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Red, Yellow, Green: A Risk Assessment Model for Transition Programs

Red, Yellow, Green: A Risk Assessment Model for Transition Programs. November 2013. Agenda. Background Information WRU priorities Multiple attempts Risk Assessment Model Measures Parameters Activities Data Detectives Ideal Risk Assessment Model Implications Best Practices

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Red, Yellow, Green: A Risk Assessment Model for Transition Programs

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  1. Red, Yellow, Green:A Risk Assessment Model for Transition Programs November 2013

  2. Agenda Background Information WRU priorities Multiple attempts Risk Assessment Model Measures Parameters Activities Data Detectives Ideal Risk Assessment Model Implications Best Practices Technical Assistance

  3. Our Network 33 Providers • 14 LEAs • 10 Colleges • 5 CBOs • 3 FBOs • 1 Correctional Institution Over 200 Sites

  4. WorkReady U is all about Jobs! As a symbol of the new vision, the Louisiana adult education program has been re-named "WorkReady U." The WorkReady U vision is built on the notion of recasting the expectations of our most important natural resource - our people. The WorkReady U mission is to prepare our students with the skills necessary to compete for family sustainable employment. The 600,000 working age adults in Louisiana without a high school credential need an opportunity to obtain the skills necessary to achieve a better life.

  5. WorkReady U is all about Jobs! By placing the responsibility for adult education with the LCTCS, creating clear pathways into and through career and technical education programs that lead to life-sustaining jobs, Louisiana has radically changed its adult education delivery model and can now substantially increase the number of people who are part of the middle class. With a renewed set of expectations and a different culture, adult education in Louisiana is no longer just about obtaining your high school equivalency diploma, but acquiring the means to improved life circumstances resulting from gaining the skills that lead to a job providing a sustainable wage.

  6. 2013 Priorities Building on the Foundation

  7. Try, Try, Try Again! • Version 1 • August 2012 • % Benchmarks Met over 3 year period (EFL gains) • Visited all RED sites during fall semester (and new supervisors) • Virtual data session with all RED sites and new supervisors during spring semester • Version 2 • Upon receipt of FY 2013-14 continuation applications • Listed elements from application • Version 3 • Titled “WRU Priorities” • Spinoff of Version 2

  8. Try, Try, Try Again! Pathways Version • Version A • Enrollment Plan • Version B • Program Technical Assistance Needs • Version C (Current Model) • Louisiana Pathways

  9. Back to the Basics • Recruitment • New Targets • Retention • Students Services • Rigor • College & Career Readiness • Relevance • Opportunities

  10. Performance Targets“The Negotiation Process” Purpose -drive continuations improvement Process -past performance vs. future expectation Timeline -month of August Review -quarterly/enrollment cycle evaluation

  11. Today… • Negotiations • August • Targets set for the year • All programs received call • Check-ins • November • Quarter 1 data • All programs received email • Red – schedule a call • Yellow – suggest they schedule a call • Ask them specific questions in the email • Green – schedule a call if they’d like

  12. Red, Yellow, Green Recruitment Retention Rigor Relevance

  13. Quarter 1: Parameters Benchmark Attainment >=30% 20 % t0 <30% < 20% Pre/Post Testing Issues >=30% 20 % t0 <30% < 20% Target Population met >=30% 20 % t0 <30% < 20%

  14. Quarter 1: Other measures Professional Development Plans Louisiana Pathways: Train to Attain Scheduling

  15. Data Detectives Facts: 3 categories % EFL gains % Assessed outside policy % Target Population met Tips: End of QTR 1 (July 1-Sept 30) 25% of school year has passed Burning questions: How much error can we live with? Is it a data entry error or misunderstanding of policy? When is our biggest enrollment rush? Are they open in the summer?

  16. What Happened? Staff Changes Agency Changes Schedule Changes

  17. Data Health

  18. How can it be fixed? Training Observations Restructuring

  19. Regional Centers of Excellence • Regional Labor Market Areas • PD Hubs • Resource Centers • Mentors

  20. What would your Risk Assessment Model look like? • Focus Areas • Rating Chart

  21. What are the implications for the state? Best Practices Technical Assistance PD Planning

  22. The Louisiana of tomorrow It’s in our reach

  23. Contact information Adrienne Fontenot Director of Adult Education Academics AdrienneFontenot@lctcs.edu www.lctcs.edu/workready-u 225-308-4397

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