1. Jairus’ Daughter A lesson in Humility
2. Jairus’ daughter
3. Mark 5:21-24 “a large crowd gathered around him” –
Jesus has become very popular. The people crowd around him wanting to be taught and to see him perform miracles.
Who was Jairus?
“a synagogue ruler” – respected public official – very religious – one of only a few Jewish leaders who followed Jesus
4. What did Jairus do when he saw Jesus? He fell at Jesus’ feet and pleaded with him
Jairus knew this man was powerful
He asked Jesus to come with him, put his hands on his sick daughter and heal her
6. Mark 5:24-34 What is meant by the fact that the crowd “pressed around him”?
They were literally “choking” him
Jesus had become very popular among the Jews
7. What is meant by the fact that the woman had “suffered a great deal” under the care of physicians?
She had this disease for 12 years
She had searched out many doctors, remedies, and cures
She had no money because of the expense of trying to find a cure
She was getting worse
8. Yikes!
9. Touching the hem
10. “Having heard of Jesus, she came up behind him in a crowd and touched him. Jewish custom was that a person with a disease would make anyone they touched “unclean”
She was taking a risk by being in a large crowd and bumping into people
She was desperate - she literally snuck up on Jesus
She had great faith – she wanted to just touch his clothes
11. “Daughter, your faith has healed you, go in peace and be free from your suffering.” Why does Jesus call her daughter?
Perhaps he is thinking of Jairus’ daughter (Jairus would have still been with him – Jesus could have been telling him that he would take care of his daughter)
Term of endearment – he is full of compassion for this woman
12. Mark 5:35-43 “Your daughter is dead – don’t bother Jesus anymore”
What is Jesus’ reaction to the news?
Ignored them
Told Jairus to “just believe” (he has just seen a great example of belief healing a “daughter”)
13. “He did not let anyone follow except Peter, James, John Why take these only?
Closest friends (inner circle)
Teaching them about love, compassion, humility
14. HUMILITY “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” V40 But they laughed at him. V43 He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this and told them to give her something to eat.”
15. HUMILITY Laughter would have been very unusual and offensive at the site of death
The Greek for “laughed at him” would suggest continual – it was not a one time event
“he put them out” – Jesus takes command of the situation and forcefully puts the others out
Jesus had opportunity to go and gloat – rub it in the face of those who laughed – but he orders them to keep quiet. HUMILITY
Luke – the doctor – tells of her wellness (not only that she is healed, but that she is able to walk around and even eat.
16. Ha Ha