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Vocabulary Week #2

Vocabulary Week #2. 1. monomer - single unit of a macromolecule. 2 . polymer - large macromolecule comprised of many monomers. 3. catalyst - something that speeds up a reaction. 4. enzyme - protein that acts as a catalyst. 5. calibrate - to adjust precisely for a particular function.

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Vocabulary Week #2

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  1. Vocabulary Week #2 • 1. monomer- single unit of a macromolecule. • 2. polymer- large macromolecule comprised of many monomers. • 3. catalyst- something that speeds up a reaction. • 4. enzyme- protein that acts as a catalyst. • 5. calibrate- to adjust precisely for a particular function. • 6. saccharide- sugar • 7. amino acid- monomer of a protein • 8. covalent bond- strongest bond type, electrons shared • 9. ionic bond- bond where electrons are transferred.

  2. Biological Molecules Why are we learning about inorganic molecules when Biology focuses on living organisms?

  3. EOC Level 2

  4. EOC Level 3

  5. SEQUENCE • Place the steps of the scientific method in sequential order. • Hint: Sequential is the adj. for sequence. • Place post it on the yellow sheet with your first and last name.

  6. Bellringer 8-20-13 • Create a Bar graph for the following Poverty Guidelines for America 2013.

  7. Levels of Organization

  8. Similarities to BiologyWhile all organisms are different; all share some similiarities • Composed of Cells • Levels of Organization • Use energy • Respond to the Environment/ Stimuli • Growth & Development • Reproduction • Adapt to Environment-Evolve • Homeostasis • Universal Genetic Code-DNA

  9. Atoms • Atoms are the smallest unit of matter. • Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.

  10. Atomic Composition • Protons- positive charge, located in nucleus. • Neutrons- neutral, located in nucleus. • Electrons-negative charge, located in electron shells around the nucleus.

  11. Figure 2.2 The Periodic Table (Part 1)

  12. Terminology • Element- pure substance, made of only one kind of atom • Compound & Molecules- two or more elements held together by bonds

  13. Element Importance to Organisms • 98% of living organisms are composed of the following elements: • Carbon • Hydrogen • Oxygen • Nitrogen • Phosphorous • Sulfur

  14. Chemical Bonds • Chemical bond is when atoms bond together to form a molecule. • 3 Types of Chemical Bonds: • Covalent bonds • Ionic bonds • Hydrogen bonding

  15. Bellringer 8-21-13

  16. Covalent Bonds- atoms share electrons to form a molecule

  17. Ionic Bonds- electrons are transferred between atoms. • “Opposites attract” • Cations • Anions

  18. Hydrogen Bonds- weak bonds between water molecules.

  19. Assignment refer to p. 36, 38, 41 • Draw the atomic structure of Carbon: Label protons, neutrons, electrons.

  20. Assignment • Draw lines on your notebook paper to make six boxes. • Write the name of the six major elements in organisms. • Diagram the atomic nucleus and surrounding electrons. Make sure the atom structure is accurate. • Protons-green • Neutrons-blue • Electrons-red

  21. EOC Lev. 2

  22. Graphing Practice • Graph the following information using a line graph. • Bond Type (x axis) Bond Strength (y axis) • Covalent Bond 50 • Ionic Bond 7 • Hydrogen Bond 3 • Van der Waals 1

  23. Vocab Practice • What is the difference between a monomer and a polymer?

  24. Water • Held together by weak hydrogen bonds.

  25. 1. Cohesion • 1. Cohesion-water’s ability to stick to other water molecules. • This causes: • Surface tension • Capillary action • Walking on water

  26. 2. Adhesion • 2. Adhesion-the ability of water to stick to other substances. • This causes: • Capillary action • Water moving up a tree’s vessels

  27. 3. Polarity • Polarity= ability to dissolve= universal solvent • Think tea, KoolAid, sugar and salt water

  28. 4. Water Density • Ice is less dense than liquid water= floats. • Aquatic organisms do not die in the winter.

  29. 5. High Specific Heat • Takes a lot of energy to raise the temperature of water. • Water will moderate climate because of its high heat capacity.

