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Cohort Change Analysis in Rural South Dakota Counties

Explore rural population changes and generational migration patterns in South Dakota counties, highlighting rural decline and resurgence.

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Cohort Change Analysis in Rural South Dakota Counties

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  1. Measuring Cohort Change in South Dakota CountiesEric Guthrie 2014 Applied Demography Conference San Antonio, Texas

  2. Rural Decline, the usual story…

  3. Rural Decline and Urbanization • The best and the most promising students go off to college or leave to pursue other interests, or join the military, and seldom return. • The plague of rural poverty and drug abuse has taken its toll on some of the most rural areas.

  4. Rural Population Rebound • The other story you may have heard is that of rural resurgence. • Vibrant communities and areas that are attracting people to a high quality way of life where there is a sense of community. • Population rebounds of the 1970s and 1990s.

  5. Research Question Is there a generational difference in the migration patterns in rural South Dakota?

  6. South Dakota Population Over Time

  7. South Dakota’s Rural/Urban Mix

  8. Beale Code Descriptions Metropolitan Counties Code Description 1 Counties in metro areas of 1 million population or more 2 Counties in metro areas of 250,000 to 1 million population 3* Counties in metro areas of fewer than 250,000 population Nonmetropolitan Counties 4 Urban population of 20,000 or more, adjacent to a metro area 5* Urban population of 20,000 or more, not adjacent to a metro area 6* Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, adjacent to a metro area 7* Urban population of 2,500 to 19,999, not adjacent to a metro area 8* Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, adjacent to a metro area 9* Completely rural or less than 2,500 urban population, not adjacent to a metro area

  9. South Dakota’s Rural/Urban Mix

  10. South Dakota Population by Beale Code

  11. Average Population by Beale Code

  12. How am I defining the generations

  13. Building the Generations • I used the data from the 9 decennial censuses that have occurred since 1930. • I made tables that put the generations together such that the population for one cohort was matched with the cohort ten years older in the following census. • I did this for each of South Dakota’s 66 counties.

  14. Building the Generations For example the 1930 generation was built my using the populations from the following cohorts:

  15. Calculating the Rates of Change • Fairly straight forward calculation for all of the cohorts for all of the counties in South Dakota first by sex then in total. P(X+10)-PX ______________ PX

  16. Results Is there a difference between the cohort change patterns for people currently between 30 & 40 (generation 1980) and 40 & 50 (generation 1970) and generations 1930 through 1960 in rural South Dakota?

  17. Counties with significant positive differences between older and younger Generations County Sig. Beale Aurora .001 9 Beadle .041 7 Brule .046 9 Butte .039 6 Campbell* .017 9 Clark .016 9 Deuel .019 9 Douglas .008 9 Edmunds .032 9 County Sig. Beale Faulk .049 9 Gregory .006 9 Hamlin .006 9 Hanson .002 8 Harding .030 9 Hutchinson .033 8 Jerauld .023 9 Kingsbury .026 9 Lincoln .001 3 County Sig. Beale Marshall .024 9 McCook .002 3 McPherson .048 9 Mellette .000 9 Turner .036 3 Union .007 3 Walworth* .031 7 Ziebach .007 8

  18. Results by Beale Code

  19. The results for the cohort in their 40s was less significant, but there are some. County Sig. Beale Beadle .000 7 Bon Homme† .050 9 Brown .003 5 Brule .045 9 Grant .006 7 Lincoln .038 3 Marshall .049 9 Perkins .042 8 Spink .003 9

  20. Some of the most significant results • Harding County

  21. Some of the most significant results • Butte County

  22. Thank you I could go on for quite a while, but that is all I have time for today. Thank you very much for the opportunity to present my research to you today. Are there any questions?

  23. General References Carr, P. J., & Kefalas, M. (2009). Hollowing out the middle : the rural brain drain and what it means for America. Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press Economic Research Service. (2013) 2013 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes. United States Department of Agriculture. Accessed on October 25, 2013. Retrieved from http://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/rural-urban-continuum-codes.aspx. Johnson, K. M., & Fuguitt, G. V. (2000). Continuity and Change in Rural Migration Patterns, 1950-1995. Rural Sociology, 65(1), 27-49. Michael McCurry, E. G., et al. (Forthcoming). Population Projections for South Dakota and its Counties. Reding, N. (2009). Methland : the death and life of an American small town (1st U.S. ed.). New York: Bloomsbury. Winchester, B. (2012). Continuing the Trend: The Brain Gain of the Newcomers. In M. V. Joyce Hoelting (Ed.), (pp. 23). Minnesota: Extension Center for Community Vitality.

  24. Census References US Census Bureau. (1930/2011). Census of Population and Housing. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Population Center Retrieved from http://www.nhgis.org. US Census Bureau. (1940/2011). Census of Population and Housing. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Population Center Retrieved from http://www.nhgis.org. US Census Bureau. (1950/2011). Census of Population and Housing. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Population Center Retrieved from http://www.nhgis.org. US Census Bureau. (1960/2011). Census of Population and Housing. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Population Center Retrieved from http://www.nhgis.org. US Census Bureau. (1980/2011). Census of Population and Housing. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Population Center Retrieved from http://www.nhgis.org. US Census Bureau. (1990/2011). Census of Population and Housing. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Population Center Retrieved from http://www.nhgis.org. US Census Bureau. (2000). Census of Population and Housing. Retrieved from http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_00_SF1_QTP1&prodType=table. US Census Bureau. (2010). Census of Population and Housing. Retrieved from http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?pid=DEC_10_SF1_QTP1&prodType=table.

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