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Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project

Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project. "We are recovering from alcohol, drugs and mental disorders, but tobacco is killing us and limiting our recoveries " ( WINTIP VIDEO). Tobacco Tales. Addressing Health Disparities: Prevention Strategies for Children and Adults with Disabilities.

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Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Wisconsin Nicotine Treatment Integration Project

  2. "We are recovering from alcohol, drugs and mental disorders, but tobacco is killing us and limiting our recoveries" (WINTIP VIDEO) Tobacco Tales

  3. Addressing Health Disparities: Prevention Strategies for Children and Adults with Disabilities

  4. Official Disparate Populations African AmericanNative American including AlaskaAsian AmericanNative Hawaiian and Pacific IslandersHispanic/ LatinoLesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)Low Socioeconomic Status (SES)

  5. The Disparity PopulationThat Was Missed

  6. Substance UseAnd Mental Health Disorders

  7. How to Include the largest (but missing) disparate population in Wisconsin's Tobacco Prevention & Control Program?The Birth of WINTIP

  8. A Policy Resolution That Unites “The Governors State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse encourages policies that lead to the integration of evidence-based nicotine dependence treatment into Wisconsin addiction and mental health services”

  9. From Local to State Initiative Sauk County Tobacco Free Coalition Wisconsin Division of Public Health Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Wisconsin Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Bureau of Prevention, Treatment and Recovery

  10. WiNTiP Stakeholder Partners . Tobacco Disparities Team Treating Tobacco Dependence Team (formerly Cessation Team) OUTCOME Adopted integration policy in state strategic plan

  11. WiNTiP Stakeholder Partners WINTIP Stakeholder Partners Addiction: (AODA) Governors State Council on Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse (SCAODA) Intervention & Treatment Committee (ITC) Wisconsin Alcohol & Drug TreatmentProviders Association / (WADTPA) Wisconsin Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors (WAADAC)

  12. WiNTiP Stakeholder Partners WINTIP Stakeholder Partners Addiction Wisconsin Association on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (WAAODA) The SCAODA Intervention and Treatment Committee included nicotine integration in the state addiction strategic plan.

  13. WiNTiP Stakeholder Partners WINTIP Stakeholder Partners Mental Health Wisconsin Psychological Association Wisconsin State Council on Mental Health Wisconsin Association of Social Workers Wisconsin Psychiatric Association Consumer Advocates (NAMI and Others)

  14. WiNTiP Stakeholder Partners WINTIP Stakeholder Partners Government Funding Providers Wisconsin Division of Public Health Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Wisconsin Division of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Bureau of Prevention, Treatment & Recovery Coordinated by UW-CTRI

  15. Strategic Policy Considerations • Policies and procedures for maintaining tobacco-free environments • Guidelines for addressing and integrating nicotine into addiction and mental health services • Personnel policies for the provision of treatment for staff who are dependent on nicotine

  16. The Stakes 200,000 more annual tobacco deaths in these populations unless something is done, more than 7,000 of them in Wisconsin

  17. Progress • WINTIP funded for 5 years • Training and education resources developed/available • More than 1,000 clinicians educated and trained • WINTIP support resolution adopted as county, state and national policy • 10 years of evidence tobacco integration can be achieved and sustained • Model policies & procedures guidelines completed

  18. Prevention Relevance • SUD's are usually pediatric disorders; they begin during adolescence • Many psychiatric disorders also begin in childhood and adolescence • They are vulnerable and deserve early and ongoing prevention interventions

  19. Resources

  20. www.wisconsinwintip.com

  21. UW-CTRI

  22. www.tobaccorecovery.org

  23. www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/tobacco

  24. www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/aboutdhs/dmhsas Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (DMHSAS)

  25. David "Mac" Macmaster, CSAC,PTTS • (608) 393-1556 • dmac1956@charter.net • creativerep@mac.com

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