  30. 6. High Heat of Vaporization • Takes a lot of heat energy to change water from a liquid to a gas. • This causes: • Evaporative cooling/sweating

  31. Anticipatory Set • 1. What is the difference between cohesion and adhesion? • 2. Which variable do you control: independent or dependent?

  32. Bellringer Graded Today- Week 1 • 1. ______- educated guess • 2. ______- variable given to the experimental group, controlled by scientist • 3. _____- measured by scientist, experiment outcome • 4. _____- group that receives no independent variable • 5. _____- group that receives independent variable • 6. _____- explains how nature works, many hypotheses proven multiple times • 7. _____-explains what nature does under certain conditions, but does not explain why (math laws) • 8. _____- way scientists investigate

  33. Vocabulary Week #2 • 9. _____- single unit of a macromolecule. • 10._____- large macromolecule comprised of many monomers. • 11._____- something that speeds up a reaction. • 12._____ protein that acts as a catalyst. • 13.- to adjust precisely for a particular function. • 14._____- sugar • 15._____ monomer of a protein • 16. _____- strongest bond type, electrons shared • 17._____- bond where electrons are transferred.

  34. Vocabulary Week #3 • 18. _____ compound that has carbon and hydrogen • 19._____- compound that is missing carbon or hydrogen. • 20. _____- atom that has a different number of neutrons. (C12, C14) • 21. _____- two • 22. _____- many • TEST TOMORROW…IT WILL BE TIMED 40 MINUTES.

  35. Vocabulary Week #3 • 1. organic- compound that has carbon and hydrogen • 2. inorganic- compound that is missing carbon or hydrogen. • 3. isotope- atom that has a different number of neutrons. (C12, C14) • 4. di- two • 5. poly- many • TEST ON FRIDAY…IT WILL BE TIMED 40 MINUTES.

  36. EOC Lev. 2

  37. Scientific Method Practice • A hunter wants to attract the largest buck to his food plot. He has heard of several ways of doing this, and wants to design an experiment to try out a method other than just planting corn. For our purposes he has 1000 acres with one water source through the whole property. • Propose Hypothesis: • Experimental Group: Control Group: • Dependent variable: Independent variable:

  38. pH Scale • Water molecules have a strong affinity for one another, but can break apart. • H2O « H+    +    OH- •  water         hydrogen     hydroxide •                         ion                    ion • More H = acid • More OH = base

  39. pH Scale • Each number represents a jump in ten. • Buffers can be added to maintain homeostasis.

  40. pH is a Log scale

  41. pH Practice • pH 1-2:___ • pH 4-8: ___ • pH 3-7: ___ • pH 5-10: ___

  42. Calculate pH differences in H concentration • pH 2- pH 5 • pH 1- pH 2 • pH 3- pH 8 • pH 7 – pH 10 • pH 1- pH 14 • pH 1- pH 3 • pH 10- pH 14 • pH 3- pH 7 • pH 5 – pH 10 • pH 1- pH 11

  43. Inquiry Lab #2: pH • Create a table as shown below to record substance & pH. • Create a pH scale, and record your substances. Must have 10 substances on scale. • Answer the following: • 1. Why do most of the food substances measured have a pH close to 7. • 2. Label acids, Bases, Neutral, • 3. What does pH measure? • 4. Compareacidic and basic solutions in terms of their H+ and OH- ion concentrations.

  44. Bellringer 8-28-13 • SUMMARIZE the difference between a monomer and a polymer? • SUMMARIZE the difference between an acid and a base. • Name the property of water responsible for: • Evaporative cooling (sweating)= • Climate moderation=

  45. EOC Level 3 & 3

  46. EOC Level 3 & Level 2

  47. EOC Level 2

  48. Elements present in your body • . • . • . • . • . • . • If carbon is present then the compound is considered ___________.

  49. Four Classes of Organic Biomolecules • Carbohydrates • Lipids or fats • Proteins • Nucleic Acids

  50. Carbohydrates • Contain C, H, O in a 1:2:1 ratio. • Function: • provide energy in plants and animals • cell support in plants. • Carbohydrates are the most readily available energy source when ingested. Main energy supply.

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