and other children in the classroom • The cost of mainstreaming the student in a regular classroom IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Key Concepts of LRE • Must be individually determined and based on a student’s individual needs • Applies to all children with disabilities • The general education class is always the first choice • Consideration and use of supplementary aids and services to make the general education class a first and viable choice is required IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
LRE Placements Must • Be based on the IEP which must be developed before the team determines the placement • Be as close to the child’s home school as possible and unless the IEP requires something else, be in a child’s home school • Consider any potential harmful effect on the child or quality of services IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Forms To Meet Requirements For Documentation • Notice of special education referral • Assessment plan • Notification of team meeting • Learning disability eligibility form (for SLD only) • Current levels of performance, goals and objectives form • Transition plan (14+ years) • Program Description Summary IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Standards Based Learning • Establish which standards are absolutely essential for students to be successful at next grade level • Students demonstrate mastery of the standard IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Standards Based Learning • IEP Goals become focused on student achieving Essential Standards • Standards based goals • Skills needed to achieve standards • Accommodations required for instruction • Classroom instruction supported by • General education • Special education • Related services • Materials • Professional training • Support programs IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Goals and Objectives • Addressing needs for involvement and progress in general education based on standards and benchmarks • Addressing the student’s other educational needs • Written to represent expected progress over a period of one year IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Goals and Objectives (cont.) • Progress measured by providers • Reporting progress to parents(At least as often as for non-disabled peers) IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Goals and Objectives (cont.) • Determine whether anticipated progress is being achieved • Meet to revise IEP to address • Lack of expected progress • Results of assessment • Information provided by parents • Anticipated needs and other considerations • Meet and revise the IEP at least annually IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Present Levels ofPerformance Stated in narrative form, Present Levels of Performancemust include the following: Adescription of: • the strengths of the student in each area (i.e., speech and language, reading, social skills) • the educational needs of the student that result from the disability • how the disability affects involvement and progress in general education curriculum and/or appropriate activities. IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Annual Goals • Must reflect the major focus of the content area • Must relate to the general education curriculum’s standards or functional skills curriculum • Must be designed to be measurable • Must be designed to be attainable in one year IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Objectives Must be written incrementally either by date of accomplishment or in a task-analysis format of simple to complex • Who • Does what • How Presented • How much • Evaluative method • By when • In a logical sequence IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Transition Plan • By age 14: A statement of transition needs that focus on the student’s course of study • By age 16: A statement of transition services and any interagency responsibilities or needed linkages • By age 17: A statement that the student was advised that all special education rights transfer to the student upon the 18th birthday (conservatorship) • Age 18: Transfer of rights, however must still notice parents as well as student IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Continuum of Placements • Instruction in general education classes (with supplementary services if needed) • Service specific classes • Service specific separate classes • Non public schools • State school • Home/hospital instruction • Other IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Special Factors to be Considered • Behavior intervention and strategies • Language needs: Limited English Proficiency (LEP) • Instruction in and the use of Braille for a visually impaired/blind student • Communication needs and opportunities for a hard of hearing/deaf student • Assistive technology needs for a student who requires assistive devices or services to benefit from education IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Special Factors to be Considered Goals and objectives are required for any student needing: • Behavior intervention and strategies • Assistive devices or services to benefit from their education IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Required Content of the IEP: Aids & Services Must enable the child to: • Advance appropriately toward annual goals • Be involved and progress in the general education curriculum • Participate in extracurricular and nonacademic activities • Be educated and participate with other children with disabilities and non-disabled children IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Individual Education Program When reviewing and revising the IEP, the IEP team must: • At least annually review the IEP to determine whether annual goals are being achieved • Revise the IEP as appropriate to address • Lack of expected progress • Results of reassessment • Information provided by parents • Anticipated needs or other matters IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01
Program Description Summary Services determined by the IEP team: • Dates: The start and end of the service • Location: Examples - pull-out to special education resource room (Learning Center) or provided in general education classroom with non-disabled peers • Frequency: At least 30 minutes per week which includes consultation • Duration: For the regular school year IEP Administrative Designee 8-28-01