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Planar Graphs (part 2). prepared and Instructed by Gideon Blocq Semester B, 2014. Goal of the presentation. Two main theorems: Unicity in embedding of planar graphs. Specifically in 3-connected planar graphs. Kuratowski’s theorem. Bridges (Fragments).
Planar Graphs (part 2) prepared and Instructed by Gideon Blocq Semester B, 2014 Planar Graphs (part 2)
Goal of the presentation Two main theorems: Unicity in embedding of planar graphs. Specifically in 3-connected planar graphs. Kuratowski’s theorem. Planar Graphs
Bridges (Fragments) Let H be a proper subgraph of connected G. The set E(G)\E(H) may be split up into two classes: An edge e, which has both ends in V(H). For each component F of G-V(H), the edges of F together with the edges linking F to H. The elements of are denoted as the vertices of attachment (vot). The subgraphs induces by these classes are denoted as “bridges”. A bridge is trivial if it has no internal vertices. A bridge with k vertices of attachment to H is a k-bridge. Two bridges with same vot are equivalent. Planar Graphs
Figure 1: Cycle C Planar Graphs
Bridges of Cycles A k-bridge with , partitions C into k segments. Two bridges avoid each other if all vot of one bridge lie in a single segment of the other; otherwise they overlap. Two bridges B and B’ are skew if there exist distinct vot {u,v} of B and {u’,v’} of B’, which occur in cyclic order u,u’,v,v’. Look at Figure 1 and check which bridges overlap/avoid and which are skew. Theorem 1:Overlapping bridges are either skew or equivalent 3-bridges. Planar Graphs
Bridges of Cycles We now consider plane graphs. C is a simple closed curve in the plane. Each bridge is either in Int(C) (inner bridge) or in Ext(C) (outer bridge). Theorem 2:Inner (outer) bridges avoid one an other. Proof by contradiction for inner bridges:Suppose by contradiction that two inner bridges B, B’ overlap. Two options: (1) B and B’ are skew (2) Equivalent 3-bridges. Planar Graphs
Bridges of Cycles Case 1: Let uPv be a path in B and u’P’v’ be a path in B’. Consider the subgraph, which is plane, since G is plane. Now let K be the plane graph by adding a vertex, w, in Ext(C) and connecting all vertices of H to w. However, K is a subdivision of , hence this is a contradiction. u' u' K H P P v u u v P’ P’ v' v'
Lemma 2 (intermediate from old book of Bondy): If a bridge B has three vot, then there exists in and three paths in B joining to and respectively, such that for , and only have in common. (holds also for non-plane graphs). Case 2: B and B’ are equivalent 3-bridges. According to Lemma 2, there exists an as depicted in the figure. We add a vertex w as done in Case 1. H K 8
Case (ii): B and B’ are equivalent 3-bridges. The new graph K has to be planar since and we only added an edge that does not intersect. However, K is a subdivision of , hence this is a contradiction. K 9
Unique plane embeddings A non-seperating cycle has no chords and at most one non-trivial bridge. Theorem 4:A cycle in a simple 3-connected plane graph is a facial cycle iff it is nonseparating. Suppose that C is not a facial cycle. Then there must be an inner and outer bridge of C. G is simple, so no loops. The bridges are non-trivial or chords. Suppose C is a facial cycle. We may assume (from Lemma 3 in the appendix) that all bridges are inner bridges. From Theorem 2, they all avoid each other. If C has a chord xy, then {x,y} is a vertex cut. If C has two nontrivial bridges, they lie on a single segment of the other bridge and {x,y} is a vertex cut. Both contradict the 3-connectivity. 10
Unique plane embeddings Theorem 5:Every simple 3-connected planar graph has a unique planar embedding. By Theorem 4, the facial cycles are its non-separating cycles. The latter are defined in terms of the abstract structure of the graph, hence they are the same for every embedding. 11
Part 2: Kuratowski’s theorem A minor of a graph G is any graph obtainable by means of a sequence of vertex and edge deletions and edge contractions. By an F-minor of G, we mean a minor of G which is isomorphic to F. Every F-subdivision also has an F-minor. Why? Minor 12
Part 2: Kuratowski’s theorem Main Theorem: A graph is planar iff it contains no minor isomorphic to or Proposition 1: Minors of planar graphs are planar. Proposition 2 (Thomassen): Let G be a 3-connected graph with . Then G contains an edge e, such that, when contracting e (G\e), G is still 3-connected. Proposition 3: In a loopless 3-connected plane graph, the neighbors of any vertex lie on a common cycle. 13
Theorem 6: Every 3-connected nonplanar graph has a K-minor. Proof: We assume that G is simple and non-planar. For , all graphs are planar. Thus consider We proceed by induction on n. By Proposition 2, G contains an edge e, such that G\e is 3-connected. We assume by induction that if H is non-planar it as a K-minor. Any minor of H is a minor of G, hence G is non-planar. Thus, we assume H is planar. Consider an embedding of H. Denote by z the vertex formed by contracting e. By proposition 3, the neighbors of z lie on a cycle C, the boundary of a face f of . 14
Denote by and the bridges of C in G\e that contain x and y respectively. Case 1: and avoid each other. Then and can be embedded in the face f, such that x and y belong to the same face of the resulting plane graph. We can now add e and get a planar embedding of G, which is a contradiction. e 15
Case 2: and overlap. Thus according to Theorem 1, they are either skew or 3-equivalent. In both cases, by adding e, it is easy to see that G has a K-minor, which proves the main theorem. G has a minor G has a minor 16
Appendix Lemma 3 (intermediate): Let G be a planar graph and f a face in some embedding. Then G admits a planar embedding whose outer face has the same boundry as f. Planar Graphs