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Data Import

Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers. Data Import. Data Export. Tier 2. Network from CERN. Local institutes. Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers. Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups. Production

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Data Import

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  1. Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Network from CERN Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  2. WORKFLOW Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Export Data Import Tier 2 Network from CERN Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Experiment Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Groups Individual Physicists Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  3. DATAFLOW Robotic Mass Storage Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Central Disk Cache Network from CERN Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Local Disk Cache Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Local Disk Cache Tapes Tapes Local Disk Cache Desktops Local Disk Cache Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  4. Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Data Input Rate from CERN: Raw Data - 5% 50TB/yr ESD Data - 50% 50TB/yr AOD Data - All 10TB/yr Revised ESD - 20TB/yr Data Input from Tier 2: Revised ESD and AOD - 10TB/yr Data Input from Simulation Centers: Raw Data - 100TB/yr Tier 2 Network from CERN Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  5. Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Network from CERN Total Storage: Robotic Mass Storage - 300TB Raw Data: 50TB 5*10**7 events (5% of 1 year) Raw (Simulated) Data: 100TB 10**8 events EDS (Reconstructed Data): 100TB - 10**9 events (50% of 2 years) AOD (Physics Object) Data: 20TB 2*10**9 events (100% of 2 years) Tag Data: 2TB (all) Calibration/Conditions data base: 10TB (only latest version of most data types kept here) Central Disk Cache - 100TB (per user demand) CPU Required for AMS database servers: ??*10**3 SI95 power Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  6. Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Network from CERN Data Output Rate to CERN: AOD Data - 8 TB/yr Recalculated ESD - 10 TB/yr Simulation ESD data - 10 TB/yr Data Output to Tier 2: Revised ESD and AOD - 15 TB/yr Data Output to local institutes: ESD, AOD, DPD data - 20TB/yr Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  7. Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Network from CERN Local institutes Farms of low cost commodity computers, limited I/O rate, modest local disk cache ----------------------------------------------------- Reconstruction Jobs: Reprocessing of raw data: 10**8 events/year (10%) Initial processing of simulated data: 10**8/year 1000 SI95-sec/event ==> 10**4 SI95 capacity: 100 processing nodes of 100 SI95 power Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  8. Event Selection Jobs: 10 physics groups * 10**8 events (10%samples) * 3 times/yr based on ESD and latest AOD data 50 SI95/evt ==> 5000 SI95 power Physics Object creation Jobs: 10 physics groups * 10**7 events (1% samples) * 8 times/yr based on selected event sample ESD data 200 SI95/event ==> 5000 SI95 power Derived Physics data creation Jobs: 10 physics groups * 10**7 events * 20 times/yr based on selected AOD samples, generates “canonical” derived physics data 50 SI95/evt ==> 3000 SI95 power Total 110 nodes of 100 SI95 power Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Network from CERN Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  9. Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Network from CERN Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Derived Physics data creation Jobs: 200 physicists * 10**7 events * 20 times/yr based on selected AOD and DPD samples 20 SI95/evt ==> 30,000 SI95 power Total 300 nodes of 100 SI95 power Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

  10. Mass Storage & Disk Servers Database Servers Data Import Data Export Tier 2 Network from CERN Local institutes Network from Tier 2 and simulation centers Production Reconstruction Raw/Sim-->ESD Scheduled, predictable experiment/ physics groups Production Analysis ESD-->AOD AOD-->DPD Scheduled Physics groups Individual Analysis AOD-->DPD and plots Chaotic Physicists CERN Tapes Tapes Desktops Physics Software Development R&D Systems and Testbeds Info servers Code servers Web Servers Telepresence Servers Training Consulting Help Desk

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